In front of a small courtyard, Li Qingshan stopped.

This is his dormitory.

Zhong Ningyu also stopped and asked:

"What class are you going to take tomorrow?"

When she first arrived, she naturally wanted to follow Li Qingshan all the way.

"In the martial arts knowledge class, I want to know more about the 'three doors of the flesh'."

Li Qingshan saw what she was thinking at a glance, and shook his head gently.

"Our progress is different, choose a course that suits you!"

The courses he wants to take are not suitable for freshmen.

"Okay!" Zhong Ningyu nodded helplessly and left.

Her dormitory is also not far away.

Li Qingshan directly took out the key and opened the courtyard door.

The courtyard is simple and spacious,

Apparently it's for training.

Across the courtyard is a two-story building.

Open the sliding door,

What catches the eye is a spacious living room.

The decoration of the living room is quite modern, and all kinds of machines needed for life are also readily available.

Li Qingshan walked directly to the computer and sat down, logged into the Mohai Wuda intranet, and began to check the course schedule.

The screen flashes and the mouse wheel slides.

After a while

Li Qingshan found the target.

"Marquis of Chihai, Xiong Mengzhu, at nine in the morning, classroom 307."

"Martial Dao knowledge class, mainly about how to break through the seventh order, can answer all kinds of related questions."

After writing down the time and place of the class,

Li Qingshan turned off the computer, came to the center of the living room, sat cross-legged, and ran the "Longevity Canon".

Cultivation in the Peiyuan period focuses on the accumulation of true essence, and one cannot relax for a day.

At the same time, he also wanted to use the vision of aura during cultivation to see how much the surrounding aura was.

After going to the island, he never used his spiritual sense again.

Therefore, 607 could not find out the concentration of the surrounding spiritual energy.

But the island is now deep in the open sea,

Aura must be much more than Mohai City.


The sound of the waves entered his ears, and the vision of aura appeared.

An endless blue sea.

After Qinghuijie,

Li Qingshan saw the ocean of spiritual energy again,

And this time, at Blue Star!

"The situation in the outer sea is more severe than expected!"

Li Qingshan sighed in his heart, mixed with joy and sorrow.

Being able to practice better is naturally a good thing.

But Blue Star's aura all came from the space channel.

The ocean of spiritual energy in front of him is enough to prove it.

I don't know how many giant space channels are hidden in the deep sea.

"However, with the ocean of spiritual energy, the progress of cultivating Yuanjing can be accelerated a lot."

Li Qingshan suppressed the distracting thoughts in his head and continued to run "The True Canon of Longevity".

The "sea water" flowing around suddenly stagnates,

Immediately afterward, it rushed into his body.

The "sea water" farther away also rushed in immediately, filling the gap.

In the blink of an eye, in the sea of ​​spiritual energy,

A vortex of terror takes shape.

Chapter XNUMX Heaven, Earth, Man!

The next day, early morning.

In the bedroom on the second floor,

Li Qingshan opened his eyes, retrieved the space ring from his mouth, and put it on again.

A thought moved,

An antique invitation card with exquisite patterns appeared in his hand.

"A month later, it's uphill!"

Li Qingshan whispered to himself while whirling on the edge of the invitation.

this invitation,

It was at Qinghui Realm last night that Lu Yushan personally came to Misty Peak and delivered it to him.

Wu Shengwei, the great elder of the inner door, invited him to go to the main mountain to observe the ceremony a month later.

"After a year, the Great Elder is finally about to break through."

Li Qingshan laughed,

I remember a year ago,

At the entrance ceremony, Wu Shengwei said "The old man is about to rise from the mountain".

Unexpectedly, the wait is a year.

"No, it should be called Senior Brother Wu in the future."

Li Qingshan shook his head lightly with a smile.

Wu Shengwei's breakthrough will naturally lead to his resignation as the Great Elder.

He should change his name too.

Wu Shengwei is different from ordinary inner door elders.

Also as a disciple of Sect Master Li Changsheng,

Although the talent is not as good as Yin Han, it is definitely the top one.

As the inner door elder, it is just for experience.

It's still a month after rising from the mountain,

Li Qingshan suppressed his thoughts and put away the invitation.

The next second, a pitch-black elixir appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Xuanheng also Jingdan"

Without hesitation, the medicinal pill was directly put into the mouth.

Li Qingshan closed his eyes and began to mobilize his true essence to digest.

Soon, blood and blood flowed, and white mist evaporated from the top of the head.

After half an hour,

Qi and blood gradually calmed down, Li Qingshan opened his eyes.

"It only increased about 120 points of qi and blood, and the effect began to weaken."

"But it's almost 75 qi and blood. In another month, it should be 1 o'clock."

Xuanheng also has a strong medicinal effect,

He basically maintained the rhythm of swallowing one a day.

in a month,

Qi and blood increased to about 75, and there were more than forty medicinal pills left in the ring.

Enough for him to rise to the top of the sixth order.

It's seven o'clock,

Li Qingshan tidied up a little, went into the bathroom to rinse, and walked out of the courtyard.

After going out,

Instead of walking towards the main building in the center of the island, he walked along the beach.

The class doesn't start until nine o'clock, it's still early,

Li Qingshan wanted to take this opportunity to see the scenery of the sea.

But after looking all the way, he shook his head helplessly.

Under the premise that the spiritual sense cannot be used,

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