Then there was a huge roar.


The giant tester trembled wildly,

Far beyond Zhuang Ya's previous movements.

Looking at the surging bright red numbers,

Everyone was stunned.

"how is this possible?"

"How could Li Qingshan be so strong?"

The red numbers are still beating wildly,


But in the blink of an eye,

The combat power surpassed Zhuang Ya, and there was no sign of stagnation.


The combat power exceeds the master line,

this moment,

All the audience's brains are empty, and they can only stare at the screen.

The numbers are still going up!

Time seems to slow down at this moment.

Between heaven and earth, only that string of beating numbers is left.

at last,

The numbers beat slowly and stagnantly.

After the high stage, the giant screen is on the bar.

All names are down one line,

blank first line,

The handwriting slowly appeared.

[Li Qingshan, blood 35, combat power 175]

175 million!

The power to shatter all fantasies! .

Chapter XNUMX Shocked!Beast scattered!

At the moment when the handwriting on the giant screen changes,

All cameras instinctively turned the lens around.

Next second,

The entire Dragon Kingdom, on all TV screens.

There is only one screen.

On the XNUMX-meter-high giant screen,

More than XNUMX names fell one after another to give way.

At the top, the writing appears.

[Li Qingshan, blood 35, combat power 175]

Li Qingshan's name returned to the top,

This time, no one can shake it!

A large number of the audience opened their mouths wide and their eyes widened in disbelief.

"35 blood, 175 million combat power?"

"Am I blinded, or is there something wrong with the tester?"

"35 qi and blood, how can you play such a high combat power?"

"Clap!" An audience member slapped himself,

He suspected that he was dreaming.

The wife next to her hurriedly stopped,

"Don't fan, you can't even dream of this kind of achievement!"

"Haha, it's a shame that we thought the reporter was exaggerating, and Li Qingshan was only fourth."

The man didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and slapped himself again.

"Zhuang Ya is a rare genius, and Li Qingshan is a real genius!"

"Evil, unimaginable!"

"Why are you fanning yourself again!" The wife was anxious.

"Should be, I'm happy that this face hits me!"

The man's face was flushed, with tears in the corners of his eyes, and he laughed excitedly.

"Hahaha 590!"

"Can you be unhappy about such a monster!"

"If there were more monsters like Li Qingshan, then my dad hahaha"

The wife was silent.

The loud laughter covered up the words behind, and hot tears welled up from the man's eyes.

The same scene was also staged in countless families in the Dragon Country.

The public's attention to the martial arts conference is far more than just curiosity.

More, or because of the pain of the past.

Linxi City, the foot of Jiguan Mountain.

In the hall of the Wushu Association, it was quiet.

Everyone sat there blankly, looking up at the screen.

Even Jin Kong, Zhu Hua, Wei Feng and other people who knew Li Qingshan did not speak.

As warriors, they understand the meaning of this string of numbers better.

It was not only them who were shocked,

No. XNUMX Middle School, Budokan Office.


The teacup was crushed by Wu Zhenrui,

Excited, he remained silent for a long time.

On the side, Director Age was also awakened, laughed and patted his stomach.

"Hahaha, we have three real dragons!"

A corner of Linxi City,

"Xiaoru, is this really Li Qingshan?"

Uncle Ji Tingru rubbed his eyes, unbelievable.

Ji Tingru stared blankly at the screen and didn't answer.

The uncle still wanted to speak, but was pulled away by the aunt on the side.

The surroundings were quiet, and the screen fluorescence illuminated the beautiful face.

"Can we meet again?"

Muttering to himself, sound like a mosquito.

Bincheng, Zhong Ningyu's home.

Zhang Xinyao stared blankly at the handwriting on the giant screen,

As if seeing a tall and straight figure standing on the top of the mountain, waving to himself.

"elder brother!"

She muttered to herself, a warm smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Li Qingshan! Li Qingshan! Li Qingshan!"

Upstairs, downstairs, outside the window,

Excited shouts came from all directions,

All Bincheng residents were excited and very excited.


Zhuang Ya, He Yushan, Qi Feilan firmly occupy the top three,

Other provinces are in lively discussions.

Only Lin Province, quiet and unusual,

The hearts of all the audience seemed to be covered by dark clouds.

Because Li Qingshan is not only the champion of martial arts in Lin Province,

Or the great hero who keeps their side safe.

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