His spiritual sense can't detect the slightest bit.

Obviously, the entire immortal mountain is wrapped by the formation.

"By the way, Misty Order!"

Li Qingshan's eyes moved, and he turned his hand and took out a token.

This was given to him by Yin Han during the entry ceremony.

After the token appeared, the surrounding clouds rolled and slowly gave way.

"The ethereal order can mobilize the formation, and the effect should not be like this."

Li Qingshan's thoughts moved, and his spiritual sense penetrated into the token.

Immediately, the complex formation structure continued to pour into his spiritual consciousness.

But he hadn't learned the formation technique, so he couldn't understand it, so naturally he couldn't mobilize it.


Spiritual consciousness is no longer hindered in Xianshan.

On the contrary, after the token is enlarged, the entire peak scene is in my mind.

Li Qingshan quickly locked his target on a small courtyard on the top of the peak and flew into the depths of the clouds.

As it gradually deepened, the clouds and mists slowly dissipated.

Soon, Li Qingshan fell to the top

The peak area is not large, and the vegetation is not strong.

There are only a few plum trees scattered in the small courtyard.


A beautiful figure is standing in the courtyard, caressing the plum blossoms on the branches.

Li Qingshan stood outside the courtyard gate with a smile.


"come in!"

Yin Han raised the corners of his mouth,

Well, at least you can tell he's smiling.

Li Qingshan nodded secretly, walked into the small courtyard, looked left and right, and said doubtfully:

"Senior sister, will I practice at Misty Peak in the future?"

Yin Han nodded and said nothing.

"Cough, senior, where do I live?"

Li Qingshan was helpless and could only point it out directly.

Just now, the spiritual sense swept through, and there was no other building in the entire mist.

"Just stay next to me." Yin Han pointed.

Li Qingshan looked at her finger,

There is a corner of the courtyard, and there is a house built alone.

"Newly built?"

Li Qingshan sniffed, and even smelled a fresh woody scent.

"Don't you like it?" Yin Han said calmly.

"Of course I like it!"

Li Qingshan did not hesitate,

He's not stupid,

This house was obviously built by Yin Han on purpose.


A cold wind blew through, and the edge of the plum blossoms formed a little frost.

Yin Han paused and walked quickly to his room.

"You go to practice first!"

"Master asked me to give it to you. 1.3"


Looking at the closed door,

Li Qingshan was stunned.

"Senior sister, are you shy?"

As soon as this thought flashed through, it was immediately cut off.

The man in the room is mighty.

Mighty, unpredictable!

Li Qingshan shook his head and focused his attention on the jade slip floating in front of him.

Obviously, Master Li Changsheng was ready.

After taking the jade slip, Li Qingshan walked to his room.

The door opened, and the layout was exactly the same as the house in the mountain courtyard.

The only difference is the bookshelf.

There were no books on the bookshelf, but pieces of jade slips instead.

Li Qingshan didn't look much, walked straight to the central futon, and sat cross-legged.

The most important jade slip is obviously the one in his hand.

Spiritual consciousness penetrated into the jade slip, and the name of a practice method was imprinted in his mind.

The Book of Longevity.

Chapter XNUMX Leaving Home

After half an hour,

Li Qingshan slowly opened his eyes and looked at the jade slip in his hand.

"This is the foundation of the Changsheng Sect!"

"Longsheng Zhendian" is a practice that belongs to the Changsheng School.

The characteristics can be seen from the name,

Nothing but the word "longevity"!

The realm of cultivation is divided into,

Qi refining, foundation building, cultivating Yuan, Jin Dan, Yuan Ying, out of body, distraction, integration, transcending calamity, Mahayana.

A total of ten realms,

Every time the realm breaks through, the life expectancy increases.

after all,

Cultivation of immortals is for "longevity".

And the "Longevity Canon" can make the lifespan of a cultivator much longer than that of the same realm.

Even more than twice, it is possible!

Longer life means more opportunities for breakthroughs.

This alone is enough to look down on the Qinghui world.

However, the Book of Longevity has another more important advantage,

25 That's how malleable it is.

In Changsheng Sect, after every disciple builds a foundation, they will pass on the "Foundation Chapter" of the "True Canon of Longevity".

But it doesn't mean that all disciples' abilities and means will be the same.

The Book of Longevity is just the foundation,

When each disciple is practicing, he will realize his own attack method.

The specific strength varies from person to person.

The weaker ones, although their strength will be inferior to other major disciples, are still enough to roam the Qinghui world.

As for the strong,


Just look at Yin Han and you'll know!

Li Qingshan, as the suzerain's personal handed down, naturally won't have only "foundation chapter" on the jade slips in his hands.

However, the Jade Slip is not the complete version of the "True Canon of Longevity".

But it stopped abruptly after the "Nuan Ying chapter".

At the end, there were only three sentences left by Li Changsheng.

"Your way is not in this era!"

"After Nascent Soul, it involves the integration of body refining and qi refining."

"When the time comes, being a teacher will help you walk the ancient road."

Ancient Road!

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