Elisavin, Gernmarsh, Morn, Leiyan, and everyone, looked at Lu Chen at the same time!

Watch Battle Star.

Moen Leiyan said with some serious internal combustion.

"The Master of the Young Territory must become a great sage, the great sage of martial arts, he can become a saint in at most 30 years!"

He will definitely be accepted as an apprentice by Tianzun and even the domain master!


This guy, even if the attack power is not amazing, but the defense power alone is already the number one person in the Tianhe Star Region.

As for the powerhouses of the five major clans and the major forces in the Tianhe Star Region, they were already shocked.

"Young Master Niu B!"


"Hahaha, the posture of the world master, oh no, the posture of the true god!

Lu Chen's voice was calm, but when these words fell in the ears of everyone, they made everyone feel that you are crazy.

After a long time, the patriarch of the idol clan, Gen Monroe, murmured with shock, puzzlement, incredible and envy: "The law of time... the supernatural power of the law!

Between the electric light and flint, black mysterious ice fell from the sky.

The golden flames around Moen's Thunder Flame directly turned into a large golden shield to block him.



Xingyu, who was directly shocked by this scene, was stunned!

No, even the great sage or even the demigod may not have achieved this step when he was young!

Naga Hyun's voice became sharp-!

The moment when the cold and soul-suppressing ice fell.

At this time, Elisavin spoke up.

However, the Master of the Lesser Domain was unscathed...


And Elisavin and Gernmarsh were even more stunned.


What greeted Elisavin was Lu Chen's terrifying aura soaring!

The combat power of the three ancient emperors cannot even be reached by many people.

Moen Leiyan and Genmarsh flew out at the same time.


"Lu Chen, although your defense is invincible, so what!"

"bring it on!"


On the side, the brain of the mechanic family Ilse was about to shut down.

"What does it mean to have only this level?"


The next moment, whether it was Genmarsh or Moen Leiyan, their expressions changed slightly.

Coupled with his almost invincible body, this person definitely has the supreme combat power of the universe!

In the distance, Moen's lightning spewed out a mouthful of black blood that burned the earth.

Fortunately... that stupid pig-like sister didn't continue to offend him, otherwise...

Immediately after.

Thinking of this, Gernmarsh felt both envy and joy in his heart.

They never dreamed that this would be the result!

When Augta and Nagaxuan saw Lu Chen who was breathing calmly and looking calm, they couldn't hold back any longer!

The cold and soul-suppressing ice instantly covered a radius of 10,000 meters with ice.

Even the legendary Holy Body is not so perverted!

The rest of the people looked at the invincible figure in the air with incredible expressions!

The whole person retreated tens of thousands of meters before stopping, with the fear and horror on his face for the rest of his life.

Genmarsh smiled: "In terms of defense, everyone present is not as good as you."


Not far away, Elisavin, whose body was damaged, began to restart.


Holy crap, is this really my son?

In fact, he was about to go crazy with envy and jealousy in his heart.


The three ancient emperors attacked at the same time, but one came unscathed!?

Its mechanical heart suddenly stopped, and the mechanical brain was like a dead machine, and the whole person lost control and fell to the ground!


Lu Chen is still unscathed!

And the first time it responded, it was a blast!

Gernmarsh's figure soared to a height of a thousand meters again, and his illusory body kept flickering as if trying to avoid Lu Chen's attack.

Gernmarsh couldn't even think about it.

No, this is terrifying beyond the common sense of martial arts!

This person... even with a normal background, but after this battle, he must be a man of influence in the entire Tianhe Star Region.

Lu Chen snorted, then looked at the three of them: "Since that's the case, then the three of you can join forces to pick me up.


Why is this boy so perverted!?

The three bowed slightly and turned on their strongest defensive state.

Elisavin's mouth twitched. As the young patriarch of the mechanical clan, someone who was destined to lead the mechanical clan to new brilliance was actually said to be the only one?


The three Heavenly Venerates and the heads of the major clans were all shocked and silent.

And Elisavin, as a mechanical clan, although his vitality is strong, he can avoid some of the decaying effects of "Black Hole: The Death of Time", but when the cold and soul-soothing ice penetrates his skin.

Immediately afterwards, a wave that made the three of them feel inexplicable came.

Elisavin looked at Lu Chen: "Let me see how your attack power is!"5

These types, no matter which one is extremely rare, but now they appear in one person!

Its arms are close together like a shield, and there is a bright blue light shining on it.

Gernmarsh, Elisaven, and Morn Lightning are all discolored.

The pothole under Lu Chen was also covered with black ice crystals, and the opening of the hole disappeared.

Moen Leiyan looked at Lu Chen suspended in midair in disbelief, his shocking eyes almost popped out.

The mechanical race did not easily have any emotions, even if he was shocked, puzzled, curious, and horrified just now, he has returned to calm at this moment.

In a word, Mad is very good, but he is envious!


Oh ancient emperor, Laozi ancient emperor!


In the seat in front, Lu Tianhe would have jumped up if he wanted to maintain his character!

Because, they found that their breath became weak!

The terrifying sound of the wind also became cold like a knife under the urging of Soul Requiring Ice.

The eyes of Qinglong Tianzun were full of brilliance, and the whole person's excited heart jumped to the throat.

"But, to say that the three of them join forces to pick you up, hehe."

"In addition to the manifestation of the law... and the suspected Holy Body, he, his path to sanctification has been opened!


Genmarsh didn't say anything later, because he was afraid of making enemies.

On the spectator star, Ghost Tianzun said excitedly.

"Om! 39

On Babel.

Didn't even the skin break?

One person easily crushed the three ancient emperors!

This one, either has practiced holy-level exercises, or is some kind of special existence that transcends the intelligent life of the universe!

Mad, the Old Sage has never been so terrifying!

"Creak. 35

And Elisavin, as a mechanic, can change his body shape.

How terrible is this!

Elisavin is down!

But Gernmarsh ultimately remained silent.

At the same time, the black soul ice around Lu Chen condensed at an unbelievable speed.


A silver mask instantly began to spread.

In the blink of an eye, the three ancient emperors were defeated!

Gernmarsh's body quickly shrank to its original shape, his face pale with palpitations and horror.

Lu Chen looked at the dumbfounded Gern Marsh three.

The three roared at the same time, and three powerful auras rose up.

Qin Zhou, Wu Tian, ​​Abiluoti and the others looked at Moen and Leiyan not far away with shocking expressions, as if they were terrified by a hurricane.

At this moment, the silver light mask has enveloped the three of them.

Orem, the patriarch of the ancient stone clan, clenched his fists excitedly, his face flushed with excitement: "In addition to the domain master, one domain and two saints! Haoyang Great Realm is unmatched! Shaoyu The main name shocks the southern universe! 35 Nine

The whole place was dead silent!

how can that be!

Xingyu and the others were taken aback!

Immediately, he said with a half-smile, "Is it only this way?


Gernmarsh would like to ask, is this not enough?

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