Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 315 The Great Rejuvenation of the Earth, the Emperor Star Palace of Nokan Palace


In the vast starry sky.

Lu Chen's mind moved slightly.

"Xiaochen, you are too close, will the spaceship melt?"

Lu Chen laughed.

0.....・・・For flowers 0......

Immediately, he took out his identity card, and a three-dimensional figure about the earth appeared.

Su Immortal said with a smile.

Lu Chen put Su Xuewei in his arms and nodded.

Lu Tianhe said with a smile.

(Seeking flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, evaluation tickets are about to break 30,000, big guys help to speed up evaluation tickets) Nine.

Over the star of Noukan.

"Well, I think so too."

"Cough, the housekeeper, the housekeeper.

A huge robotic arm like a star dragon is working in an orderly manner.

The next moment, the Starship Battleship descended at an unbelievable speed.


In the Nookan Palace, there is a specially built "Emperor Palace". The area of ​​the Emperor Xing Palace is almost 140 square kilometers, which is equivalent to the area of ​​a first-tier city.

Lu Chen patted Su Immortal's shoulder: "It's all arranged for you."

"Yeah, maybe a few decades later, the grandmaster will become the threshold for the college entrance examination.

At this time, Yueli walked out of the room, bowed to the crowd and said, "Welcome, my lords.

Nalan Qingqing looked greedy from the side.

Lu Chen comforted: "Don't worry, Mom, the Aurora can resist the full blow of the emperor's peak, and with the strength of the emperor's peak, it can extinguish a star."

Su Immortal looked at Lu Chen's back with a wry smile.

That's what Lu Chen deliberately requested. The Noukan Star is too big, and the area of ​​Nookan Palace is comparable to a sun. It is one of the hundred districts of the Noukan Star.

It is located above the Noucan star, over the Bata district.


It wasn't that the emperor who didn't have a big star did this before, but in the end, he was ruthlessly killed.

Aside, Su Xuewei curiously stared at the clearly visible planetary barrier outside the glass window and said, "Dad, it may not take decades.

A luxurious and huge starship battleship emerged in the space ripples.

Nalan Qingqing was very curious about what her father was doing in Alien.

Everyone got up and looked at the porthole.

As a star, the sun has all the life planets. Once the sun goes out, the major life planets will suffer disaster.

This is not what Noukan and the Milky Way galaxy want to see.

"Yes, as expected of the top Marquis.

Not only Han Yue was nervous, except for Lu Jingzhe and Nalan Sheng, everyone else was a little nervous.

Su Xuewei put her arms around Lu Chen's arm and rested her small head on Lu Chen's shoulder.

Lu Chen looked at the planetary barrier that changed from pure white to blue and white and nodded with satisfaction.

Nalan Sheng coughed lightly.

"Earth is prosperous! Lu Chen, this is a great event with infinite merit.

As for the future.

With his current authority, Nokan Daxing has almost no secrets.

Then, Lu Chen put away the Aurora and led everyone down quickly.

The Emperor Star Palace is named after Lu Chen's 9-star talent, and there are thousands of royal servants, servants and even star slaves in it.

As long as the spiritual energy in the universe enters as usual, even if it is not as rich as the star of Nokan, the progress of mankind will be much faster.

Su Immortal understood, Madam Mad also needs an alien girl who takes care of the house!

And because of the lighting and projection of stars a few days ago, there are more star powerhouses who come to the star of Nookan.

This is the first "alien" they have seen so far, and they can't help but be very curious.

Around the huge earth, there are streaks of light blue light spots on the white planetary barrier.

Even those inspectors do not have this authority, and now, Lu Chen has finally broken some kind of shackles on the earth.

And, lighting up a dead star to reinvigorate it is very costly.

Lu Tianhe also said.

"Hehe, both. 35

Lu Chen looked at Su Xuewei softly.

"But in fact, the sun is also protected, so most people don't do this.

"Cough, my place is too small, shameful.""

"This aura blockade is unnecessary."

Farther away from the sun, the space vibrates slightly.

Then he whispered: "Husband, I have no regrets in this life."

Lu Chen believes that at most 5 years, within 5 years, the situation of earth masters walking everywhere will appear.

"Hehe, Qingqing wants to take a look, so let's take a look. 35

Therefore, even if the hostile stars fight against each other, they rarely take action against stars such as the sun, because they will be punished very greatly.

A round of brilliant sun exudes extreme light and extreme heat.

On the other hand, Han Yue and the twins looked at Yueli in amazement.

The port of berth remains as busy as ever.

Lu Chen also said through voice transmission: "Also, don't you still have a lot of things to get to the palace?

"It's okay, it's more than 200 flats. 35

Everyone's expressions froze, it was an unimaginable scene.

Lu Chen casually clicked a few times.


The Aurora is very large, with entertainment halls, lounges, parlors, training rooms, gravity rooms, etc., almost everything imaginable.

Su Xuerou was not to be outdone.

Su Immortal was a little surprised and said: "Brother Nalan is very powerful to have such a luxurious residence in Nokan Star."

There are thousands of palaces and rooms in the Emperor Star Palace. Even if Lu Chen finds a thousand wives, it will be enough to live in.

As the honorary star host of Noukan Star, Lu Chen does not need to go through the port of berth, let alone conduct inspections, etc., and he is completely free to enter and exit without any obstruction.

Su Xuewei whispered: "I saw the sun up close with you, I feel that this life is worth it."

In recent years, Nalan Sheng rarely returned to Earth, and even when he came back, he was busy with other things.

Nalan Sheng said with emotion.

Soon, the group came to Kailong Community.


"Wow, Dad, is this where you live?"

Su Immortal and Lu Tianhe looked at Saint Nalan at the same time, with a slightly strange look.

Inside the Aurora's lounge.

"Uh, that's true."

The original blockade of the aura and the control of the concentration of the aura were immediately released by Lu Chen.

Nalan Sheng transmits sound to Lu Chen through spiritual power.

Earthlings are not bad.

"Hehe, good, leave the space for young people."

The next moment, an unimaginably huge starship warship appeared out of thin air.

As a person whose status is comparable to that of Stogo, as long as it is within the range of Noukan, Lu Chen can control and give different permissions.

Soon, Aurora descended below the atmosphere.

Now, knowing that this is the place where Nalan Sheng lived, Nalan Qingqing couldn't help feeling a little more intimacy.

"Lu Chen, I want too.

"Extinguish the stars...

Even, those places on the barrier where the energy is weak and those places have loopholes can be clearly seen.

The planetary barrier automatically opens again.

"Everyone on earth is like a dragon, and everyone can become a master, this first step has been completed.

The living room was suddenly silent.

"Hehe, that, two relatives, let's go to the entertainment hall.

"And I.

Han Yue said nervously.

From the light blue three-dimensional image in front of him, Lu Chen can clearly see that the earth is surrounded by the planetary barrier.

After the group entered Nalan Sheng's house.

Through the huge glass, Han Yue and others could see the blazing star that exuded endless majesty and oppression.

"The area is huge.

"Lu Chen, I won't go then."

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