
Nan's martial artist mall, office.

Boom boom boom!

"Come in!"

Nan Zhengyang leaned on the chair, tapped Erlang's leg, and looked at the door.

"General manager!"

The lean middle-aged man pushed in the door and said respectfully:

"We received news that Shengtian Wuguan is checking the location of Li Qingshan."


Nan Zhengyang raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

"What's the matter with us?"

Lean and middle-aged,

Seeing Nan Zhengyang's enthusiastic attitude yesterday, he thought that Nan Zhengyang wanted to befriend Li Qingshan, so he came to report.

I didn't expect a hot face with a cold butt


Nan Zhengyang shook his head in disappointment and said helplessly:

"Again, we're businessmen."

"The money and goods were cleared last night. What do we care about?"

"My subordinates understand." The lean middle-aged nodded quickly.

"Uh, general manager, one more thing."

"Shentianwuguan wants the driving video of yesterday's truck."

"Let them go!"

On this day, the entire Bincheng was undercurrent.

Even in the middle of the night, there are still many people in a hurry, wandering the streets.

The next day, early in the morning.

In the eastern suburbs of the city, white mist rises above an abandoned factory building.

inside the factory,

Li Qingshan sat cross-legged in front of the boiler and slowly opened his eyes.

He just returned from Qinghui Realm.

After entering the foundation building period, everything slowed down.

Even if he is a peerless foundation building, the speed of cultivation far exceeds that of ordinary people.

It is still impossible to complete the foundation building in a short period of time.

After all, "Peiyuan" is preparing for the condensing of Jindan, which requires water mill work.

Therefore, recently in the Qinghui world, he has also been in a "closed" state.

Except for the occasional chat with Yin Han, he basically stayed in the room.

"Only go back to practice and try, I don't know how the cultivation effect of the medium-sized space channel is."

Li Qingshan had some expectations in his eyes.

1.3 After arriving at the Wushu Association, there are too many things to do, and he has not practiced seriously.

Suppress your thoughts, restrain your mind,

Li Qingshan shifted his gaze to the boiler in front of him.

Two days, 36 hours of continuous alchemy.

The success rate of pills is not bad, he already has 45 dragon and tiger pills in his ring.

In front of you is the last one.

He mobilized True Yuan and probed into the boiler.

The two corpses were nearly melted,

At this moment, the real essence is needed to extract its cold and heat characteristics to lead the fusion.

Li Qingshan was fully focused and did not dare to be sloppy.

Even if the number of Dragon Tiger Pills has reached his expectations, he still does not want to fail.

After all, a pot is 2!

at the same time,

A luxury off-road vehicle was racing on the outskirts road, aiming directly at the abandoned factory.

Buzz! .

Chapter XNUMX Violent!

in the car,

Shao You was driving, and Hua Yuan sat in the co-pilot.

"Why is Li Qingshan here?"

Hua Yuan looked at the barren scenery outside the window, puzzled.

"Senior brother, absolutely right."

"We checked the lease contract and asked the intermediary, and it was Li Qingshan who rented the factory."

Shao You vowed, and then his eyes lit up and pointed forward.

"Senior brother, look!"

"There is water vapor coming out of the factory building, and Li Qingshan is definitely inside."

Hua Yuan looked up and saw the floating white mist, with a smile on his face.

"It's good to be there. Master's order has been delayed for two days."

"Senior brother, will Li Qingshan agree to join the martial arts hall?" Shao You was still a little worried.

"Will we provoke him if we go straight to the door like this?"

"Angry? Ha!" Hua Yuan shook his head and laughed.

"He should thank us for that."

"This is an invitation from the Holy Heavenly Martial Arts Academy!"

"Besides, the master made a promise."

"As long as Li Qingshan joins the martial arts hall, he will be guaranteed to enter the two martial arts universities in the capital and the magic sea."

"The capital, the sea of ​​magic!"

Shao You suddenly clicked his tongue, no longer worried.

After all, which fresh martial arts candidate can resist this temptation?

Inside the factory, water mist filled the air.

The billowing white mist 25 kept rising from the top of the boiler.

In the boiler, the black and red blood water is constantly churning, and the color is fading little by little.

outside the boiler,

Li Qingshan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he became more and more focused.

This is the critical moment for Cheng Dan.


Li Qingshan frowned.

A luxury SUV broke into his spiritual range.

And looking at the direction of its hurricane, it is coming towards the factory building.

"Come for me?"

Li Qingshan's eyes flashed a trace of dissatisfaction.

He specially found a remote place to rent a factory,

When buying monster corpses, it is even more time-consuming to transport them.

It's to hide as much as possible.

After all, things like alchemy by monsters must not be exposed.

But even so, someone still came to the door.

Obviously, the other party must have investigated him specially.

Between the thoughts, a spiritual consciousness came out.

"Leave now!"

"Otherwise, the consequences are at your own risk!"

The sound exploded in my ears,

Shao You and Hua Yuan's expressions changed.

"What method is this?"

Shao You turned pale and asked:

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