more importantly,

He can break Lu's monopoly and open up sales for his mall.

"By the way, there is also this mysterious method."

Nan Zhengyang looked around the warehouse for a week,

A touch of awe rose from the bottom of his eyes.

Chapter XNUMX Him!

"It's time to find a place to make alchemy."

Li Qingshan carried his hands on his back and shuttled through the magic sea.

But after turning around, I still didn't find a suitable place for alchemy.

Two kinds of monsters, a sixth-order and a seventh-order, are at least tens of meters in length.

One refining, it is necessary to put both ends at the same time.

Couldn't find a suitable container at all.


Even if you customize a "pot" big enough,

He couldn't find a suitable fire source either.

"No, there is a place that just fits!"

Li Qingshan's eyes lit up, the next step has already stepped on the air,

Fly quickly to the sea.

Moments later, the edge of the inland sea.

Li Qingshan stopped and looked at the island under his feet.

The center of the island is uplifted high, and the dark red magma inside is slowly surging.

From time to time bubbles popped up from the surface of the magma and burst.

A strong smell of sulphur filled the air.

This is a volcanic island!

It was what he had seen in cruise publications before.

"True Yuan can act as a container, and the temperature of the ground fire is enough."

Li Qingshan nodded lightly and landed on the edge of the crater.

Massive amounts of True Essence continued to pour out of the body and spread over the entire magma surface.

When the magma came into contact with the true essence, it quickly and violently churned, and countless sparks splashed.

But under the shroud of true essence,

A layer of invisible barrier blocks the sky, just like the bottom of a pot.

With a wave of the right hand,

Two behemoths fell into the crater and stopped steadily above the 607 magma.

Li Qingshan took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes.

The flying sword quickly rushed towards the monster's corpse, flashing rapidly.

puff puff!

But in the blink of an eye,

Feijian returned to his side, hovering and trembling, and there was no trace of blood on the sword.

But inside the crater,

The fishy smell fills the air, and the sea of ​​blood is full of waves.

From time to time, corpses floated up and down in the sea of ​​blood.

"Five internal organs can't be broken!"

Li Qingshan said in a low voice,

Spiritual consciousness quickly penetrated into the sea of ​​blood and locked the five internal organs of the two monsters.

A trace of true essence drilled out from the "bottom of the pot" and wrapped it separately.

done everything,

Li Qingshan's thoughts moved, and Zhen Yuan stabbed down sharply.


The magma surged high, encasing the entire "sea of ​​blood".

Dark red magma hangs on the outer wall, like a giant pill furnace.

Inside the Dan furnace,

The blood mist rises and rolls,

The five internal organs of the monster were wrapped in real essence and slowly melted into a black liquid.

Over time, all the internal organs melted.

Li Qingshan's eyes narrowed,

Use true essence to gather all the black liquid, gather it into a spherical shape, and lift it to the center of the blood mist.

The churning blood mist suddenly stagnates,

Next second,

All the blood mist retracted and poured into the black ball.

The black ball is also getting smaller and smaller.

"Dan Cheng!"

Li Qingshan let out a light drink, shaking the magma.

A pitch-black elixir flew into his hand from the crater.

"Xuanheng is still a fine pill!"

Li Qingshan smiled slightly and threw the medicinal pill directly into his mouth.

With his experience in alchemy, it is naturally impossible to make mistakes.

Now is the time to test the effect.

medicine pill entrance,

True Yuan stabbed lightly.

In an instant, the entire pill turned into a dark red blood mist.

The blood mist directly penetrated the gaps in the body, scattered all over the body, and merged into every trace of qi and blood.

Mixed with dark golden blood, nourished by the blood mist,

Gradually grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The white mist began to evaporate overhead,

Muscle meridians are also beating under the skin.

After half an hour,

Li Qingshan slowly opened his eyes and smiled.

There is spirituality,

Even if he didn't use a blood tester, he could make an estimate.

"Around 150 qi and blood, the effect is even higher than the one described in the pill recipe."

"However, this is also the first time I take it."

Li Qingshan calmed his mind and looked at the crater, and two behemoths were thrown out again.

Start the second refining

In the city of Demon Sea, the Rift Whale Guild Building.

"Waste, is it so difficult to find someone?"

Daniel scolded angrily and waved his men out of the office.

This morning, he had received a reply from the headquarters.

The Empire asked him to keep an eye on Li Qingshan's movements and collect as much information as possible.

Daniel was very happy to hear that the headquarters didn't make him attack Li Qingshan.

So, everyone was sent out early in the morning.

But Li Qingshan seemed to have disappeared out of thin air,

They didn't even find a root hair.

"I don't believe it, he can really disappear!"

Daniel clenched his fists.

However, the truth was far crueler than he imagined.

until the end of August,

Their Rift Whale Guild still found nothing.

September XNUMXst,

A figure rushed into Daniel's office in a hurry.

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