Li Qingshan smiled, and the golden light rushed out from the side

On the corner of the island, the dark red sandy beach is particularly conspicuous.

Unlike other beaches,

The whole piece of sand has long been soaked in the blood of monsters, exuding an unpleasant smell.

On the boulder on the side, a few old students frowned and squatted, looking out at the sea.

They took the task and came to help the canteen "stock".

"Are there so few people going out to sea for actual combat today?"

A sturdy boy couldn't help complaining,

"If it goes on like this, I will be scolded by Master Cai again."

The companion next to him shook his head slightly,

"Don't worry, the corpse of the monster is not flying, where can it go?"

"This is the only landing point, and the bodies will float over eventually."

talking room,

An old man stood up abruptly and pointed to the sea.


Everyone got up and looked at,

I saw three monster corpses with a length of more than ten meters, slowly floating.

"It's a sixth-order monster, hurry up!"

The sturdy boy spoke quickly, jumped out one by one, and ran wildly on the sea.

Not to be outdone, the remaining few quickly followed.


A few people dragged the monster's body to the beach.

The stocky boy fanned his hand in front of his nose and couldn't wait to speak.

"Let's go, take these 'fish' back, you can deal with Master Cai."

The other people also nodded.

Staying here for a long time, they are almost vomited.

at this time,

"Wait, no, look at the sea water over there, is it turning red?"

A thin boy suddenly opened his mouth and pointed to the sea.

"The sea turns red? Are there still corpses?"

The sturdy boy turned his head to look,

There was indeed a pool of water that turned red in the distance.

But it was too far away for him to see clearly.

"Wait for me to see!"

Another old student jumped directly on the boulder to look around,

I saw that there was indeed a puddle of sea water with a radius of nearly XNUMX meters that was dyed red.

And in the middle of the blood-red sea,

A giant black shadow, fifty or sixty meters long, floated quietly.


He widened his eyes suddenly and screamed.

"It's a tooth shark!"


The people below were shocked.

The tooth shark is the top monster of the seventh order!

Two clever old students reacted first, rushing out of the sea and heading straight for the blood-red water.

After a while,

Several people worked together and finally lifted the corpse of the tooth shark to the beach.


The corpse of the monster fell to the ground,

Several people couldn't help but gag.


"Who made it? The taste is too heavy!"

"How did he think he even chopped all the internal organs into pieces?"

The old students complained constantly,

Suddenly, one of them interrupted.

"Let's say a few words, this is a tooth shark!"

"Without condensing the golden body of martial arts, it is impossible to kill!"

"Do you think who else will shoot?"

The rest of the people were stunned and frowned.

"That's not right! Qiao Gu and the others have all left school for an internship."

"There shouldn't be a top ten in the Tianjiao list in the school, right?"

In the top ten of the Tianjiao list, all of them have condensed the golden body of martial arts.

Mohai Wuda and Jingcheng Wuda each account for five.

And Qiao Gu, the pride of Mohai Wuda, is the No. XNUMX Tianjiao list in this session.

The old man who spoke before shook his head and said:

"It's Shenzhou!"

"I saw him the other day, and he went back to school."

"Shenzhou?" Several people were even more puzzled.

"Isn't he a clean freak? He can make the wound so vomit!"

Several people couldn't help retching again.

"Who knows? Hurry up and move!" The old man waved and urged.

"Master Cai will definitely be satisfied this time."

Several people worked together to lift the monster and were about to leave.


"The sea is even redder over there!"

The sharp-eyed old man screamed again.

Everyone turned their heads to look at it, and a dark shadow appeared in a vague way.

"And monster corpses?"

"Don't worry, it is estimated that Shenzhou will not stop for a while."

"Let's move the tooth shark back to the cafeteria first."

The leading old man opened his mouth to command, and everyone carried the corpse of the tooth shark and walked all the way to the cafeteria.

along the way,

All the students looked sideways, quite surprised.

The few 620 old students who carried the corpse no longer felt the smell was unpleasant, and all of them held their heads high.

The corpses of the seventh-order top monsters are not common.

After a while,

Several people came to the door of the warehouse behind the cafeteria and loosened their hands.


With a loud bang, the body fell to the ground.

Cai Heyue walked quickly from the back door of the cafeteria and said in surprise:

"Tooth shark?"

"The first ten days are back to school?"

"It's Shenzhou!"

"Master Cai, don't say more, Shenzhou's actual combat training has not stopped, and your warehouse may be full now."

The leading old student said with a smile, turned around and took his companions to the beach again.


Cai Heyue frowned and looked at the corpse, feeling that it didn't look like Shen Zhou killed it.

At this time, a gentle laughter sounded from not far away.

"Master Cai, long time no see."

Cai Heyue turned around and looked at the person who came.

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