Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 325 Taishen Temple, Combat Strength Test, Star Ranking

(Thank you for the 2000 points reward of 2 swastikas, thank you for the strong support of the local tyrants, if you want to play the role of the dragon, you can post)

Bright star clusters appeared in the beam of light, and in the blink of an eye, three galaxy air clusters appeared in the pure white beam of light!

These three big stars are the hostile forces of Noukan big star.

And because of the decrease in the purity of blood essence, the galactic air mass that originally appeared quickly finally slowed down.

Storgo looked at a young humanoid behind Feder.

Under Storgo's gaze, galactic gas clusters appeared from time to time in the holy and flawless white light.

The most interesting and shocking thing for Lu Chen is that the mechanical clansmen can easily create robots with great strength.

"And this time will not be too short. 39

"Lu Chen, you are too greedy, the supreme 7 stars... is already an extremely remarkable achievement."

In fact, he made up his mind temporarily, not because he didn't trust Storgo, but because he was afraid that Storgo's psychological burden would be too heavy.

Seeing Lu Chen's curious expression, Stogo introduced: "This robot also has the power of Tianzong."

At that time, it will be a disaster for Noukan Star.

A sour and uncomfortable voice came from behind.

In the past, there have been many battles and killings for this, but because the strength is almost the same, it is difficult for each other to win or lose each other and cause too much damage to the other side.

Storgo laughed.

"Who is this?

He said it was not worth mentioning, but the bright smile on Fader's face betrayed him.

As the place where the Star Ranking list was announced and the battle strength was tested, the Supreme God Temple had countless strong contacts.

However, if Lu Chen's supreme 7-star talent is known, the three big stars may not have the possibility of joining together.

At that time, it is not only shock, but horror.

After Storgo finished speaking, he suddenly looked solemn and said: "But I doubt that in the future, Xuefeng, Zuoyun, Xiangyu and the others will join forces. 35

"Supreme 7-star,'s amazing!"


The next day, Taishen Temple.

Lu Chen's heart moved slightly, and suddenly absorbed part of the blood essence in the Emperor Star Artifact.

This is just the beginning!

Obviously, this Gao Qun already has the strength to enter the star list.

Lu Chen's "limit" is the supreme 7-star, and Storgo will only be extremely shocked, but if he easily reaches the supreme 9-star Storgo, he will know that Lu Chen's talent is above the supreme level.


At first glance, it looks like a pink snowman.

The second floor of Taishen Temple.

"Okay, you two, please come with me.

Most of these emperors brought their family descendants or royal guests to the test.

And the man called Feder had a pink body like a ball, and there was a tentacle on his huge head.

Supreme 7 stars, the first day of the Galactic Empire in 100,000 years is proud!

But this is only the lowest-end robot made by the mechanical family, what if it is the high-end or even the top robot of the mechanical family?

"Extreme 3 stars!

The relationship between the two is obviously very good, hugging each other and greeting each other.

The entire second floor is white except for a blue light strip on the ceiling.

When the seventh one appeared, the speed was extremely slow.

Storgo said to the robot in front of him.

Anyway, the Supreme 7 stars are enough to obtain extremely high authority in the Galactic Empire.

Ten thousand kings?

"But not necessarily."

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

"Tianzong! 35

"Hehe, this is a technological product of the mechanical family, which has a high degree of autonomy and can execute any command with simple settings.

It can be said that, anyone who can enter the Supreme Divine Hall is basically a king.

This is like a person who can't even afford to eat. If you give him 100,000 yuan, he will be excited and excited.

Although the mechanical race has not yet reached the level of the ancient star race, the gap is not big.

Faide laughed and looked quite complacent: "Gao Qun, a new guest I recruited. 35

At that time, Storgo may have sleepless nights, and may be terrified by Lu Chen's terrifying talent.

Lu Chen pretended to be somewhat dissatisfied and said.

Then Feder looked at Lu Chen beside Storgo: "Who is this?" Jiu.

Lu Chen just didn't want Storgo to have too many burdens.

Fader waved his hand: "Haha it's not worth mentioning, bring him to see the world. 99

0...... ask for flowers 0....

A silver-white robot about the same height as Lu Chen walked towards Lu Chen and Storgo.

The huge second floor has uniformly distributed pure white rooms.

The youth's skin is pale gray, and his eyes are snow-white. The whole is undoubtedly human.

Just when Lu Chen and Storgo were about to go to the test.

The robot makes a gesture, and its agile appearance is no different from that of intelligent life.

Not far from each other.

"Huh, it's only 7 stars."

Even the battle uniforms worn by many people here are pure white, which looks a little dazzling.

It is a combination of technology and martial arts.

The area here is also huge.

Even if Storgo was mentally prepared, he was still shocked at this moment.

When I came to the main star of the galaxy yesterday, Lu Chen also logged in to the main star's Zhixing website and learned about some star clans such as the mechanical clan.

Their clansmen are mechanical beings, and their martial arts are different from those of most civilizations.

In the blink of an eye, I reached 5!

And on the Star List of the Galactic Empire, Elisas, who is now number one, is a member of the Machine Race.

And today is the last day of the combat power test, and the star list will be refreshed at noon.

"I'm afraid it's at the star level, right?"

In the hall, Lu Chen has seen more than one emperor.

"After all, the cost of offending someone is far more than making good friends.

When he saw the illusory galaxy air mass, Storgo couldn't stop laughing.

Just thinking about it is scary enough.

Although the bulk is not much in the entire galaxy.

Storgo sighed with emotion: "I didn't expect that my Noukan star could even have a supreme talent, and it's still a 7-star! 35

But if you give him 50 billion, he may be afraid.

This is also one of the reasons why the mechanical race can dominate the Tianhe Star Region.

Storgo turned back and laughed.

The tiny movement didn't catch Storgo's attention.

"Let's use the star stone."

Below Wangjing, except for a few staff members, Lu Chen didn't see it.

Therefore, the number of people is far more than before.

The powerhouse of the mechanical race is itself a battleship, with the blessing of martial arts supernatural powers, etc., the combat power is extremely powerful.

As for the king level and the heavenly king level, let alone.

Because of this, the strength of the mechanical family is outrageously strong and spreads over the main stars of the major galaxies in the Tianhe star field.

For example, a Heavenly King of the same level, a strong mechanical clan can easily kill each other.

Storgo was in great shock and surprise.

And this momentum is still growing steadily.


"Lu Chen, in time, you will be able to enter the wider world from the Galactic Empire.

Stogo smiled and said: "Zuoyun Daxing and Xiangyu Daxing may want to befriend us."

"Good morning, two adults, is there anything I can help?"

Lu Chen's pupils shrank slightly.

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