Lu Tianlei pinched his fingers white.

Annoyed at what he just did.

"Why are you here?" Zhong Ningyu frowned.

"Uh, here's my seat!"

Lu Tianlei froze and sat down slowly.

Zhong Ningyu frowned again, but did not speak again.

However, Lu Tianlei was restless and took the initiative to turn around and explain:

"I bought a few more seats in the back compartment, where I slept last night."

down the aisle,

Li Qingshan's mouth curled up unconsciously.

"Who cares where you went last night?"

Zhong Ningyu rolled his eyes impatiently,

Then his nose twitched suddenly, and he wondered:

"What is the taste?"

"How could it still smell?"

Lu Tianlei was shocked, took out a bottle of cologne and sprayed wildly on him.

"I said why is it so choking?"


Zhong Ningyu disliked and pouted and ignored it.

Lu Tianlei didn't dare to look back any more.

Even the seat was only sitting a little, the whole person leaned forward desperately,

For fear that the smell on the body will drift to the back row and smoke to the goddess.

The train was quiet again,

Only Lu Tianlei was frantically pressing the phone screen.

Beep beep beep!


The scenery outside the window is flying all the way.

It didn't take long for large urban buildings to appear,

The train also slowed down slowly.

pit stop.


As the train stopped,

The passengers got up and started getting off.

"Let's go!"

Li Qingshan glanced at Zhong Ningyu, stood up, and walked towards the front door

Zhong Ningyu hurriedly picked up the packet and followed behind.

When they both got out of the car,

Only then did Lu Tianlei lift his deeply buried head from his seat and secretly looked out the window.

Li Qingshan walked in front with his hands behind his back,

And his goddess was following with her bag.

"It's like this again!"

Lu Tianlei's eyes were red, and he yelled at the phone.

"Is everything I want ready?"

"Don't worry, young master, there is absolutely enough lining up!"

inside the station,

Li Qingshan followed the signs and came all the way to the exit.

On the street outside, a line of black limousines blocked the road.

A large number of taxis were blocked outside, but none of them dared to honk their horns.

A large number of tourists stood on the side of the road, watching curiously.

"Wow, which star is coming, and there is such a long queue!"

"Are you stupid? Didn't you see the car logo?"

"With so many Feilong commercial flagship cars, can stars be mobilized?"

"I see, most of the big guys have come to the capital."

"What about the boss? You can't block the entire entrance, can you?"

"Yeah, it's too domineering."

"Keep your voice down, I've seen the car in the front row, it's Lu's!"

"Lushi? Hiss!"

The voice of the discussion suddenly became smaller, and everyone was cautious.

Li Qingshan looked around and stopped.

"Huh? Do you like cars?"

Zhong Ningyu was a little strange, and then laughed.

"Then I'll give you one."

Li Qingshan slowly shook his head and looked at her.

"Lead the way?"

He had been in retreat before,

I don't even know where the martial arts tournament is held.

"lead the way?"

Zhong Ningyu was stunned, and immediately stood on tiptoe and looked around.

"Didn't the Martial Arts Conference send someone to pick it up?"

"No." Li Qingshan affirmed,

He had looked around before.

Seeing Zhong Ningyu's embarrassed look,

Li Qingshan had a bad feeling in his heart.

"No, you don't know, do you?"

Zhong Ningyu blushed and nodded embarrassedly.

After all, she is also a lady.

In addition to running errands around Li Qingshan,

go somewhere else,

It was others who ran errands for her.

At this time,

Lv Tianlei led a middle-aged man and walked slowly to the two of them.

"Xiaoyu, haven't you had breakfast yet?"

This time,

Lu Tianlei directly ignored Li Qingshan.

Because he has the confidence,

The middle-aged man beside them is the seventh-order master of their Lu clan.

"Uncle Ma, thank you."

Lu Tianlei smiled and took two paper bags from the middle-aged man.

"Wow, it smells so good!"

An exaggerated smile immediately appeared on Zhong Ningyu's face.

Lu Tianlei laughed even more proudly, and even gave Li Qingshan a provocative look.

But before he could react, he suddenly felt empty.

On the opposite side, Zhong Ningyu had already snatched the paper bag.

Well, both together.

"Thank you!"

Zhong Ningyu said perfunctorily,

He quickly turned around and handed the breakfast to Li Qingshan, smiling like a flower.

"Let's try it!"

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed, and took the paper bag.

Lu Tianlei froze.

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