Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 297 I'm Lu Chen The Biggest Hunter


"This way, it can also further contribute to my reputation.

The dog-legged youth behind Zu Xuan gave a flattering smile: "Fourth princes, they don't even know you, if they meet someone who knows you, I'm afraid they will give you points as soon as they meet.

"Never mind, go take a look first, if it weren't for the fourth prince, then kill him directly!

But at this moment, a silver light circle suddenly burst out from Zu Xuan's body.

It didn't take long.

"One ton! Mad, we have the starship, the mansion, and the resources!"

Glittering beams of light can be seen from everywhere.

These people are either greedy or have all kinds of guesses in their eyes.

"Knowing me, it's boring to give it to me directly, how can it be comfortable to grab it by hand."

Then, Gu Kuang soared into the sky and flew towards the beam of light.

Lu Chen's expression moved slightly: "Doesn't that mean... I can get fat?"

The youth's upper body is covered with light green lines, and the whole person is like an elves in the jungle.

Almost everyone looked greedy and eager after seeing the 2-ton amethyst star core.

And on a high mountain, Lu Chen also saw it.

No matter how strong, can I be stronger?

Immediately after, the second and third.

"This large amethyst star core!

The purple light beam is brighter and more splendid than before.

"You can leave now."

"It looks like it is, this person is afraid that he has a top-level Marquis combat power, oh no, it may be beyond the Marquis' combat power."

"Hehe, a lot of points."

next moment.

"Amethyst Star Core!"

After a while, the sound of breaking wind sounded in the distance.

When the silver circle of light spreads, everyone trembles.

"Amethyst Star Core! A lot! 35

"Pfft! 99

Zu Xuan said.

"Okay, you can go far away, so there will be no flaws."

Compared to just now, this time there are more people, more than 20 people.

Although the young man knew that Zu Xuan's strength was definitely not weak, he did not expect Zu Xuan to have a combat power that surpassed the Marquis level.

Gradually, more and more people walked towards the purple beam of light.

Gu Kuang twisted the neck of a gray-haired youth, and then put his points into his ID card.

At that time, the rest of the people will directly shock him and leave, and then they can sleep at ease and take the first place.

Zu Xuan hovered in midair and looked into the distance.

Although it is impossible for him to deal with thousands of people alone, as long as they see the corpses on the ground, as long as they see their own strength, there will inevitably be a large number of people who will surrender their points.

the other side.

"Come, come, come!"

I didn't expect to encounter someone using the same method this time.

Although this high-level supernatural power is an entry point for Zu Xuancai, its power has far surpassed that of intermediate supernatural powers.

"So what, I also surpassed Marquis Wu, I've decided on this star core!

In addition to the 2 tons of amethyst star cores, you can go back to Earth to retire!

The young man in the combat uniform turned his head and ran away.

In such a short period of time, his points have already exceeded 40,000.

The young man in the combat uniform said with a horrified expression: "Super, beyond the martial power of Marquis Wu!"

"Crack! 95

Advanced supernatural power "Silver Time Space Slash"!

Lu Chen soared into the air and his speed skyrocketed.

After putting the mask on his face, Zu Xuan's appearance changed dramatically in an instant.

"Is the star core his?"

And the rest, too.

Zu Xuan trembled with excitement: "There are many people, at least a few thousand.

Suddenly, his original 3000 points went to Zu Xuan.

Gu Kuang's spirit was shocked, and he seemed to have thought of something: "Could it be the fourth prince?"

At this time, strong men flew from all directions.

Zu Xuan checked his points and smiled.

"What you said makes sense.

"This is... Amethyst Star Core! Hiss, at least a ton of Amethyst Star Core can release a beam of light of this size?"

In the past, before the three major Tianzongs on the Grandmaster battlefield besieged him, he used the star nucleus to lead him.

This kind of strength is definitely the top among the 100,000 players!

Soon Zu Xuan also got the points of the other two people.

At this time, in a jungle.

"Om! 99

And the young man with wings seemed to be frozen.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Kuang seemed to be suspended in mid-air.

"Or the Gibbard?"

Zu Xuan said casually: "Furthermore, wouldn't it be more shocking to tell everyone who I am when I won the first place with an absolute advantage?

"Can you pay points now? 35

With so many people, isn't it the first to grab points casually?


After Zu Xuan got the points of the red-haired man, he looked at everyone with a smile.

"Everyone, either you will be killed by me, or the points will be left behind.

In the blink of an eye, more than 20 people, including the young man who surpassed Wuhou's combat power, died.

When the red-haired man's body fell, the scene suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Looking closely at its abdomen, there is a thin wound.

As for the opponent's strength, Lu Chen was too lazy to think about it.

Zu Xuan's voice was calm.

A young man with wings grabbed Zu Xuan with a big hand.

The youth was split in two, the incision credential halo.

Among these people, some were alone, and some came together in twos and threes from the same force.

The youth in the battle suit looked gloomy and uncertain, and immediately looked at Zu Xuan in awe: "Here it is."

A burly figure fell in the distance.

It's definitely in the top ten.

"I hope there are stronger people in this group, otherwise it will be too boring.

Looking at the distance that someone seemed to be rushing over, Zu Xuan smiled slightly: "It's much more interesting to come to such a game for the mediocre Hundred Stars Competition. 35

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of people have gathered in all directions.

"Have you come so much?"

Gibbard's lean body seemed to contain infinite energy, a long tail flicked behind him, and he flew thousands of kilometers away in an instant.

The young man gave a thumbs up.

"There are still people who dare to put bait in front of me Jibad, quack, how interesting!"

The third eye between his eyebrows disappeared, and his originally handsome appearance was now replaced by roughness.

"That makes sense! As expected of the fourth prince!

Below the Amethyst Star Core.

"Hurry up, come on, I haven't been so excited for a long time!"

very far.

After Gu Kuang finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a red-gold long spear flew back with a swish sound.

Said lightly.

Zu Xuan seemed to have thought of something, and took out a gray-white mask from the space bracelet.

Zu Xuan slowly floated into the air and looked at the crowd with a smile: "How to choose is up to you.

"Uh, fourth prince, are you?"

And when everyone saw Zu Xuan, they were slightly taken aback.

Among them, there are powerful inspectors, as well as the arrogance of 463 major clans.

Lu Chen couldn't help but gasped.

A skinny young man with a bare upper body suddenly raised his head, and when he saw the incomparable purple beam of light, his eyes skyrocketed.

At the same time, there are also some descendants of the king's realm.

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