King Shengchuan turned his head coldly,

The person who came was his junior brother, the Marquis of Shengjiang.

Marquis Shengjiang was stared at and his scalp was numb, but he still held up his mobile phone and handed it out.

"Senior brother, in any case, answer the call first."

The phone was still ringing, and the name flashed on the screen.

【Sun Eclipse King】

King Shengchuan resisted his anger and answered the phone.

"Li Chuan, don't fall for the trick, the Marquis of Jingshan may have broken through."

"Breakthrough? Haha!"

King Shengchuan sneered.

"Even if he is really the king of nine forgings, can he be sure of me?"

The voice on the phone sank.

"Don't get carried away with anger, don't you understand"


The phone is broken.

King Shengchuan disappeared in place.

Saint Jianghou looked at the debris on the ground, shook his head and sighed.



The thunder exploded,

Countless people in the capital were awakened.

go to the window,

I saw rolling thunderclouds, obscuring the moonlight, and heading southwest.

In the martial arts conference camp,

The three figures raised their heads at the same time and looked to the southwest.

King Hirayama frowned.

Prince Wu'an and Marquis Hanhai raised the corners of their mouths, revealing a hint of smile.

Forest Province, the deep valley of the Wushu Association.

Xin Menghan and many directors have withdrawn,

They took Yu Huang's body and prepared for the funeral.

Of the four vice presidents, one had both broken arms and calves, and was taken away for treatment.

The other two with less serious injuries went to the city center together and continued to sit in town.

In the deep valley, only Li Qingshan and Jiang Yunxiu were left.

The roaring fire gradually faded away,

The mound of corpses burned.

Li Qingshan sat cross-legged on the edge of the platform, and his spiritual sense penetrated into the ground.

Watching the breakthrough of the Marquis of Jingshan was also a rare experience for him.

more importantly,

The process of Jingshan Hou's breakthrough is exactly the same as the description in "Golden Body of Ten Thousand Tribulations".

This made Li Qingshan even more interested.

"Golden Body of Ten Thousand Tribulations" is the real ancient top-level body training method.

If you can't find it now, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future.

The more experience you have, the better you can prepare for the future.

Spiritual consciousness soon penetrated XNUMX meters underground,

The cement hut is in sight.

However, Li Qingshan was afraid of disturbing the breakthrough of Jingshan Hou, so he did not continue to explore the hut.

Just wrap it around with spiritual consciousness and observe quietly.

Time passed little by little,

The moon also moved overhead, slowly setting to the west.

platform side,

Li Qingshan and Jiang Yunxiu both sat cross-legged and closed their eyes.


There was a hint of joy on Li Qingshan's face.


XNUMX meters underground,

The surface of the cement hut began to crack.

The golden light suddenly penetrated the crack and shone out.

Spiritual consciousness touches golden light,

Li Qingshan only felt that it was as majestic and heavy as facing a vast mountain.

Wherever the golden light goes, spiritual consciousness automatically disintegrates.

Over time, more and more cracks appeared.

Countless golden lights penetrated the cracks and illuminated the ground.

Li Qingshan's spiritual consciousness has retreated to fifty meters underground.

Only through the gap of golden light, I could see the cement wall gradually melt away.


All the walls are gone,

A golden figure appeared.

A more dazzling golden light leaked out, instantly swept away his spiritual consciousness.

Li Qingshan shook slightly,

Jiang Yunxiu immediately reached out to support it and said with concern:

"what happened?"


Li Qingshan shook his head, smiled, and looked at the ground.

"Master Hou broke through."

"Breakthrough?" Jiang Yunxiu bowed her head in doubt.

The platform was covered with dark red blood, as usual.

at this time,

She narrowed her eyes, and a dazzling golden light shone from under her feet.

not just feet,

The entire deep valley floor was pierced by golden light.

In an instant, the ground seemed to be covered with golden bricks.

The golden light illuminates the deep valley and soars into the sky.

Jinguang and Haoyue compete for glory! .

Chapter XNUMX Nine forging?Doomsday?

Li Qingshan and Jiang Yunxiu stood in the deep valley,

As far as the eye can see, it is bright golden light.

Time passed by little by little, but Jin Guang did not lose the slightest bit.

"Looks like we'll have to wait."

The two looked at each other and smiled, sitting cross-legged, bathed in golden light.

beyond the deep valley,

Countless martial arts practitioners walked out of the door and looked up at the sky.

Tears of excitement left in the corners of his eyes.

"Master Hou!"

In the outskirts of Bincheng, in the office of the martial artist mall.

Ding Ding Ding!

the phone rings,

【Southern Business】

Nan Zhengyang squeezed his eyebrows and answered the phone.

As soon as it was connected, there was a burst of anxious inquiry from the receiver.

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