
Shao You screamed, his face full of horror.

A face appeared in front of him through the gap in the iron above.

Li Qingshan!

On the side, Hua Yuan also saw it.

He was much calmer than Shao You, but his lips were squirming, but he didn't dare to speak.

He couldn't forget the terrifying experience that followed after his speech was interrupted twice.

"very good!"

Li Qingshan was condescending, nodded lightly, and said with a smile:

"Teach you a little politeness, no thanks!"

Shao You still looked terrified and nodded hastily.

Hua Yuan's expression changed, but he still didn't dare to speak.

"High-level warriors are indeed rough-skinned and thick-skinned!"

Li Qingshan smashed his mouth and stepped hard,

The iron ball was smashed down like a meteorite.


The iron ball smashed into the ground, and the dust flew up.


Li Qingshan didn't look back and flew into the distance.

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eighth Homecoming

Outside the gate of the Wushu Association,

Li Qingshan had already landed, and with a step of more than ten meters, he walked towards the gate like a leisurely stroll.

Although he didn't care about exposing his flying ability, he could not but respect the Wushu Association.

"Brother Li!"

With the shouting, a figure rushed out of the guard room and ran towards him.

"Director Jiang?"

Li Qingshan frowned in doubt,

I don't understand why Jiang Chengzhou looks anxious.

Jiang Chengzhou ran to the front and hurriedly asked.

"People from Shengtian Martial Arts Academy are looking for you these two days, have you seen them?"

"Holy Heaven?"

Li Qingshan vaguely remembered that one of them seemed to have said these two words just now.

He nodded hesitantly.

"I've seen it!"

"See you? Then how did you answer them?"

Jiang Chengzhou patted Li Qingshan on the shoulder and said with relief:

"If you can't refuse their invitation directly, let me come."

"Don't forget, Lord Hou is our president, what is the Holy Heavenly Martial Arts Hall!"

"Are they here to invite me?"

Li Qingshan looked strange,

What is the brain circuit that allows Shengtian Wuguan to invite people in this way?

"They didn't say anything about the invitation?" Jiang Chengzhou was also stunned.

"They didn't get a chance to speak."

Li Qingshan shook his head indifferently and did not explain much.

Anyway, people have been beaten,

As for follow-up revenge, the other party's backer?


In Dragon City, the most powerful is always the Warrior Association.

With the Marquis of Jingshan here, what is he afraid of?

As soon as his footsteps moved, Li Qingshan had already walked into the door.

He's going home.

Jiang Chengzhou looked at the back disappearing at the end of the road, stunned.

"What do you mean by not having a chance to speak?"

The deep valley of the cliff is located in the deepest part of the canyon, and it belongs to the two ends of the gate at the mouth of the canyon, which is very far away.

Although Li Qingshan did not fly, he also increased his speed.

Along the way, many vehicles were left behind by him.

On the road outside the deep valley, two light blue buses drove side by side.

On the bus, Lu Shanshan was sleeping by the window.

Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed from the window.


Lu Shanshan woke up immediately, rubbed her eyes, and stuck her head out of the car window.

"Shanshan, pay attention to safety!"

Soft whispers came from the side,

The girl who spoke had her skin congealed, her brows slightly wrinkled, as if there was a trace of melancholy that could not be solved.

It is Lu Shanshan's best friend, Zhong Ningyu.

"Xiaoyu, someone ran over just now."

Lu Shanshan explained while looking around.

Unfortunately, I didn't even see the back.

Ahead, in the deep valley.

Li Qingshan slowed down and walked towards the cliff elevator.

When he was about to arrive, his footsteps paused.

"It's fixed so soon?"

I saw that the huge hole dug before has been repaired.

The lights in the cave are bright,

Apparently, the interior renovations are also done.

At this moment, a burly figure walked out of the cave.

After seeing Li Qingshan, his eyes lit up and he hurried forward.

"Brother Li!"

Li Qingshan was a little stunned by the enthusiasm of the other party.

He was sure that he had never seen this person before.

The visitor patted his forehead and said:

"Forgot to introduce, my name is Zhu Yuande, and I am also one of the directors of the association."

"Good luck to the director." Li Qingshan greeted politely.

"Don't be so polite!" Zhu Yuande waved his hand and said enthusiastically:

"We are neighbors, and I live opposite your house."


Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"Then I will trouble the director to take care of him."

It's naturally not good to be too detached from distant neighbors.

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Zhu Yuande smiled even more.


Two light blue buses approached slowly.

"The special training class is here!"

Zhu Yuande waved at the bus, signaling it to stop.

"Didn't the special training start tomorrow?" Li Qingshan wondered.

The scale of the special training class was larger than he imagined,

At a glance, there are nearly 1 student in the two buses.

"Tomorrow is the official training, and they have to check in early today."

Zhu Yuande explained.

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