For the students' reactions,

Zhu Yuande did not reprimand.

The so-called competition for places is just based on the rules of the martial arts examination, and at the same time preventing the relics from the sea.

But there are still too few dark horses.

What's more, the students in front of them have also undergone special training in the Wushu Association.

It can be said,

The list in his hand is basically the confirmed quota for the Martial Arts Conference.

"Cough cough!"

Zhu Yuande coughed lightly, took out the form, and began to read his name.

"Zhong Ningyu, fifth-order talented warrior, 12 blood and 24 combat power."

As soon as these words came out, all the students turned their attention to Zhong Ningyu.

"The fifth-order threshold only needs 15 times the force, and she can do it 20 times!"

"Nonsense, have you forgotten her ability?"

"Directly increasing the power by 5 times, this ability is still too strong."

Although Zhong Ningyu's performance was too strong, no one doubted it.

Because they were all beaten.

There were whispers all around,

Zhong Ningyu stood upright, like a proud swan, without a trace of weakness.


Sheets were opened, and names were spit out from Zhu Yuande's mouth.

The students talked a lot, but there was no objection.

After getting along for four months, everyone has a bottom line.

Soon, nine places have been read.

In front of Zhu Yuande,

A tall and strong boy looked impatient, waiting for the next name.

His name is Zuo Dun, and he considers himself the undisputed tenth.


Zhu Yuande paused and spoke softly.

"Li Qingshan!"

No blood value, no combat power.

Zhu Yuande just read his name and put away the form.


Zuo Dun's neck suddenly flushed, and he shouted:

"Shady, absolutely shady!"

These months,

Li Qingshan left only one impression in the minds of all the students.

High-level children!

Even if he has shown the ability to fly,

But he couldn't convince all the students of his strength.

After all, that's just a talent ability, not the seventh rank of martial arts.

"Yes, we have worked so hard to train and assess our strength. Why should Li Qingshan come in directly?"

"Even if it's a high-level disciple, you can't be so arrogant!"

"That is, since Lord Hou is still sitting in the deep valley, someone dares to make a shady scene here."

"I don't know who is behind Li Qingshan?"

The discussion grew louder and louder.

As soon as Zhu Yuande's face darkened, he was about to speak.

Zhong Ningyu stood up first, walked to Zhu Yuande's side, and turned to face the students.

"Shut up for me!" Chang.

Chapter XNUMX Looking for Lord Hou to preside over justice?

A roar immediately set off a gust of wind,

All the students were blown back again and again.

"Zhong Ningyu, what do you mean!"

"Hedong's roar is amazing, isn't it?"

"Li Qingshan didn't pay any attention to you, what are you worried about here?"

Several students stood up at the same time and stood in front of everyone.

Their list is closely behind Zhong Ningyu, and their strengths are all fifth-order.

Although he couldn't beat Zhong Ningyu, he wasn't afraid.


"Li Qingshan's strength is simply beyond your imagination!"

Zhong Ningyu smiled disdainfully and turned to look at Zhu Yuande.

"I wish the director, since they want to be hit, let them see and see!"


Zhu Yuande took out Li Qingshan's form, frowning and speechless.

Zhong Ningyu took it without hesitation, and put the front of the form in front of everyone's eyes.

"Open your eyes and take a good look!"

"Can Li Qingshan's qi and blood value and combat power value be comparable to you?"


There was an instant silence, and the needles could be heard falling.

The corners of Zhong Ningyu's mouth twitched into a smile,

She felt that she had shocked everyone.

After a long time,


A student couldn't help but laugh,

Immediately after, more students burst out laughing.

"Can't compare, really can't compare."

Zhong Ningyu frowned secretly,

The situation was a little different from what she had imagined.

"Zhong Ningyu, you are going too far!"

Zuo Dun raised his hand and pointed at Zhong Ningyu, trembling all over his body, obviously in a hurry.

"Is it really lawless to hold a whiteboard and say that you are better than me?"

The smiles of the students in the back were also closed, and the group was excited.

"That's right, this is a martial artist registration form, and it needs to be stamped with the red seal of the martial arts association!"

"Just fill in one name, and you dare to stamp it! Is Li Qingshan's family running the martial arts association?"

"To engage in shady secrets and stamp privately is to trample on the dignity of the Wushu Association."

"No, we can't just leave it like that. Let's go to Lord Hou to preside over justice."

"Yes, with Lord Hou around, I don't believe that the people behind Li Qingshan dare to be arrogant!"


Zhong Ningyu was stunned by the crowd, and turned the form around.


She was even more confused.

On the registration form, all seals are complete, but only one name is filled in.

【Li Qingshan】

"There is really someone behind Li Qingshan?"

At this moment, Zhong Ningyu was suspicious.

She naturally believed in Li Qingshan's strength.

But I want to carry out such "irregular" operations in the Wushu Association,

At least a few vice presidents have to speak.


Zhu Yuande's loud voice overwhelmed everyone, took the form from Zhong Ningyu's hand, and displayed it in front of everyone.

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