"I like this."

Lu Chen smiled slightly.

Although he is the well-deserved first person on earth, he is also a global co-lord.

But after all, it is not official, and now it is officially certified.

In the future, no matter which galaxy or even a star field comes, if they see the earth and check the earth's information, they will know that the master of the earth is called Lu Chen.

This is recognized by the entire universe, just like the identity of the lord of the Storgonokan big star.

"Om 55


At this time, Storgo spread his palms, and two crystals shaped like star cores came into view.

"Lu Chen, this is the Shen Gong Stone and the Shenguang Stone, which records one of the imperial top-grade exercises, and it is also the only imperial-level top-grade exercises for the Noukan royal family.

Stogo said: "In the Shenguang Stone, a top-level supernatural power is recorded, and it is also the only top-level supernatural power in the royal family.

In order to attract Lu Chen, or to leave a good impression on Lu Chen, Storgo also worked hard.

Whether it is the emperor-level high-grade exercises or the top-level magical powers, they are all rare treasures.

Any one can be exchanged for a higher life planet.

"Thank you, Lord! 99

Lu Chen cupped his hands and said.

The emperor-level high-grade exercises, Lu Chen is useless, and his immortal tome is much higher than this.

But you can't use it yourself, you can use it for your wives.

After all, the threshold for cultivation of the Immortal Divine Tome is too high, but if Weiwei and the others start at the imperial level, they will add their own assistance.

Wouldn't it be better to consider cultivating the immortal tome when the strength is strong?

As for the top supernatural powers, Lu Chen is still somewhat useful.

Although Lu Chen can also rely on contract returns to obtain top-level magical powers, it is good to have ready-made ones.

Storgo's eyes flashed, and after a while, he said: "Lu Chen, I heard that you just came to Nokan Star, and the interstellar spaceship probably hasn't been there yet, right?

"Yes, but the quality is not high."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he said quickly: "I can buy this myself.

2 tons of amethyst star core, what kind can't you buy?

I feel a little embarrassed when I ask Storgo to present it.

"Hehe, I have a ship here that Nokan Star can't buy, it's called Aurora.

Storgo reached out his hand and said, "Please."

"Good. 35

Lu Chen understood what Storgo meant.

After the two walked out of the temple.


Stogo flipped his big hand, and the next moment, a giant spaceship with a length of 5 kilometers and a whole body of blue and silver came into view.

Different from the style seen by Lu Chen, there are rows of silver cannons on both sides of the spaceship, and a blue ball of light like a planet on the top of the spaceship.

"The Aurora is the top Nookan space battleship, its maximum flight speed is 20 light-years, and it can perform curvature flight multiple times in a row.

"This is nothing, the most important thing is that it has its own attack methods such as Star Destroyer Cannon, Galaxy Impact, etc., which can easily destroy a living planet, even a big star, as long as it takes some effort to destroy it.

"In addition, the Aurora also comes with a defensive barrier that can resist the full blow of the emperor's peak. 35

"This thing, looking at the entire Milky Way galaxy, is first-class.

Stogo smiled and said: "At present, there are only three ships in the entire Noorkan royal family, one for me, one for you, and one spare.

Lu Chen's expression was slightly moved.

5 kilometers long! 20 light-year flying speed!

Destroy a big star!

It can even resist the full blow of the emperor.

This spaceship... oh no, the value of this battleship is inestimable, maybe it is equivalent to a big star.

This gift is so precious!

"Lu Chen, you don't have to thank me, you deserve it."

Stogo suddenly looked sincere and said: "And, if you are in those top stars, you may be able to get better than this."5

"However, this is also the best I can give you as the Noukan Emperor.

Lu Chen gave Storgo a deep look.

Of course he understood.

But no matter what, Storgo did give the best he could, and that was enough.

at the same time.

When Lu Chen and Storgo were talking for a long time, the sky above the Noukan star.


The invisible big star barrier appeared, and in an instant, the big star barrier directly burst into a dazzling brilliance!

This light is hundreds of times brighter than the sun.

At the same time as the blue light blooms, it begins to spread rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, a blue light sphere with a diameter of 1 light-year appeared in the infinite space!

This scene is like putting a luminous shell on the Nookan star.

From a distance, it looks like a super star that is countless times bigger than the sun.

The big star lights up and radiates all the governing planets. This is the grandest and most solemn ceremony!

The moment the blue light ball appeared, the surrounding space fluctuated.

In the blink of an eye, these blue lights have continued to radiate further away across several light-years.

At this moment, all the planets under the star of Nokan can be seen from the sky!

on the earth.

Shenwu Houfu.

Nalan Qingqing wearing a suspender is watering flowers in the manor.

In the few days after Lu Chen left, Nalan Qingqing was led by Han Yue and fell in love with all kinds of flowers and plants.

In addition to practicing every day, he learned how to water flowers and plants with Han Yue.

0..・・・・・ Flowers 0

"Right, that is it."

Holding a watering can, Han Yue smiled and said, "Qingqing is very talented.

Nalan Qingqing spit out her pink tongue: "It's all taught by auntie, I didn't expect that there is so much knowledge in this place.

"Hey, auntie is also just learning.

Han Yue said: "Anyway, if you are idle, you will be idle. 35

At this time.

Suddenly a blue light beam flashed across the sky.

The next moment, in the sky at dusk, there was suddenly a blue light spot the size of a fingernail.

"Hey, auntie, look, there's a blue star in the sky.

Nalan Qingqing saw it immediately with sharp eyes.


Han Yue followed Nalan Qingqing's finger and saw it, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "What a bright star, so beautiful."

"Yeah, it's beautiful.""

After Nalan Qingqing finished speaking, Lu Jingzhe, who was practicing beside him, suddenly opened his eyes.


"The star lights up! This is your Noukan star lights up!

In her mind, Empress Nine Infants suddenly exclaimed after she sensed it.

"Teacher, what does the big star light up mean?"

Lu Jingzhe asked curiously.

Empress Jiuying sighed and said: "If the starry sky monster with emperor-level talent appears in the big star, then the big star will light up.

"After the big star barrier is lit, the space transmission device on the barrier is activated at the same time, even if it is hundreds or even thousands of light-years away, it can be seen very quickly.

"For any big star, it's a lot of momentum."

"Emperor-level talent..."

Lu Jingzhe's beautiful face was full of shock, and there were so many talented people in Nokan Star.

"Teacher, do you think it's Xiaochen?"

"Lu Chen? 35

Empress Jiuying was stunned for a moment, then shook her head: "Although your brother has the immortal divine tome, the immortal divine tome is only a practice technique and will not bring any bonus to talent. 99

"The meaning of the exercises is to help you reach the limit of your talent faster based on your talent.

"For example, this emperor-level talent, if he cultivates the immortal divine tome, even if he is only a Marquis, he can quickly and smoothly reach the emperor's realm.

"And if it is an ordinary practice, the speed of this person reaching the emperor's realm will be much slower."

Lu Jingzhe was stunned, and immediately said: "I always feel like Xiaochen.

Empress Jiuying pursed her lips and smiled: "Silly girl, you are too confident in your man.

"However, talent is not constant, the teacher was only an 8-star emperor at the time, and later he was promoted to a 9-star emperor after some opportunities.

"Lu Chen, there is a great chance to enter the emperor level in the future, but it is difficult to reach the emperor level 9 stars like the teacher!" Jiu.

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