The female reporter also began to prepare an introduction to Feiyu Martial Arts Museum.


The disciples of Feiyu Martial Arts Hall began to play.

In fact, as she expected,

Feiyu Martial Arts Hall only has two candidates who are outside the top XNUMX.

And with the completion of the Qifeilan test,

The top of the giant screen changed again.

[He Yushan, Qi and Blood 6]

[Qi Feilan, blood 55]

[Li Qingshan, blood 35]

The female reporter picked up the microphone,

"Audience friends, now appearing in the camera, it is Xinluo Province Wu champion, Feiyu Wuguan disciple Qi Feilan"

Most of the audience quickly shifted their attention and refocused on the two major martial arts halls.

Many viewers in Lin Sheng frowned and switched channels.

But no matter which station you switch to,

On the live screen are the disciples of the two major martial arts halls.

"What!" Zhang Xinyao threw down the remote control and said angrily:

"You'll regret it later!"

Wuxie Deep Valley,

Jiang Yunxiu and other vice presidents frowned slightly.

Xin Menghan shook his head and laughed.

"Teacher, don't worry, after the battle strength test is over, the camera will naturally be locked on Li Qingshan."

"Combat test?"

Jiang Yunxiu pondered, frowning even deeper.

The other three vice presidents have the same expression,

Candidates from all provinces have at least one Hou Ye sitting behind them.

But they are not in Lin Province!

If Li Qingshan is too conspicuous, it may not be a good thing.

"Hopefully, Li Qingshan can keep a low profile in a while!"

Several people sighed and looked towards the center of the platform.

The blood-colored wooden chair stood there alone.

The man who can hold up Lin Xing's sky,

Haven't come back yet.

on site,

Li Qingshan calmed down and looked at the giant screen.

There are already more than 3 names on the screen.

Zhong Ningyu was beside him, wandering uncertainly.

Li Qingshan shook his head slightly and comforted:

"Don't worry, you are still in the XNUMXrd place."

"With your 'innate ability', after the combat power is measured, the ranking will only be higher."

Lin Province second,

It's impossible to rank outside the top XNUMX.

"I'm not worried about that!"

Zhong Ningyu was worried and hesitated for a while before whispering:

"You kill seventh-order monsters, not only with innate abilities, right?"

"There is no Lord Hou sitting in town now."

"Wait for the combat power test, don't expose it, otherwise"

Is she a child of the Zhong family?

Naturally understand,

When the interests are great to a certain extent and there is no backer behind them,

Just like a young child holding money in a busy city, there will be people who can't help but snatch it.

"Yes, Lord Hou is not here!"

Li Qingshan sighed and swept towards the disciples of the two major martial arts halls.

I remembered the vehicle that followed all the way in the morning.

If the Marquis of Jingshan were still there, would the two martial arts halls dare to be so reckless?


Now he is no longer when he first arrived in Bincheng.

Martial arts level six!

Refine Qi and cultivate Yuan!

The magic weapon flying sword!

At least, Li Qingshan has the qualifications to withstand the wind and rain.

Since half of the sky in Lin Province has collapsed,

Then he will spread his wings to block the violent storm.

Seeing that Zhong Ningyu was still worried,

Li Qingshan showed a gentle smile.

"Don't worry, there's nothing to expose."

True Yuan Mutation,

He kills ordinary seventh-order, and no longer needs flying swords.

At this time,

A charming figure, nibbling on melon seeds and spitting out the skin along the way,

He walked in front of Li Qingshan.

"Li Qingshan, look for opportunities for us to fight."

Zhuang Ya's voice was hoarse, and her eyes were full of war.

"I'm curious about how strong your talent is!"

Since a month ago, after watching the live broadcast, her hands have been itchy.

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed, raised his finger to the giant screen.

"Shouldn't you invite the first and second to fight first?"


Zhuang Ya pouted with disdain, and the melon seed skin 590 spit on the ground.


A slap on the back of her head,

King Wu'an appeared with a dark face.

"It's your turn to test!"

"What are you urging, didn't you see that I was inviting battle?"

Zhuang Ya raised her head,

King Wu'an raised his right hand again,

She quickly turned and ran, turning back as she ran.

"Li Qingshan, it's done!"

"Don't worry, there will be opportunities."

Li Qingshan smiled and nodded.

Then he looked at King Wu'an and said sternly:

"I have seen the lord!"

"You are very good!"

King Wu'an showed a gentle smile, turned around and took a step back to the high platform.

at this time,

There was a sudden uproar around.

"Fuck, am I dazzled?"

"9, how can there be a 9?"

"So much higher than He Yushan? Almost three times as tall as Li Qingshan!"

"9 Qi and blood, I'm getting close to the master!"

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