Xu Chengwang shook his head slightly and explained:

"The medium-sized space passage in Bincheng is the main target of the Marquis of Jingshan."

Ding dong~!

The doorbell rang suddenly.

Wei Anping took the initiative to get up and open the door.

But when the door opened, he was stunned.

"Xie Jingtong?"

"Wei Dong, we are here to make amends."

Xie Jingtong pulled his son with a forced smile on his face.


"Is it not me who you want to see?"

Wei Anping shook his head gently and walked inside.

"come in!"

Xie Jingtong and his son looked at the door and swallowed.

It was as if there were flood beasts waiting for them inside.

However, since they have decided to come to the house to make amends, they naturally dare not leave.

The father and son moved, and finally reached the dining room.

Unexpectedly, the first time I saw Xu Chengwang.

Xie Jingtong's legs went weak and he slumped on the ground.

"President Xu?"

"Oh, do you still know the old man?"

Xu Chengwang, what kind of person,

I knew right away that I had been misunderstood.

But there is no need for explanation.

Neither he nor Li Qingshan can offend the businessman in front of him.

After Xu Chengwang asked a question, he looked directly at Li Qingshan without waiting for the other person to answer.

"Is there a big conflict?"

In an instant,

Xie Jingtong's heart was in his throat.

He knew, as long as the unknown young man nodded lightly.

Their father and son are dead.

"It's just a small conflict."

Li Qingshan laughed and shook his head,

To deal with this kind of thing, there is no need to take advantage.

He turned to look at Xie Jingtong and said indifferently:

"Xingyi Group, right?"

"Go back to Bincheng, Linxi City is not suitable for you."

"Also, educate your son well when you go back!"

Li Qingshan spoke very lightly,

But the invisible momentum was so overwhelming that Xie Jingtong and his son couldn't breathe.

It was not until Xie Jingtong nodded with difficulty that the momentum disappeared instantly.

Xie Jingtong got up quickly, and was about to retire with his son.

However, Xu Chengwang's face suddenly sank.


"The news is pretty good."

"You guys want to come to the space passage of Linxi City, right?"

"Go back and tell those who have the same idea, whoever dares to come prepare to have their legs broken!"

Xu Chengwang raised his hand and Xie Jingtong and his son flew out the door.

"President, doesn't Bincheng also have a space channel?" Li Qingshan was puzzled.

"Yes, Bincheng's provincial martial arts will be right next to the space passage."

"However, you are eligible to go, but they are not."

Xu Chengwang had a solemn expression and said seriously:

"Only warriors who can hunt monsters are eligible to join the association."

Li Qingshan nodded and understood.

Obviously, the association is rejecting that kind of hothouse flower-like martial artist.

"Okay, I almost forgot about it!"

Xu Chengwang patted his forehead, took out a card from his pocket, and handed it to Li Qingshan.

"This is the payment given by Nan's. I have checked the list and there is no problem."

"Thank you, President."

Li Qingshan took the card and put it in his pocket.

"So calm?"

Xu Chengwang opened his mouth with a smile.

"Do you know how much money is in there?"

"¨〃It should be hundreds of millions, right?"

Li Qingshan's tone was calm.

Several people around opened their mouths wide in shock.

"Hehe, 20 billion!"


Everyone was shocked, including Li Qingshan.

But he thinks more than money,

It's a monster pill!

With this card, at least for a long time,

He doesn't have to worry about materials anymore!

"Hahaha, this is like a young man!"

Xu Chengwang laughed in satisfaction and patted Li Qingshan on the shoulder.

"Don't think too much. When you move to Bincheng, there are still many places to spend money."

"Go to Bincheng?" Li Qingshan was taken aback,

He had thought about moving, but he didn't want to move that far!

"You also know that the vicinity of the space channel is beneficial for cultivation."

"Bincheng's is a medium-sized channel, not comparable to Jiguanshan."

"Jingshan Hou has chartered you to move in here to prepare for this year's Martial Arts Conference."

Hear this,

Li Qingshan has already decided to go.

The effect of the space channel on him is not just as simple as beneficial cultivation.

Of course, this time it's a move, and my sister has to take it with me.

"Right, one more thing."

"You take the time to go back to the association in the afternoon, add the star of the medal, you are now a fifth-order warrior."

"Tier XNUMX martial artist? I haven't tested it yet"

Xu Chengwang waved his hand and said indifferently:

"The Marquis of Jingshan has been specially approved."

"The test will come to Bincheng later. The machines here can't be tested."

A lunch full of guests and hosts,

Of course, this only refers to Li Qingshan and Xu Chengwang.

Wei Anping and his son Zhang Xinyao were stunned by the content of their conversation.

The Marquis of Jingshan, 20 billion, fifth-order warriors,

The information sent their heads buzzing.

Until then, they didn't know,

Li Qingshan's strength has reached to what extent!

Two days later, in the evening.

On the top of Jiguan Mountain, a figure sits cross-legged.

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