Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 300 The Milky Way Star List, the shock brought by Lu Chen

on the huge terrace.

Zu Xuan's voice was raised a lot: "Only in the middle stage of the King Realm can you awaken the starry sky constitution, you are just a prince! 39

After being promoted to the king realm, the blood of the real dragon and the field of martial arts will be integrated into one.

At this moment, Lu Chen felt the pain!

However, it's just broken skin.

Then it began to darken rapidly, and finally disappeared.

(300 chapters! The story of this book really begins to unfold, thank you for your support and company along the way (Bixin)! Although this book makes me stay up until 2 or 3 in the morning every day, although I am sleepy every morning when I go to work It can't be done, but with everyone's support, I can still endure it! He is so old that he is so involved that others can't be bothered. The guaranteed update of 8 chapters and 20,000 words every day is a part-time job. Click on the flower ticket to support ha.) 9.

The Star List was established by the Galactic Empire of the Milky Way galaxy, and it counted the strongest kings of the thousands of stars in the entire Milky Way galaxy.

After reaching this point, even a high-speed collision of a planet may not be able to hurt a king-level powerhouse.

Taro smiled slightly: "This Milky Way galaxy should also have the edge that belongs to the star of Nokan.

"It should be!"

Gu Kuang looked at Lu Chen's figure with some pity and shook his head secretly.

Lu Chen is not a king, and it is impossible to have a star physique.

In Raleigh's view, Zu Xuan has a very good chance to enter the star list within 20 years.

Wuming Tianwang Tailuo said lightly: "Zu Xuan's strength is the best among the heroes. I think he must have used some kind of method to attract everyone to come, and then snatch them one by one."

To be able to enter the top 100 among the millions of heavenly kings, this is basically the future emperor-level powerhouse.

No one dislikes genius, the more genius, the more valued it will be.

0........ Ask for flowers.........

There are probably millions of Uranus kings in the entire galaxy.

It is also because of the starry sky physique that the defense power of the king-level powerhouse is almost invincible. Unless the advanced supernatural power is perfect or the top-level magical power is used, it is almost impossible for the same level to hurt the king-level powerhouse with starry sky physique.

"Boom! 35

Zu Xuan looked at Lu Chen in shock, with monstrous envy and monstrous fear in his eyes!

Under everyone's attention, the silver halo touched Lu Chen's abdomen with an unmatched aura.

"Of course it is."

"You, you shouldn't have awakened the starry sky physique! 99

"Zu Xuan is too strong!

Zu Xuan was really confused.

Others were also dumbfounded.

Or, is this guy frightened by his own advanced supernatural powers?

Varian and Rowley both smiled and nodded.

It's like pressing your finger on the tip of a needle, you can feel the pain, and you can feel the belly of the finger being squeezed by a sharp object.

Even more people were cursing and scolding in their hearts, and they didn't even dare to use real vegetables.

It's like a big star colliding, and it's like the sharpest thread in the world.

Zu Xuan has the best talent among the princes. Once he becomes a prince, he will have a great advantage in the battle for the prince.

In the crowd, Gu Kuang, Jibad, Vic and other powerhouses burst out involuntarily.

This is a sign of impending bleeding.

Although the star list only lists the top 100.

Watching the rapid expansion of the silver aperture, everyone put away their thoughts and looked in awe.

Zu Xuan's face changed instantly.

It's not even the slightest injury!

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

After possessing the physique of the starry sky, the lifespan of the king realm powerhouse has risen to ten thousand years, and the physical strength is ridiculously high.

"Nookan star needs super genius, and Jin Zuxuan just appeared."

Even the King of Noukan will personally commend him and treat him as a guest of honor.

They are either bred from the universe, or the embodiment of some kind of universal law.

Taylor said in a relaxed tone.

Gu Kuang's pupils are also shrinking, are you afraid?

When he looked at Lu Chen's abdomen, he found that the skin that was finally cut had completely healed.

Facing Zu Xuan, who was comparable to the king's battle strength, Lu Chen broke his skin and was injured without taking any precautions.

"No, you are not a king yet!"

At that time, the king's realm itself will contain a majestic momentum, and then it will be able to slightly touch the power of the universal law.

The moment it touched Lu Chen's abdomen, the moment the white mark appeared, an extremely small wound appeared on Lu Chen's abdomen.

And the physical bodies of some ancient star races are indeed extremely powerful, so powerful that even if they are not in the king's realm, their physical bodies are not lost to the king's realm who have awakened their starry physique.

Zu Xuan was stunned for a while, and then he didn't know what he thought, his face became a little horrified and a little unbelievable.

The Starry Sky Ancient Clan is extremely powerful and is the true master of this universe.

After all, among the nearly 100 Heavenly Kings of Noukan, only one is on the list.

Raleigh sighed: "With the talent of the fourth prince, it is possible to enter the star list at most 20 years after becoming a king.

The catch extends from the left abdomen to the right abdomen, just like drawing a line on Lu Chen's stomach with the thinnest pencil.

After seeing Lu Chen put away his qi and calm down, everyone in the audience was stunned.

By then, the entire Noucan star will be boiling for it.

However, why did the ancient star race appear on the Nookan star?

The physique of the starry sky is the fusion of the blood of the real dragon, the field of martial arts and the power of the law of the universe.

You must know that Zu Xuan is the evildoer who has killed the king, but the situation on Lu Chen is beyond the scope of Zu Xuan's knowledge.

in the battlefield.


Shouldn't they be active on a wider stage?

This guy... survived unscathed!

But, it's not broken!

District Chief Varian said with a surprised expression: "His points are rising too fast, shouldn't he be robbing someone else~?"

It all seems slow, but it actually happens in less than a second.


"Damn, have you practiced the king-level body training method?"

After all, there are nearly 100 heavenly kings in Noukan Star.

Varian looked moved.

Jibbard's eyes were round, and facing Zu Xuan's powerful aura, shouldn't this blue-skinned guy be frightened and give up his struggle?

At this time, Vic and all the players observed a moment of silence for Lu Chen.


Could it be someone from an ancient star race?

After a period of stabilization, it will probably be in the middle and late stages of the King Realm, and you can try to awaken the starry sky physique.

The moment the silver aperture cut through Lu Chen's skin, it seemed to lose all power.

It is even very likely that it will become the existence of the ancient emperor.

"Hehe, soon."

Everyone had a look of shock and horror on their faces.

And Zu Xuan is a genius among such geniuses. With his achievements, he has a great chance of winning the crown prince.

This time was not wasted.

"That's not right, even a king-level body training technique can't stop my silver-time space slash!

Raleigh, the head of the martial arts department, chuckled.

But the defense is so terrible.

Yeah, what's up with this guy?

And also healed.


Seeing that the rankings of Gibbard and Vic were no longer in the standings, Raleigh couldn't help laughing and said: "I see that the points of Gibbard and Vic have been emptied in an instant, and it seems that they were all stolen by Zu Xuan-ah. "5

"Haha, I took a blow from you, now it's my turn."

But even the 100th place is a supreme honor.

Or is it that Zu Xuan's attack has gathered the surrounding world, and the opponent's magic can't be used?

Zu Xuan's eyes are cold and stern, and he doesn't need supernatural powers? This is an expression of looking down on me!

What is the level of him, his physical body?

Lu Chen said with a smile.

He can't even use supernatural powers, this kid is afraid that he will be dismembered.

"The Fourth Prince has already earned 270,000 points!"

After Rowley finished speaking, he continued: "My lord, Zu Xuan is afraid that he will become a king in the near future.

With all his strength, he only managed to break Lu Chen's skin!

The abdomen was cut with a white mark by the powerful offensive of the silver aperture.

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