Li Qingshan's eyes flashed,

He didn't really want to be as big as the headmaster.

The so-called "swallowing monsters" is only to absorb blood.

The principal was also a normal martial artist at first, and he must not be able to "swallow" monsters.

Where did the headmaster's initial increase in qi and blood come from?

"The principal must have a way to absorb qi and blood!"

Li Qingshan's footsteps are faster,

"Even if there are only 'clues', it is enough to give me a little inspiration." County.

Chapter XNUMX Astray?

Walk quickly all the way into the main building,

Li Qingshan turned to the right and went straight to the depths of the aisle.

After a while

A gate blocked the entire aisle, blocking the way.

"Magic Sea Wuda Library"

Although the library is also in the main building, it is not as simple as occupying several classrooms.

Instead it is more like a separate building embedded in the main building.

More than a dozen classrooms on the right side of the main building are covered by it, and the six floors are connected up and down, and the stairs are also built separately.

It stores all kinds of massive data collected in the four years since the establishment of Mohai Wuda.

Li Qingshan gently opened the door and walked in.

There are many people in the library, but it is very quiet.

Most of the students were holding materials and looking at them by the window.

His arrival did not attract much attention.

However, a few familiar old students cast a surprised look.

Li Qingshan ignored it, walked directly to the counter at the door, picked up a catalog and read it.

The general distribution of the information is recorded on the catalog, which is convenient for students to find.

"Huh? No?"

Li Qingshan frowned slightly.

The information in the library can be said to be very complete.

Right, the name of the "Holy Land of Martial Arts" of Qi Mo Haiwu University.

However, there was no information he was looking for.

Turning 620 from the beginning to the end, not only did I not see the information related to the principal,

Not even a single record of a "pioneer".

no way,

Li Qingshan could only approach the counter and look at the senior sister on duty inside.

"Senpai, are there any notes or writings left by the principal in the library?"


The girl raised her head from the book, and there was a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"Do you want to see the information left by the principal?"

She shook her head slightly, pointing to the top of her head.

"The principal is the pioneer, and all the materials related to the pioneer are on the sixth floor."

"However, you must have a mentor's approval note to enter."

"Is the instructor's approval note? Thank you, Senior Sister!"

Li Qingshan nodded lightly, walked out of the library, and turned to the stairs not far from the door.

The tutor's office is on the fifteenth floor,

Stairs or elevators make no difference to him.

"Which tutor should I find?"

Li Qingshan kept walking, his mind turned.

"Mengzhu mentor definitely can't."

"The last time I was looking for ways to strengthen the 'human door', I was warned."

"If I let her see my current three-door body"

Li Qingshan shook his head, a little helpless.

Can't let him explain to Teacher Mengzhu "Three flowers on the top, Jindan nine turns"?

"The other instructors who teach sixth-order martial arts knowledge can't be found either."

"It is estimated that Mentor Mengzhu got the news from them last time."

After thinking about it,

Li Qingshan suddenly discovered,

There is only one mentor left that he knows now.

Marquis of Hanhai, Xu Zhan.

"Go find Han Haihou!"

make up one's mind,

Li Qingshan quickened his pace.

On reaching the 12th floor,

He moved his ears slightly, paused, held his breath, and tried to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible.


A burst of high-heeled shoes sounded from above.

Finally, there was the sound of the elevator closing.


Li Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head with a wry smile, and rushed up to the 15th floor.

Looking at the elevator going down, his expression became even more helpless.

"Forget it, hide if you can!"

"Mengzhu mentor's sense of responsibility is too strong"

look back,

Li Qingshan turned around and walked into the aisle,

On both sides of the aisle are the tutor's offices.

At Mohai Wuda, all mentors have separate offices.

Outside the door of the office, the title of the tutor is hung.

"I don't know if Han Haihou is there?"

Li Qingshan locked an office in the middle and walked quickly.

Just got to the door,

"Come in!" A voice came from inside.

Li Qingshan smiled and pushed the door in.

"I have seen Hou Ye!"

"Why are you free to come to me today?"

Xu Zhan got up with a smile, picked up the cup, and poured a glass of water for Li Qingshan.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Li Qingshan took the cup and said:

"I want to ask Lord Hou for an approval note. Go to the sixth floor of the library to have a look."

"Are you going to the sixth floor?"

Xu Zhan paused slightly and said in surprise:

"You want to consult the information left by the pioneers?"

"Master Hou, are you embarrassed?" Li Qingshan asked suspiciously.

"It's not that hard to do." Xu Zhan waved his hand and explained:

"Those materials are placed in the library, and they were originally for you to see."

"I can give you the approval note, but"

Xu Zhan tore off a note from his desk, signed his name, and handed it to Li Qingshan.

"You have to remember that the information is only for you to check and compare, remember not to go astray."

"Wrong way?" Li Qingshan was slightly taken aback.

"Yes, astray!"

Xu Zhan sighed softly, his eyes sighed with emotion.

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