Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 302 Emperor level talent Lu Chen, the ecstasy of King Wuming

on the terrace.

"Sir, why don't you come and sit at my place?"

After thinking for a while, Gu Kuang took a step forward.

This one is good, bring it all directly.

The expressions of many people changed immediately.

Immediately, Zu Xuan, who was at the top of the list, disappeared!

Terry said while looking at the information of Zhixing Network.

Without Taylor's instructions, Terry has already checked again.

You can also pick up the plane and get closer to the Fourth Prince.

You must know that even the current Noukan Emperor, a monster who has entered the star list, his talent is only a royal seven-star!

You know, Zu Xuan is impossible to hand over the points obediently, he must have been defeated by Lu Chen 08.

And just when the three were about to leave, the big screen suddenly flashed.

Lu Chen was slightly taken aback, he didn't pay attention to the crowd just now.


Lu Chen smiled and looked at the skyrocketing points: "By the way, you don't need to give it again after you have given it. 55

Taro stared at the big screen with a hint of shock in his eyes.

Terai's body trembled, and then he quickly put down and turned.

"Hurry up, hurry up, the one who gives points first can go first, and the one who goes first can continue to grab points.""

After Varian finished speaking, he suddenly reacted: "This... this Lu Chen stole Zu Xuan's points!

"Terry, look up this Lu Chen information.

Raleigh said with a smile.

When the emperor appeared, the downgrade sword hanging over the star of Nokan disappeared completely.

Raleigh was happy but also a little puzzled.

Are the good points saved?

"From Earth...

Lu Chen frowned slightly, his aura getting colder.

"This little guy named Lu Chen must join the royal family!

Then I felt as if I had heard it wrong.

Varian turned his head to look, instantly blinded.

Taro's face flushed with excitement: "After the game is over, I will report to the emperor, I believe the emperor will also be happy!"

Zu Xuan was shocked when he saw it, he just asked a small number of people to ask for it.

Taro was in a very good mood. He heard the words and said with a smile: "It should have been improved after coming to Noukan Star to register."5

"We congratulate the three adults."


"However, can Lu Chen defeat the fourth prince with 1.6 million combat power?"

After Varian finished speaking, Tai Luo smiled and nodded: "Okay, I heard that there is a good tea called Yuluoshu in your Baixing District, you can try it.

Terry was also a little skeptical.

"Where's Zu Xuan? Isn't he number one?

Guard Captain Trey bowed and said.

Varian and Raleigh also recovered, and the two looked at each other, both seeing shock and joy in each other's eyes!

There is bitterness, there is helplessness, and there is sluggishness.

But immediately, Terai's eyes were fixed, and his whole face had a misremembered expression.

18 years old, surpassing Marquis-level combat power!?

"Yeah, Lu Chen's combat power is probably comparable to that of the middle stage of the king's realm."

Raleigh looked a little dull: "What, what's going on?

Varian laughed.

"Three adults, this is recorded on the Zhixing network.

Tai Luo paced back and forth excitedly, where is the previous style of the king: "Once the emperor is confirmed, directly meet the emperor, and then the emperor will report to the emperor, yes, just do it! 35

At this time.

At that time, the corresponding benefits and benefits such as resource output rationing, life advancement stones, etc. will be greatly reduced.

Varian and Rowley were also smiling from ear to ear.

"Lord Tianwang, Lu Chen is from Earth, the planet of ordinary life. He just arrived at Nuokan a few days ago."5

There was a smile on the corner of Gu Kuang's mouth, the fourth prince is still so domineering!

Taro's voice was a little excited: "How many years have passed, and Nokan Star has finally emerged as a monster with emperor-level talent!

He couldn't be more clear about Zu Xuan's strength.

"What are you still doing, do you want me to do it?"

Tai Luo's expression recovered, with a hint of a smile in his tone: "18 years old, surpassing Marquis Wu's combat power... Hahaha.

When Lu Chen's calm words came out, most of the people present were stunned.

Terai hurriedly said: "Lord Tianwang, this Lu Chen has a combat power of 1.6 million, he... he is only 18 years old.

"Get your points too!

With the demonstrations of Gu Kuang and Longmo, many people began to assign points to Lu Chen.

Then everyone looked up at Lu Chen.

Isn't this guy very peaceful and friendly? Isn't he not domineering at all, why does he suddenly need points?

According to the laws of the Tianhe Star Territory, if any big star does not appear at the emperor level within 10,000 years, then it will drop from a big star to a higher life planet.

But the problem is, never misses it!

This consequence is not something that the Noucan royal family can afford.

"Cough, brother Long and Longmo, what are you doing?"

If you give it, you can rob it again, if you don't give it, you may die.

A few more people came from a distance, and they all came after hearing the sound of the previous fight.

Varian looked sighed, excited and emotional.

Star Nookan has not produced a super evildoer with emperor-level talent for more than 9,000 years.

Madeleine, what about the good Man Fan of Canaan Nou?

As soon as these words came out, the momentum of the three of Taro could not be controlled.

Who the hell said it just now, stand up for Laozi, Laozi promises not to hammer you to death.

"Emperor level, this is definitely an emperor level talent!


Varian said with a smile: "Director Luo, let's go together too."

"After the game, I took Lu Chen to test his talent! 55

Even so, it was already amazing.

There was only a blue-skinned youth in midair, and everyone else gave him points for some unknown reason.

Varian and Rowley looked at Trey in shock.

In Gu Kuang's view, giving points to the fourth prince can not only help the fourth prince to stand up better, but also show the strength of the fourth prince.

Taro glanced out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly his pupils shrank.

Unexpectedly, this guy Longmo is also there.

Although Raleigh did not speak, he clenched his fists and his heart beat faster.

Long Mo turned his head and said indifferently: "It's really unfortunate that you are here, this boss is looking for everyone to ask for points, and each of us gave him the points.

"My lord is well-informed, it's true that 10 Yuluo trees have been produced this time, and we have prepared them for your lord.

This Lu Chen...what's the origin?

"Emperor-level talent... It can't be judged by common sense, hehe, I'm really envious.

Lu Chen nodded: "Yes, the first one, how about you.

480 When Lu Chen glanced around, Long Mo couldn't hold it any longer.

Are you sure this isn't wrong?

"Imperial talent..."

Zu Xuan ranked first in the fault point, and the next game was nothing to see.

"haha okay.""

Taylor frowned slightly: "Say the point!"

The next moment, Taro looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

Emperor-level talent, even in the entire galaxy is the top!

Taylor said solemnly.

At this moment, however, the fight seemed to be over.

"Good guy, crazier than me!

"I'll give it to you.


Happy event, great event!

In a short time, the points of the more than 2,000 people present went to Lu Chen.

"Saint Nalan?

"Give it, even if you meet me again, it will be fine."

At the same time, inside the battlefield.

Then instantly retracted.

"what's the situation?"

Taylor looked cold.

This Nima, I'm afraid there will be millions of points in the end, right?

After receiving Gu Kuang's points, Lu Chen continued to watch the crowd.

But here it is, treat it equally.

Gu Kuang wanted to talk about the fourth prince, but when he thought of the changing appearance of the "four princes", he obviously didn't want to reveal his identity.

Instead, it was a name called Lu Chen.

While mourning for his own points in his heart, he also felt heart palpitations for this man's domineering.

This remark immediately increased the enthusiasm of many people.

In the future, everyone's life will continue to be as good as it is now.

Among them, Nalan Sheng walked behind the crowd in a low-key manner, and then found Longmo, the only one he knew.

"Four...Brother, I will give you all my points."

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