Chapter XNUMX Murder and silence?

Under the layers of defense package,

The genius disciples of various sects regained their sense of security.

At this moment, they felt quite proud.

"What about the speed?"

"Being surrounded by our spells, you can only be beaten!"

"Aren't you arrogant?"

"Show me another arrogant one!"

Li Qingshan's figure has not yet appeared,

But it did not prevent them from smashing sword energy and spells into the air as if they were venting.

As said before,

A single spell can kill Li Qingshan.


A torrent passed through the center of the hall,

Li Qingshan is here!

And above his head, a boulder appeared out of nowhere and was falling.

"Smash him!"

The disciples were all excited and excited.

Li Qingshan looked at everyone with a smile as if he didn't realize it.

All the disciples were angry,

"He dares to laugh!"

"Don't worry, I'll see if he can laugh when the rock falls!"

Under the spotlight,

The boulder quickly fell to the top of Li Qingshan's head.

Then 25.

The boulder has collapsed!

Except for Li Changsheng, everyone in the hall widened their eyes and couldn't believe it.

I saw that the boulder directly collapsed into a majestic spiritual energy, and it suddenly dispersed.

Li Qingshan raised his arm, the aura visible to the naked eye slipped from his fingers.

He turned to look around.

"Ice Wall? Chi Yan?"

Qi refining spells are far from being able to condense the fake into the real.

Whether flowing water, boulders, ice walls, or flames, they are just the result of the gathering of spiritual energy.

Of course, for ordinary people, this is no different from the truth.

But to Li Qingshan, they are only low-level spells.

Heavenly body builds the foundation, ignoring low-level spells!

In a flash, Li Qingshan disappeared again.

Bang bang bang!

One after another, the red flames of the ice wall began to disintegrate and disappear.

A figure was thrown into the air.

The disciples of the various sects had not recovered from their astonishment before they were already knocked into the air.

in less than a moment,

All the spells in the hall disappeared, and the geniuses of all sects lay down.

Li Qingshan stood quietly in the center of the hall, his expression indifferent.

"it is good!"

Li Changsheng caressed his palms and laughed,

Laughter shook the entire hall.

"Today my disciple won the top spot, you should have no opinion, right?"

The real people of each faction did not reply, nor did they go to see their own disciples.

All of them fixed their eyes on Li Qingshan, and their breathing gradually became heavier.

On the side, the real people of the Changsheng Sect all looked at Li Changsheng with a tense expression.

It seems that he is waiting for the suzerain's order to kill people.

The atmosphere at the scene gradually became suppressed, like a dark cloud overcoming the city.

Li Qingshan was in the center of the storm, so naturally he couldn't feel it.

He knew, but it was still seen.

But Li Qingshan didn't panic, just turned to look at his master.

It was Li Changsheng who first saw his body training.

It was also Li Changsheng who let him go all out.

He believed that Li Changsheng would not have expected the scene at this moment.

Of course, most importantly,

This is the Changsheng Sect, the Hall of Longevity!

No one dares to be presumptuous in the Hall of Longevity!

"Physical training! It's no big deal."

Li Changsheng laughed lightly, breaking the silence.

"Body Refinement"

This word, which was silent in ancient times, reappears in the world of Qinghui.


With a loud bang, the door of the hall was closed.

Lu Zhenren stood up and stared at the opposite side, his eyes dark.

The rest of Changshengzong's real people also acted in the same way.

"Li Changsheng, what are you doing!"

Shang Zhenren and others suddenly looked nervous.

Li Changsheng was also stunned for a moment, then quickly waved his hand and smiled awkwardly:

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

With a big wave of his hand, the temple door reopened, and then turned to his own real person and said:

"Sit down, we are the Great Master of the Immortal Dao!"

"Don't kill people?"

All the real people sat back in their seats with doubts.

At this time, the real people from each faction finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Shang Zhenren looked at Li Changsheng and said with a trembling voice:

"The cave reappears?"

She was not afraid, but excited.

Once, the first appearance of the Heavenly Cave brought indelible damage to the Qinghui Realm.

But it's different now,

For the Qinghui world, the Heavenly Grotto is definitely a real treasure.

"You think too much!"

Li Changsheng rolled his eyes and said speechlessly:

"Will you not notice the movement of the world in the heavenly cave?"

Everyone was silent,

Indeed, their sects are located all over the Qinghui Realm.

It can be said that whenever there is a cave in a corner, it cannot be missed.

"The road of body refinement, the foundation of the heavenly body!"

Shang Zhenren turned to look at Li Qingshan and said unwillingly:

"I will never admit I'm wrong!"

"I didn't say you were wrong."

Li Changsheng shook his head lightly and said casually:

"It's just chance."

"My disciple may have obtained the secret treasure left by the ancient body refining master."

All the real people present looked disappointed,

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