Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 402 My Xingyu is also some1 with a backstage

"Brother Lu Chen, hehehe, then we too?"

In the distance, Sirius looked at Lu Chen in awe.

He was a little confused.

Lu Chen looked at Sirius. Xingyu had mentioned the Sirius Galaxy to him before, and he was somewhat impressed by Sirius.

"Oh, stay.

Lu Chen said: "I still have to participate in the ring competition."

Sirius nodded with joy in his heart: "That's right."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Genmarsh and others were all stunned.

"Lu Chen? The domain master is also surnamed Lu!"

Genmarsh looked at Lu Chen suddenly, with a hint of astonishment in his eyes: "What is the relationship between him, him and the Lord of the Domain?"

Elisavin, Moen Leiyan and others also thought of this.

"Lu Chen...Lu...Fuck!

Xingyu's body trembled.

He also thought of this one!

This, this shouldn't be such a coincidence! Could it be that Lu Chen is really the son of the domain master?

Thinking of this, Xingyu got goosebumps.

Madd, is it so scary!

Watch Battle Star.

Huo Tianzun looked at this scene with a smile, and the appreciation in his eyes became more and more intense.

And Ghost 08 Tianzun even exclaimed: "It's exactly the same as the domain master, exactly the same."

"The Lord of the Lesser Domain is benevolent, and I hope those guys know how to be grateful.

"Oh, it should be.

Qinglong Tianzun said with a smile: "They can be on the same stage as Master Shaoyu, and they will be able to play for a lifetime in the future, which is more proud of them than taking second or third.

As soon as these words came out, Huo Tianzun and Ghost Tianzun nodded at the same time.

The three people's words were not transmitted.

The patriarch of the ancient stone clan, Orem and others, did not feel anything at all.

Even a little excited!

The identity of the master of the young domain is noble enough, coupled with such strength and potential.

Mad, even the five patriarchs wanted to kneel and lick at this moment.

"Gernmarsh is a good boy in everything, but he is upright, but don't offend the young master.

Guern Munro, the head of the idol clan, said in his heart.

On the side, Ilse had a headache in his heart, and the mechanical race seldom had feelings.

Elisavin, this child, is weak in this respect, what can I do about it.

On Babel.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Genmarsh couldn't bear it any longer.

If you don't go, you will not be eligible to participate in the ring competition.

"Come on."

Lu Chen smiled and said, "What are you doing standing there, am I so scary?

In the distance, Ogtar murmured in his heart, don't you know what you are like?

But with Lu Chen's encouragement, everyone relaxed a lot.

Elisavin, Genmarsh, and Moen Leiyan flew over first.

However, the three of them were consciously 10 meters shorter than Lu Chen, and seemed to feel that the same height as Lu Chen was a kind of provocation to Lu Chen.

After that, Ogtar and Naga Xuanxin had a change, and they also began to fly over.

"Emperor Xingyu, come here too.

Lu Chen waved to Xingyu in the distance.

Xingyu was stunned for a moment, he was still thinking about when it would be appropriate for him to go there.

After all, when logging into the arena in the past, it was necessary to fight each other, and it was based on one's own strength.

After listening to Lu Chen's words, Xingyu was smart all over, with a deep smile in his eyes.

"Good, good!"

This is a small stove opened by Lu Chen alone. Mad is really cool.

No matter what, Laozi has a backstage!

Immediately, Xingyu's whole person became quite energetic, and he even dared to stand side by side with Ogtanaga Xuan.

On the other hand, Augta and Naga Xuan gave Xingyu a deep look.

They already knew that this one had a good relationship with Lu Chen.

Next to Xingyu, Sirius is envious.

Mad, why don't we have such a genius in our Sirius galaxy?

What's the matter, I have to go back and look for it.

Soon, players who thought they were good came up.

However, there are differences.

When Lu Chen saw that there were already 2,000 people here, he said to the rest: "Challenge yourself, you will lose.

"Yes, Lord Lu!"

Those who had not come up immediately nodded excitedly.

1 hour later.

The list of 2,000 people was officially generated.

At this moment, a bright beam of light descended from the sky.

This beam of light brought Lu Chen and others to the sky tens of thousands of meters high at the same time.

There, there is a giant arena with a length and width of 100,000 kilometers, which is the final decisive point.

The ring stage of the Babel Contest lasts for 20 days.

It is also fully enclosed, but during this period, if you do not need to play games, you can move freely.

You can go to Babel to continue the treasure hunt, or retreat.

"Now start the draw to match."

When Lu Chen and others came to the huge ring, a silver robot with a height of 100 meters said.

This robot is the referee of this ring match. It has emperor-level combat power and will monitor the entire game.

The draw will soon be over.

Lu Chen's first-round opponent was an unknown guy.

In fact, it doesn't matter who it is, so Lu Chen is too lazy to watch.

Soon, the first round will begin.

According to the rules of the Babel Contest, 5 games are played every day, and so on, with breaks in between.

"It's too long, and I don't know who set the competition system.

Lu Chen slandered in his heart.

At this time, watching the battle on the planet.

Lu Tianhe got up, and the three celestial beings behind him and the powerhouses were all shocked.

"I said, there is no need for Lu Chen to continue participating, right?

Lu Tianhe looked at the three-dimensional screen in mid-air and said.

"Yes, Lord Domain Master, the strength of Young Domain Lord is well deserved."

Huo Tianzun laughed.

Qinglong Tianzun also said: "Yes, it is better to directly announce the identity of the main champion of the young domain.


Ghost Tianzun nodded, 20 days is because the difference in strength between each other is 510, and they can rest.

But with the strength of Lu Chen, staying for 20 days is a complete waste of time!

He couldn't help but hurriedly meet the Young Master.

"Lord Domain Master, we think so too!"

Moenke, the patriarch of the Molei family, and others also said.

There is no need to compare, it is more than anything.

"Well, in that case."

Lu Tianhe nodded and immediately raised his hand.

The next moment, Lu Tianhe's law projection instantly appeared in the sky above the Tongtian star.

On the ring, everyone looked up at the same time.

Then, everyone saluted and said respectfully and enthusiastically: "I have seen the Lord of the Domain!"

Lu Tianhe didn't care about others, but glanced at Lu Chen with a smile.

Afterwards, he said: "In this Baton Competition, Lu Chen has won everyone's recognition for his absolute strength, so Lu Chen will win without a fight and become the champion of this competition.

"If you have any objections, you can challenge Lu Chen. 35

After Lu Tianhe finished speaking, how could everyone refute.

That's how it should be.

Moreover, we are not comfortable with this guy here, and we are also nervous.


At this moment, a dazzling golden beam of light fell from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen found himself being lifted up by this inexplicable energy.

And Lu Tianhe's law phantom has disappeared.

"We congratulate the Lord of the Domain!"

Genmarsh and other geniuses are extremely respectful.

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