
There was thunder in the sky,

Yu Feibai's face became solemn, and he waved:

"You go back first!"


Waiting for Bai Lie to react,

With a flash of his figure, he had already jumped out of the window, soared into the air, and flew into the depths of the martial arts hall.

The headquarters of Shengtianwuguan occupies a large area.

Behind the martial arts hall, it is connected to the mountains.

Yu Feibai galloped all the way,

Soon they stopped in front of a stone wall.

Here, is the retreat of King Shengchuan.


Overhead, the situation changes, and the thunder grows louder.

Yu Feibai's face showed joy.


There was a loud noise,

The stone walls are broken, and the gravel is flying.

Yu Feibai immediately knelt down to greet him,

"Congratulations to the lord to leave the customs!"


A gust of wind blew through and swept away all the dust.

A burly figure walked out slowly with his hands on his back.

"Get up!"

The voice is majestic and loud,

After Yu Feibai got up, he quietly raised his head.

I saw that the skin of King Shengchuan was intact at this moment, and there was no trace of scars.

"Congratulations to the lord on his recovery."

Yu Feibai bowed his hands again.

"Recovery? Hehe!"

King Shengchuan sneered and turned his head to look southwest.

There is the direction of Lin Province.

"Has the Marquis of Jingshan been out of the customs yet?"

Yu Feibai answered quickly.

"It shouldn't be. Since the retreat a month ago, there has been no news from the Marquis of Jingshan."

"It's been a month, and you haven't left the country yet?"

"Looks like he can't get out."

The corners of King Shengchuan's mouth were pulled up, revealing a cheerful smile.

"What if you beat me once?"

"Jiu Ding Feng Wang, go and live your Spring and Autumn Dream!"

"Nine forged kings?"

Yu Feibai was stunned.

Although he is a seventh-order master, he knows that there is a concept of "forging a golden body" after the eighth-order.

But there are secrets in it,

It was still too mysterious for him.

"You are still too far away, you will understand later."

King Shengchuan slowly shook his head and looked at Yu Feibai.

"But I can give you a piece of advice in advance."

"Don't be too ambitious, otherwise the Marquis of Jingshan will be your lesson."

Yu Fei was stunned and said respectfully:

"Thank you for your teaching!"

"Okay, let's talk about Li Qingshan!"

"Is there any news from Lu's side?"

King Shengchuan's eyes were deep and unpredictable.

At the beginning, even Li Qingshan defeated Su Haoyu.

He didn't care too much,

More anger is still on Jingshanhou.


When the corpse of the first seventh-order monster appeared,

He couldn't care less.

This can no longer be explained by "¨〃Innate abilities"!


Yu Feibai hesitated for a moment, then reported:

"My lord, Mr. Lu was blocked by Mrs. Nan, and all the corpses of monsters killed by Li Qingshan were cleaned up by them."

"The Nan clan? They are quite diligent."

King Shengchuan shook his head and laughed, which was very meaningful.

"It doesn't matter if there is no body."

"Anyway, everyone has come to the capital, and I don't need to see any monster corpses."

"My lord?"

Yu Feibai was startled and said cautiously:

"The Martial Arts Conference is jointly held by the two martial arts universities in Beijing and Mohai. If we take the initiative"

Jingcheng Wuda, Mohai Wuda,

But it's far more than just Martial Arts University.

One is located deep in the XNUMX-strong mountain,

A cruising in a crisis-ridden sea,

The strength is simply unimaginable.

In the Dragon Kingdom, no force dared to openly provoke these two martial arts universities.

"Who said I was going to shoot?"

King Shengchuan's expression remained unchanged, and his smile remained the same.

"I'm just a little interested in this little guy."

"Besides, I'm definitely not the only one interested."

"Without the support of Marquis Jingshan, Li Qingshan"

King Shengchuan shook his head and smiled without saying a word.

Yu Feibai understood in an instant,

This is what he called "just over easy to break" before.

Li Qingshan is too eye-catching.

In the absence of a backer,

If you can't keep up with which force you can't help but take action.

Chapter XNUMX Timing?breakthrough?

At this time,

King Shengchuan suddenly looked up at the sky and said solemnly:

"Get ready!"

"It's not too long before you return to Lin Province."


A violent cracking sound came,

Yu Feibai looked up and saw a figure approaching rapidly.

in a blink,

A resolute young man in his thirties stood in front of the two.


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