"I believe that your martial arts association has its own rules."

"it is good!"

King Wu'an's expression softened a little.

The Wushu Association has its own constitution,

If Li Wuji dared to cross the line, he would have reason to intervene.

King Hirayama still had a calm face.

The scene fell silent,

Xu Zhan glanced at the two of them and slowly shook his head.

Compared to Li Wuji, he cares more about another person.

"King Wu'an, did the Marquis of Jingshan fail to break through?"


King Wu'an opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say, and in the end he could only sigh helplessly.

"Hope, the old guy's life is hard enough!"

In the history of Blue Star,

There are very few people who can make nine forgings to seal the king.

There is no experience to learn from.

Just judging from the previous eight forging breakthroughs, at most two weeks are enough.

And now,

It's been a whole month

"Dare to break the eight-forged golden body, courage is commendable."

King Pingshan turned to look at Xu Zhan, shook his head and said:

"However, it is not so easy to seal the king of nine forgings."

"You can do it yourself."


King Pingshan left directly,

King Wu An also walked out of the building.

The Marquis of Hanhai Xu Zhan stood there, silent.

He is also an eight-forged golden body,

He has the same ambition as Jingshanhou.

But now,

The Marquis of Jingshan failed,

For him, it was like a blow to the head.

"Is it really that difficult to seal the king of nine forgings?"

In the middle of the night, the bright moon is in the sky.

A dark cloud came suddenly, blocking the moonlight.

the sky is darker

Early in the morning, it was not yet dawn.

Ten miles from the camp,

A dozen figures floated up and disappeared into the woods.

inside the camp,

The battle continues,

Today is the last day to fight.

Lin Province dormitory,


As soon as the phone rang, it disconnected.

Li Qingshan picked up the phone and looked at the screen.

【Xin Menghan】

He raised his eyebrows and called back.

"Hey, Sister Menghan, what's the matter?"

"Yes, I'm going to play tomorrow."

"Don't worry, you will definitely win the championship."

Li Qingshan smiled and hung up the phone.

Lin Province, in the deep valley.

Xin Menghan hung up the phone and frowned slightly.

"Teacher, why didn't you tell Li Qingshan?"

"We're all fine, and the headquarters has also sent someone, why bother him?"

Jiang Yunxiu smiled and shook her head, releasing the hand on Xin Menghan's shoulder.

She stopped the first call just now.

"Cough cough!"

After coughing for a while, blood flowed from the corners of the mouth,

Jiang Yunxiu's face paled even more.

The other three vice presidents were also not much better.

Xin Menghan was worried and helped the teacher up.

"¨〃Teacher, it's time for you to rest!"

"hold on!"

Jiang Yunxiu raised her hand to stop it, saying:

"People from headquarters are coming."

"We can leave when he comes."

The time will soon come to the afternoon,

Outside the camp, in the woods.

The figure who waited for a day gradually became impatient.

inside the camp,

It's the last round of battle.

In addition to the magic sea TV station, who was still guarding the door of the Linxing dormitory,

The rest of the reporters gathered around the playground.

Dormitory in Rong Binh Province,

The TV screen suddenly lights up with a call request.

on the sofa,

Everyone's face was straight,

He Yushan pressed the switch button.

Qiyin Hou frowned slightly and looked at a few people.

"What's the matter, Li Qingshan hasn't left the dormitory today?"

"Li Qingshan is out of the dormitory?"

Everyone is astonished,

Li Qingshan has been in retreat for a few days, isn't it normal that he hasn't left the dormitory?

"You don't know?" Marquis Choyin's expression moved slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"It seems that someone deliberately blocked the news!"

He Yushan looked bewildered and said cautiously:

"Master Hou, what's the news?"

"There was an accident in Lin Sheng, and all the vice presidents were seriously injured. The acting president sent by the Wushu Association happened to be the son of King Shengchuan."

Marquis Eclipse shook the glass and chuckled lightly:

"Hehe, what do you think Li Qingshan would react if he found out?"

"Find a way to reveal this news to Li Qingshan!"

Everyone just wanted to nod,

He Yushan seemed to suddenly think of something, and his expression changed.

at this time,

"thank you, I know now!"

The sound was like a cold wind, blowing into the living room, causing everyone to shiver.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of the TV screen.

"Li Qingshan!" Choyin Hou's right hand trembled, and the red wine spilled.

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