What she is looking for is not an apprentice, but a kindred, or a friend.

"Don't worry, Li Qingshan will practice at Misty Peak in the future."

As soon as these words came out, the chill around them suddenly subsided.

All the real people on the side were shocked.

So simple?

Li Changsheng swept over them with smug eyes, and finally looked at Li Qingshan and said seriously:

"Li Qingshan, would you like to join me?"

Li Qingshan doesn't know what Yin Han thinks,

But since Yin Han has no opinion, he will naturally not object.

"Disciple is willing!"

Li Qingshan solemnly bows down,

Yin Han waved his hand gently, and the tea cup flew to Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan took the tea cup and presented it to Li Changsheng respectfully.

"Invite Master to drink tea!"

"it is good!"

Li Changsheng smiled, picked up the teacup, and drank it all.

"From now on, you are my close disciple of Li Changsheng!"

At this moment, all the real people also put down all the previous slanders and got up to congratulate.

"Congratulations to the sect master, happy apprentice!"

"Dang! Dang!"

The melodious bell rang out from the top of the Hall of Longevity, with nine consecutive tones, resounding throughout the entire Changsheng Sect.

All the disciples and elders stopped their movements and looked up at the Hall of Longevity.

Nine beeps,

The sect master has accepted disciples again! .

Chapter XNUMX Arena Battle!

inside the hall,

Li Changsheng got up with a smile and helped Li Qingshan up.

"Get up first!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Li Qingshan got up and looked at Yin Han by his side.

I always thought that this fairy would be my master,

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, she became a teacher-sister.

However, the word "Senior Sister" lingered in his mouth, but he couldn't say it.

At this moment, the corner of Yin Han's mouth suddenly twitched slightly.

Does she want to laugh?

Li Qingshan recalled Yin Han at the entrance ceremony.

At that time, she also looked like this, but finally gave up.

Because she can't laugh.

But this time, Yin Han did not give up.

The corners of his mouth twitched constantly, trying to pull it up.

In the end, Yin Han had a not-so-good-looking smile on his face, facing Li Qingshan.

"Senior brother!"

"I've seen Senior Sister!"

Li Qingshan slightly cupped his hands and returned with a warm smile.

Li Changsheng saw this scene in his eyes, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Spiritual thoughts in the hall are moving,

All the real people are smacking their tongues for "Yin Han laughed".

Li Changsheng swept through numerous spiritual thoughts without interrupting,

Instead, a divine sense swept the audience and said proudly:

"How can you understand the wisdom of this old man?"

In an instant, the heated discussion died down.

All the real people all retracted their spiritual thoughts and looked at each other.

Although there is no sound transmission, they both know what the other party wants to say.


Unable to show off, Li Changsheng was suddenly bored. After shaking his head, he arranged for the two apprentices to sit down.

There was a strange silence in the hall for a while.

"Sect Master, let's talk about this competition!"

Lu Zhenren broke the silence.

"What's there to say?"

Li Changsheng shook his head lightly and looked out of the hall.

"When they come, just beat them away."


The real people froze for a while, and their voices gradually became excited.

"Sect Master, do you still want to grab it?"

"What are you robbing? Is this the way of the Immortal Dao Sect?"

Li Changsheng frowned and scolded,

"What I said about the fight was to let Li Qingshan fight in the big competition, and they won the competition in a dignified manner."

All the real people gritted their teeth and glared at Li Changsheng.

Who was the leader who took the lead in grabbing the Heavenly Spirit Grass back then!

How can you be so shameless!

Lu Zhenren took a deep breath, calmed down, and spoke again.

"Sect Master, although Li Qingshan has already refined Qi to the ninth level, he has only been in the first three months after all."

"I suggest to be safe and choose an experienced disciple from the outer disciples."

The other real people nodded in agreement.

"Sect Master, since you want to be upright, it's better to be safe."

"Yes, since they have kept the Heavenly Spirit Grass for over a hundred years, there must be some talented disciples who have been stuck in the Qi refining period for many years to prepare for the competition."

"Let Li Qingshan rashly go up to fight, it's a huge loss."

Li Qingshan's expression changed, and he gently swirled his left middle finger.

It wears a black ring from Master Li Changsheng.

Obviously, the effect of the ring is amazing.

Completely shielded the blood fluctuations in his body,

In the eyes of all the real people, he was just an ordinary qi-refining ninth-level disciple.

But at this time, you can't back down.

Li Qingshan's expression became solemn, and he was about to speak.

But a palm fell from his shoulder, stopping his words.

Li Changsheng looked at the real people and his face became serious.

"The road to immortality, where does it come from?"

"Back then, it was all the sects fighting, and my Changsheng Sect naturally went all out."

"Now that the big competition has been decided, no matter who wants a peerless foundation pill, they can only fight for it themselves!"


Li Changsheng patted Li Qingshan on the shoulder, showing a winning smile.

"This time, our Changsheng Sect will definitely win!"

"What a big breath!"

An angry shout came from outside the temple,

Countless fairy lights crossed the sky and fell outside the Hall of Longevity.

The major gates have arrived!

Li Changsheng looked at the leading Taoist nun with a smile, raised his hand and waved to the right side of the hall.

"Shang Zhenren, take a seat first!"


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