From one kilometer, the sea is no longer calm, and there are occasional waves that keep rolling.

Figures and monster figures entangled endlessly, fighting fiercely.

"Actual combat training ground!"

After all, learning martial arts is to fight monsters,

Therefore, every martial arts university has an actual combat training ground.

Mohai Wuda also has it,

However, unlike other martial arts universities, Mohai martial arts university does not have a fixed space channel.

The actual monsters are all from the ocean.

The sea area around the island naturally became a training ground for actual combat.

And that's why he's here.


Li Qingshan's pupils shrank,

In the distance, a figure was fighting with two sixth-order sawtooth eels at the same time,

At this time, a head wrapped around his body, and his mouth was tightly bitten on his arm.

The other one attacked from the side, opened its mouth wide, and headed straight for the head.

Li Qingshan instinctively stepped forward,

But the next second, he stopped abruptly.

This is the actual combat training ground, and he doesn't need to be rescued.


At the moment when the teeth of the serrated eel touched the head,

The two serrated eels trembled at the same time, and their bodies went limp.

And the old student hugged the injured arm, smiled bitterly, and bowed in the direction of the island.

Li Qingshan glanced at his feet and smiled slightly.

"The power of the principal is everywhere!"

The surrounding sea area is completely under the subconscious control of the principal Long Pan.

Start at one kilometer and go all the way to the edge of ten kilometers.

All monsters are selected by the principal.

All practical training is also carried out under the "monitoring" of the principal's subconscious mind.

It's okay to be injured,

But there will never be a student who will die in the mouth of the monster.

So, every student who comes here,

You can do your best to fight the monsters.

This is the actual training ground of Mohai Wuda, the biggest difference.

Even many Beijing martial arts college students are envious.

"There are endless monsters in the open sea, it is simply a treasure land for cultivation!"

Li Qingshan's eyes brightened, his footsteps were light, and his body flew towards the sea.

Along the way, there are old students galloping on the sea.

Regardless of whether they knew Li Qingshan or not, they all cast envious glances.

After all, flying is for the Grandmaster.

Li Qingshan didn't stop and flew straight out.

As you move away from the coast, there are fewer and fewer students fighting around.

At five kilometers,

Even if you look from afar, you can only see one or two people occasionally.

"A seventh-order monster?"

Starting from five kilometers, the actual combat target is the seventh-order monster.

Li Qingshan glanced at the sea under his feet and continued to fly out.

He came to practice,

With Feijian Wuming, there is no need to worry too much.

until the edge of ten kilometers,

Only then did Li Qingshan stop.


There was nothing around except the endless sea.

"It seems that the veterans of the Tianjiao list are not in this direction."

The actual combat training ground is centered on the island, covering a ten-kilometer sea area, with a huge range.

His position is just a small point.

Li Qingshan's thoughts moved, and the flying sword sprang out from the ring, surrounding his body, trembling non-stop.

Underfoot the sea is still calm,

But Li Qingshan was not in a hurry, just waited quietly.

ten minutes later,

A small vortex suddenly appeared under my feet,

Under the sea, a huge shadow slowly rises.

The whirlpool continued to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Next second,


A huge mouth of the abyss jumped out of the water,

The open mouth is more than ten meters wide.

The teeth are as sharp as a mountain of knives, flashing with a cold light.

"The seventh-order top monster, the tooth shark!"

The big mouth is coming,

Instead, Li Qingshan raised the corner of his mouth, showing a satisfied smile.

The golden light flying beside it was fleeting.

When it reappears,

Row after row of monster teeth have been smashed, and they went straight to the top of the skull.


The giant waves turned up,

The tooth shark trembled, and its entire body floated up from the sea.

Above his head, a golden light pierced his skull and returned to Li Qingshan's side.

"It's time to start!"

Li Qingshan moved and came directly above the tooth shark.

The sword was transported, and a giant wound ten meters long was cut in its abdomen.

In an instant, the internal organs rolled out, and the stench filled the surroundings.

Li Qingshan frowned.

"The principal's method seems a little perverted."

At this moment,

Only then did he realize that the sentence "using the monster's heart" on the note was an understatement.

But no matter how disgusting you are, you have to practice.

Li Qingshan held his breath and endured the discomfort.

A dodge, directly broke into the monster through the wound.

The monster has no vision in its body,

Around Mohai Wuda, spiritual consciousness cannot be used.

Li Qingshan could only rely on the sense of qi and blood to find the location of his heart.

Feijian opened the way ahead, and the internal organs that blocked the way were turned into pieces.

After a while

Li Qingshan's body was already covered with greasy blood.

Ahead, a "fire source" appeared in his induction.

Li Qingshan stretched out his hand and placed it on his heart, which was as tall as a person.

Feeling the heat coming from the palm of my hand, the corners of my mouth slowly twitched.

"Next, it depends on whether the principal's method works."

After the monster died, the blood began to drain continuously, and he had to hurry up.

A thought moved,

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