"This is……"

After all, other people don't know their relationship with Lu Chen yet.

"It's still comfortable to wear. 35

"Yi Wuya, Mr. Liu, what's the specific situation?

At such a distance, almost everyone has a feeling of being extraordinarily small.


it is good. "

"`" Lu Chen, are you very good at Noukan Star?"

Now that he has returned to Earth, he naturally has to care about the affairs of the Imperial Federation.

within the federal government.

"Then we'll go back first. 35

Lu Jingzhe was also promoted to Marquis Wu a few days ago.

At this moment, everyone saw Lu Chen flying from a distance.

"Hehe, Brother Nalan, are you still coming?

Suddenly the scene seemed a little chilling.

"Okay, let's go."

The group said curiously after seeing the three Yi Wuya flying over.

Just when Lou Yunqingya and others were hesitating whether to notify Lu Chen.

Lu Jingzhe asked curiously.

Lu Chen got up from the bed and stretched.

Later, Lu Chen saw Xiao Hongyu leaning against the railing and wearing a black cheongsam not far away.

"It's okay, there is a place to live anyway.

More than 20 Marquis from all directions flew over and said respectfully at the same time.

Lu Chen got up and made a casual move, and the short sleeves flew over instantly.


Nalan Sheng shook his head straight, this chess will never be touched again.

Yi Wuya, Liu Yu, and Peter looked at Lu Chen with admiration on their faces.

Outside the door, Su Xuewei was wearing a white shirt from Lu Chen, and her pretty face was extremely beautiful with pink.

In this case, Lu Chen hopes that the earth will be better.

Not to mention hope that a few people are stronger and more powerful, at least they won't pull down too much than themselves, and they have enough self-protection power.

"Good good.

Han Yue's face was shocked, which was very similar to the spaceships in science fiction movies, but it was more real than those in the movies.

Lu Chen rubbed Su Xuerou's little head and said, "At that time, Xiaorou will progress faster.

Lu Chen pursed his lips and smiled slightly, even if Storgo asked me for it, I didn't give it, didn't I give it to you all?

The Aurora appeared in the sky over the magic capital almost in an instant.

"Xiaochen, you are amazing.""


Lu Chen put his arms in his arms and said: "At that time, I still have a gift for you.

"Mom, I'm back."

The Imperial Palace, Lou Yunqingya and other Marquis Wu all changed color when they sensed that the planetary barrier was accidentally opened.

"Everyone is gone."

Taking a step back, Lu Chen can completely protect several people without self-protection.

Now Lu Chen is the well-deserved first person on earth, whether it is the official channel or the voice of the people.

Lu Chen nodded to everyone and said.

"Wait until the Noucan star, your progress will be faster.

I even saw a star thief massacre an entire planet with my own eyes.

Lu Chen put the short sleeves on his body and said: "In the future, let these clothes be popularized in Noukan Star.

What makes Nalan Sheng depressed is that this relative's chess skills should not be too superb.

Lu Chen smiled and said from far to near.

Han Yue looked at Lu Tianhe with a smile: "Old Lu, are you going?"

"Not coming, not coming."

"Lu Chen, it's time for breakfast.

Han Yue was a little stunned.

If Lu Tianhe didn't want to go, she really didn't dare to go.


Ma De, originally wanted to show his hand in front of his in-laws, but this time it's good, it's a total loss.

If she hadn't known Lu Chen's strength, knew that Lu Chen had gone to outer space, and knew that Lu Chen is now the god of the earth, she would have been frightened by normal times.

At this time, Nalan Qingqing was the one with the lowest strength.

Seeing this, Lou Yun Qingya and others hurriedly walked in the air and followed.

Lu Chen nodded: "Mom and Dad, do you want to go to the Nookan Star where I am located?""

Xiao Hongyu was immediately surprised and embarrassed.

Han Yue suddenly laughed.

"haha okay."

"Ah what gift?"

The Aurora was also included in the space bracelet by Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked at Lu Jingzhe, the twins, and Nalan Qingqing, pouted, and gave everyone an air kiss.

Don't wait for people to get close.

Very far away, Lou Yun Qingya and the others' eyes narrowed.

Lu Tianhe took a deep look at Lu Chen with a look of emotion on his face: "Go, let's meet aliens too."

In addition, the seventh level of the Nine Infants Divine Manual began to practice, and now the combat power is comparable to the top Wuhou, that is, the level of Nalan Sheng.

After all, the 5-kilometer-long spacecraft covered almost a dozen blocks.

"We, I have seen Marquis Shenwu.

"Lu Chen, thank you, this ride was fast."

Obviously he is a top-level Marquis, and his comprehension is extraordinary, but he lost 10 games in 10 games, which is really strange.

Peter smiled and said, "That's up to me."

"Go south!"

However, Lu Chen intends to promote the twins to Wuhou, and they can connect with Qingqing after starting to practice the emperor-level exercises, and improve Qingqing's strength.

2 hours later.

If the star thieves do damage, then the loss of the earth will be great.

The three arched their hands.

After thinking about it, I also gave a scandal.

After seeing Lu Chen's appearance, everyone was shocked.

Lu Chen has made great progress in this period of time, his basic combat power has reached 110,000, and the twins are already in the late stage of the master due to their contractual relationship.

Lu Tianhe asked with a smile.

"No, maybe it doesn't need to be popularized. As long as I wear it for a walk, I'm afraid there will be all kinds of imitations the next day."

Su Xuerou walked in and took away the pants that Lu Chen had changed.

What Lu Chen wants is to live with his women forever, not to watch them grow old.

"Xiaochen, is this spaceship yours?""

After Lu Chen had breakfast, he took Lu Jingzhe and Nalan Sheng into the air.

"Alien spaceship `||.

Lu Jingzhe put his arms around Lu Chen and said, "How long has it been, you have reached the battle strength of the king's realm, I thought I was about to surpass you."

When they saw the Aurora, which brought a large shadow and was as majestic as a mountain, everyone's expressions were shocked.

If the lifespan does not increase, it will age and even die like a normal person.

Lu Chen didn't stay either, and turned to look at Lou Yun Qingya and the others who came from Yukong in the distance.

"It's the Marquis of God!

Yi Wuya and Liu Yu looked at each other, and immediately looked at Peter at the same time.

"It seems that I'm still not quite used to it. 99

Lu Chen laughed.

Lou Yunqingya looked at Lu Chen in awe. Although there were countless doubts in her heart, she didn't know how to speak.

Immediately, all over the world, Marquis of Wu rose up into the air as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Although the Nookan star is full of spiritual energy, if you really sleep, the earth is still at ease.

Including Lu Jingzhe and Nalan Sheng, all Wuhou stood up at the same time.

In the beam of light, the five Lu Chen and the others slowly landed on the ground under the support of an inexplicable force.

"There is someone in the beam of light."

However, if the martial arts realm does not improve, the lifespan will not increase.

Then, a blue beam of light fell on the ground in the middle of the lower part of the battleship.

The silver-blue starship battleship galloped away into the distance.

Downstairs, Nalan Sheng is playing chess with Lu Tianhe.

the next day.

They had all heard about the hunting group.

After listening to Lu Chen's words, he had to leave.

Outside the manor, Lu Jingzhe, the twins, and others hurried out of the room after sensing something.

"We, I have seen Marquis Shenwu.

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