The tornado was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and it looked violent.

But it stayed in the palm of the hand obediently, without a trace of overstepping.

done everything,

Jiang Yunxiu turned to look at Yu Feibai, and said with a half-smile, not a smile:

"Yu Feibai, are you sure you want to shoot?"


Yu Feibai stopped his steps, his anger rose.

But no matter how strong the anger,

His feet still stepped back cautiously.

Martial arts sixth-order to seventh-order is the first big hurdle.

The difference in combat power is huge.

Few people can fight beyond the ranks.

But Jiang Yunxiu in front of him was one of the very few.

And it's the best among them.

He can't beat it!

"Ha ha!"

Jiang Yunxiu chuckled lightly and dispersed the tornado in her palm.

Li Qingshan regretted withdrawing his gaze,

I have even more respect for this vice president.

If Jiang Yunxiu was placed in the Qinghui world, he would definitely be another evildoer.

In the tornado in the palm of my hand just now,

Li Qingshan even saw a trace of Jindan period magic.

To know,

This is at Blue Star!




The continuous thunderstorms interrupted Li Qingshan's reverie.

Everyone looked out the window.

it's dark!

The wind whistled in the dark,

In the fleeting electric light, the leaves flew by.

The entire Wushu Association is at the center of the terror storm.

The reporters in the venue were all panicked.

They are just ordinary people, and naturally feel helpless in the face of such a doomsday scene.

It's not just them, the students in the special training class on the side are not doing much better.

They all stared out the window, looking nervous.

Li Qingshan, Jiang Yunxiu, etc. looked solemn and waited for the result.


The loud laughter suddenly sounded in the venue, which was especially harsh.

A trace of irritability flashed in Li Qingshan's eyes,

The "nameless" in the sleeves trembled slightly.

Jiang Yunxiu turned her head to look at the ring with a warning in her eyes.


Yu Feibai forcibly stopped the laughter, but he couldn't let go of the corner of his mouth.

he thinks,

King Shengchuan has won!

The venue was quiet again,

Time passed by, and the atmosphere became more and more dull.


"Hahaha, fuck off!"

A proud laughter came from the sky,

In an instant, the clouds cleared and the mist dissipated, and the sun shone down.

Its daybreak!

"Master Hou won?"

Li Qingshan was stunned.

"Of course!"

I don't know when, Jingshan Hou was already standing beside him.

The white coat on his body was broken into strips,

But Jingshan Hou didn't care, he took out a cigarette and lit it comfortably.

After taking a sip,

He raised his eyelids slightly and looked at the ring.

"Don't get out, wait for me to leave you for dinner?"

Yu Feibai recovered from the shock, his face full of disbelief.

However, in the words of the Marquis of Jingshan,

He couldn't help but take it to heart.

Hurry up with the martial arts disciples and hurriedly leave the venue.

The reporters and cameras also turned off the machines and left.

Beijing Wushu Association,

The picture on the screen has gone black.

"Jingshan Hou actually won?"

Zhuang Ya's face was full of incredulity.

"President, can the eighth level really beat the ninth level by leaps and bounds?"

"Generally impossible, but the Marquis of Jingshan"

King Wu'an shook his head lightly, his expression solemn.

"It's too early to say win."

"The real victory or defeat will take time to verify."

inside the venue,

The people and reporters from the martial arts hall have all been evacuated.

Even Xin Menghan and Zhang Xinyao went out with the students of the special training class.

Only the Marquis of Jingshan was sitting on a chair with a cigarette butt in his mouth.

Li Qingshan and Jiang Yunxiu stood on both sides quietly.


"Cough cough!"

With a dull cough, the cigarette butt was sprayed to the ground with blood.

"Master Hou, are you injured?"

Li Qingshan and Jiang Yunxiu both changed their expressions.

"Don't worry, you can't die."

The Marquis of Jingshan waved his hand and looked at the cigarette butts left on the ground, his eyes filled with pity.

"My last cigarette!"

Li Qingshan smiled slightly, and put his right hand into his trousers pocket,

When he took it out again, a pack of cigarettes was already in his hand.

"Master Hou, please!"

"Hey, get on the road!"

Jingshan Hou opened the point, let out a breath of smoke, and turned his head to look at Jiang Yunxiu.

"I have to retreat for a while, call Yu Huang and the others back!"

"During this time, the association relies on you to guard it."

Yu Huang is another vice president of the Wushu Association, a seventh-order martial artist.

"President, do you want to report for help?" Jiang Yunxiu's face was heavy.

"No, there are too many space passages that need to be guarded, and it is not so easy to mobilize."

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