
He paused and cast his eyes to the bottom of the cliff.

There is the junction of the back mountain and the front mountain, and several figures are passing through the forest quickly.

"Zhu Qi, Wang Zhuang, Zuo Rao"

Li Qingshan moved his gaze to the back of them,

A figure was chasing frantically, and all the trees in the way were smashed.

The surging blood is like a shining lamp in the dark shadow,

He was the source of Li Qingshan's attention.

"Quick, quicker!"

Zhu Qi's face was full of anxiety and kept urging.

The clothes of several people in Wangzhuang had been scratched out by the branches, and they were all gray-faced and quite embarrassed.

But they didn't complain, didn't answer, just gritted their teeth to speed up again.

They are running for their lives!


A bang.

A big tree in front burst into pieces, and a burly figure stopped on the stump.

It was the deputy director of Lin's Martial Arts Hall, Hong Hu.

"Zhu Qi, why are you running? You can get on the helicopter."

"Just for them, are you going to give up your life?"

Hong Hu looked at Zhu Qi, raised his finger to Wang Zhuang and the others, and sneered:

"When did you become so great?"

"Hehe, great?"

Zhu Qi sneered twice, folded his arms and said:

"I save them, just by the way!"

"More importantly, I don't want to be a beast!"

"Do you think it's great if you don't want to be a beast?"

"you dare!"

The fig leaf was uncovered, and Hong Hu was furious.

"well said!"

A louder voice sounded in the air.

Zhu Qi and Wang Zhuang looked up and exclaimed in surprise.

"Li Qingshan!"

Honghu also looked up.

But all he saw was the sole of a shoe.

Next second,

The foot fell on the top of Honghu Lake.

Under the pressure of terror,

In the blink of an eye, Hong Hu's head was pressed into his chest cavity, and the entire chest cavity shattered.


A puddle of blood and mud splattered around the stump,

Li Qingshan also fell on the stump.


The swallowing sound kept ringing,

Several people in Wang Zhuang's eyes widened, with panic in their eyes.

Having seen the scene of the Rabbit King killing people, they can be considered "eye-opening".

But compared with Li Qingshan's explosive killing method,

King Rabbit is a fart!

Zhu Qi was also shocked,

But he can understand Li Qingshan's anger,


Every martial artist should be angry when they encounter this kind of thing!

"Li Qingshan, I don't know where Lin Yunqian is, but Gu Shan is still in the camp, he"

Zhu Qi spoke quickly, wanting to tell the news as soon as possible.

However, Li Qingshan gently waved his hand and interrupted him.

"Go to the foot of the mountain as soon as possible and help organize the evacuation!"

After all,

He flew away, and his figure was already dozens of meters away.

As long as the location of the space channel is clear, the rest of the information is not important.


The piercing siren rang through the camp,

A large number of monsters are besieging from all directions,

In the camp, ordinary disciples could only rush for their lives.


In the center of the camp, two helicopters slowly rose.

Below, dozens of disciples slumped on the ground, crying in despair.

"Master, don't leave us behind!"

"Help, Senior Brother!"

"The curator, where is the curator?"



A terrifying explosion came from overhead,

All the disciples raised their heads,

I saw a helicopter has exploded into pieces.

At this time,

A dark shadow flashed across the night sky.


A huge spark exploded,

Another helicopter also exploded.

"Big, big brother?"

All the disciples were stunned.

Their big brother is sitting in this plane.

"who is it!"

Gu Shan roared, sprang from the flames, and fell to the ground.

At this moment, he was charred all over, and his hair was curled up.

Was looking around, trying to find the culprit.

"Up, up!"

A disciple exclaimed,

Gu Shan suddenly raised his head, and a sole appeared.

Next second,

Flesh shattered,

The end is exactly the same as that of Honghu.

"You, don't come here!"

The disciples chattered their teeth and looked at the figure that appeared.

After seeing the indifferent look on the other party's face, he was even more frightened.

The other party has just trampled their big brother to death!

Li Qingshan shook his head indifferently,

"You go and escape!"

These disciples are all abandoned pawns, and it is impossible to know.

body flashed,

Li Qingshan turned into afterimages and shuttled through the camp.

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