Rather, it was to prepare the new Monster Beast Elixir before entering Wuhan University.

The three doors of the physical body are the difficulty to advance to the seventh rank.

But at least the blood must be raised to 8 or more before reaching this difficulty.

At this time, his qi and blood were less than 4.

It must be upgraded as soon as possible.

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty-Fifth: Mysterious Feather Returns Essence Pill

downtown magic sea,

Lanhai Pavilion, in the box on the top floor.

At the dinner table, the plates are all empty.

Li Qingshan took a sip from the teacup and laughed.

"Thank you Manager Nan for your hospitality."

"Where, where, I want to thank Mr. Li for his face."

Nan Zhengyang quickly declined.

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed, no longer polite, and cut to the point directly.

"Manager Nan, I don't know how the supply of Nan's shopping malls in the magic sea is?"

From the sixth-order 3 qi and blood to the seventh-order 1 qi and blood,

If there is no external assistance, it must be an extremely long accumulation process.

Bluestar also has special agents for this stage.

Just in terms of effect, it is far better than the ancient Qinghui world.

However, there is only one ancient pill recipe that Li Qingshan can use.

"Xuanheng also Jingdan"

Like Dragon Tiger Dan,

The refining of "Mysterious Female Returning Essence Pill" also requires two types of monster corpses.

They are the sixth-order monster "Bearskin Yellow Leaf Python" and the seventh-order monster "Xuanze Red Sand Turtle".

The former is okay to say, even when he guarded the space passage, he killed a few heads.

But "Xuanze Red Sand Turtle" is not easy to find.

Not only because the seventh-order monsters are not easy to meet,

More importantly, the "Xuanze Red Sand Turtle" lives in the sea.

This is also the reason why Li Qingshan chose to come to Mohai to refine the medicinal pills in advance.

"Supply? It's alright!"

For the first time, an embarrassed look appeared on Nan Zhengyang's face.

Half of the reason why he came to Devil Sea was because of Li Qingshan,

the other half,

It is because the Nanshi shopping mall in the magic sea has been squeezed to the point of being unable to survive.

But it was Li Qingshan who spoke in front of him.

Nan Zhengyang still gritted his teeth and assured:

"Whatever Mr. Li needs, just say it!"

"My Nanshi will do my best to do it for you!"

"Manager Nan is serious." Li Qingshan shook his head gently.

"All I want are the corpses of two monsters."

"'Bearskin Yellow-leaf Python' and 'Xuanze Red Sand Turtle', each with eighty heads."

Xuanze also has essence pills, one of which increases at least 1 qi and blood.

Prepare seven or eighty, enough.

"So many!" Nan Zhengyang clicked his tongue, his eyes wandering.

Li Qingshan had already seen his embarrassment and spoke directly.

"Manager Nan, speak up!"

Nan Zhengyang no longer hesitated and explained:

"Actually, the 'bearskin yellow-leaf python' is easy to handle. I can transfer the goods from other cities."

"It's just that this 'Xuanze Red Sand Turtle' is only sold in the Lu's mall in the entire magic sea."

"Lushi?" Li Qingshan frowned slightly.

Nan Zhengyang smiled bitterly,

"Yes, and Lu's stock is not much, I'm afraid it will fall far short of your requirements."

"Is the 'Xuanze Red Sand Turtle' very rare?" Li Qingshan's brows furrowed even deeper.

Xuanze red sand turtle is not strong in the seventh order.

"'Xuanze red sand turtles' live in groups and are not rare, but their gathering places are hard to find."

"As for the Lu family, it is said that they mastered a gathering place many years ago."

Having said that, Nan Zhengyang shook his head and sighed.

"However, they haven't had a good time recently. I heard that mercenaries are eyeing them."

"Mercenaries? Foreigners?" Li Qingshan raised his eyebrows.

There is no such profession as a mercenary in the Dragon Kingdom.

"That's right!" Nan Zhengyang nodded.

"There are many mercenary organizations in Mohai, and they are extremely powerful."

"Their main task is to protect merchant ships across the ocean, but it's not uncommon for them to be bad, and occasional guest pirates are not uncommon."

"Of course, their activities in the Dragon Country are limited to the Demon Sea."

Li Qingshan nodded,

As a bridge connecting the Dragon Kingdom and other continents, Mohai City,

Indeed, there are many differences from other cities he has seen.

He got up and walked to the window, overlooking the vast ocean in the distance.

"Manager Nan, 'Bearskin Yellow Leaf Python', I'll trouble you to prepare."

"As for the 'Xuanze Red Sand Turtle', I will find a way myself."

Lu's shopping mall, still have to go.

It really doesn't work, so I go out to sea to hunt alone.

Have a spiritual sense to explore the way,

It has many advantages over other warriors.

After Nan Zhengyang agreed, he immediately left and started to mobilize Nan's supply.

Li Qingshan also walked out of the hotel and went to Lu's shopping mall.

After half an hour,

The western suburb of Magic Sea City.

Li Qingshan stopped in front of a huge building complex.

The Lu's Martial Artist mall in front of him was far bigger than any mall he had ever seen.

It covers an area of ​​dozens of square kilometers, which is equivalent to a dozen large communities.

Li Qingshan walked to the front door, and his spiritual consciousness poured out and spread out to the surroundings.

Soon, the structure of the entire mall came to mind.

The real shopping mall has only a single building in front of it.

The many buildings in the back are basically warehouses.

Various weapons and potions are stacked like mountains,

However, the most occupied area is the corpse of the monster.

Soon, he found his target.

Xuanze red sand turtle!

"Only three heads?"

Li Qingshan frowned.

The number was a bit lower than he expected.

But if you can buy one, it counts as one.

Li Qingshan still walked into the mall,

inside the mall,

There are many visitors, and there are even many foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes.

Li Qingshan walked all the way, walked straight to the innermost office, and knocked on the door.

This is the manager's office.

The corpses of high-level monsters are huge, and they will not be placed on the counter.

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