"Go to the Demon City?

Su Xuewei pursed her lips and smiled: "Auntie, now you are the only one in the world who dares to train Lu Chen. 99

The next moment, the silver door slowly opened.

Han Yue quickly instructed: "By the way, don't eat all the dumplings that Mom has made for you these days."

"Okay, let's go.

Lu Chen saw the location of his spaceship and the destination of Nocan Star on this sci-fi star map.

Lu Chen was stunned.

Inside the spaceship, the brilliance is like stars.

"Auntie, after a while, you will be able to experience the feeling of interstellar travel."

Several people chatted and laughed while flying slowly.

Han Yue was stunned for a moment, then didn't know what to think: "Well, okay, Mom listened to Lord Wuhou.

"it is good.

Han Yue looked at Lu Chen with some emotion: "In the future, where you are and where we are, parents will follow you."

Nalan Qingqing was a little embarrassed.

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he led everyone to climb quickly, and soon reached a height of 3,000 meters.

Lu Chen couldn't help being stunned when he saw the distance on the star map.

Lu Chen looked at Han Ming helplessly.

The next moment, a 200-meter-long silver-colored interstellar spacecraft came into view.

In the end, Lu Chen only started to speed up after Han Yue got used to it completely.

Lu Chen cheerfully obeyed.

This is the starship of the Brahma space bracelet.

Nalan Sheng said.

"Mom, if you hit me now, your hand will hurt.

When Lu Chen and Nalan Sheng entered the spaceship, Lu Chen found that the space inside was huge.

Nalan Sheng explained.

"Star Nou, here I come.

Nalan Sheng said.

After reaching the outer sky, Lu Chen's space bracelet shone with light.

"However, after entering the curvature flight state, the spacecraft will have a brief acceleration. 99

"Stinky boy!"

After speaking, Han Yue glared at Lu Chen: "Did you hear that?"

Han Yue said with a smile, "Xiaorou, your aunties like it very much, you should watch Lu Chen carefully, and don't let him be looking for him."

During these three days, Lu Chen was with his parents in the manor almost all the time.

Occasionally, the major Wuhou will come to Modu to ask Lu Chen for work.

"Of course, if he doesn't obey, I'll beat him.

Lu Chen said.

It is worth mentioning that the spaceship also provides a defense system that can resist the full blow of Wuhou.

"Don't worry, Mom, and I'll be back in a month at most."

"This is already close. The billions of planets under the jurisdiction of Nokan Star are thousands of light-years away."

Lu Chen looked a little big at the tech-savvy spaceship.

(Four kings are good) Nalan Sheng is very familiar with manipulating the spaceship.

There was not too much wind blowing around, which made Han Yue even more relaxed.

Han Yue couldn't help but look nervous when she thought that she was going to fly up later.

In order to fear that Han Yue would not adapt, Lu Chen started from ten meters at first.

Lu Chen said.

Han Yue looked at Nalan Sheng again.

In an instant, Han Yue felt as if he was stepping on an invisible aircraft, and his whole body immediately rose into the air.

"Mom and dad, it's okay if you don't want to leave Yuncheng. I'll move here. I'm where you are anyway."

"The interstellar spaceship needs to set the interstellar coordinates. After the setting is completed, as long as there is no accident, it can enter the sub-light speed flight.

"Okay, Mom and Dad, if you want to come back in the future, I can have someone send you back at any time.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

Noon this day.


Han Yue settled down and looked down again.

Lu Chen held Han Yue up with his qi, and the flight speed was very slow.

"Senior, how does this work?"

Lu Jingzhe said while holding Han Yue.

"Follow your mother's orders.

"320 light years, so far! 35

"Xiaochen, pay more attention outside, keep a low profile when it's time to keep a low profile.

The next moment, the spaceship shot out like an arrow from the string.

Soon, the star's interstellar coordinates were entered.

After that, a bright blue three-dimensional star map appeared on the console.


Su Xuerou said playfully: "When the time comes, ask Lu Chen to find you another alien daughter-in-law. 35

Then Lu Chen and Nalan Sheng rose into the air and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

"Mom. 39


"Old Lu, I'm afraid."

"Wife, your son is the most powerful Marquis in the world. This height is nothing."

It rose slowly, and finally reached a height of 500 meters.

Han Yue looked down again, and was so frightened that she hurriedly grabbed Lu Chen's arm: "Ouch, it's too high, too high."

the next morning.

Except for the operating console at the front, there are only sofas and chairs in the spacecraft.

After three days, Han Yue made 6666 dumplings, which means smooth and smooth.

However, if it is a top-level Marquis, even Lu Chen and the inspectors cannot resist.

"Hey, I didn't expect that I would be able to experience the feeling of flying in my life.

"Haha just kidding you, my dad and I can move at any time."

In the blink of an eye, he has broken through the planetary barrier and came to the vast outer space.

Lu Chen looked at the top corner of the three-dimensional star map, where there was a planet that was so huge that it didn't know its geometry.

Prevents being accidentally shot down from wandering in space and unable to return to nearby planets.

"Auntie, you can bring this later to make it dizzy. 99

Of course, 2 times the speed of light is only a theoretical value, and it is really unattainable.

As for the spacious road and the pedestrians on the road, it is almost invisible.

Nalan Qingqing took out the glasses she had prepared and said.

Han Yue quickly took it and put it on: "This is not bad, Qingqing, thank you.

Han Yue said with emotion.

Han Yue grabbed the hands of Lu Chen and Lu Tianhe, and looked down cautiously: "My dear, if you fall, you're probably going to die, right?

For three days, Lu Chen took his parents to many places.

"Mom and dad, you stand firm, don't be afraid later. 35

Then, there were blue jets from the tail of the silver spaceship.

"My dear, Xiaochen will ask you. 35

Lu Chen looked at Lu Jingzhe, the twins and Nalan Qingqing.

"Mom bring out the aura of your mother's majesty in the world. 35

Lu Chen dropped a drop of blood on the control key of the spacecraft.

Lu Tianhe laughed.

"Hehe, Brahma is already dead, this is an unowned thing, you can drop a drop of blood on this button."

"Oh good `||."

"I won't have time to accompany you any longer."

Brahma's interstellar spacecraft is a primary aircraft, which can perform up to 2 times of continuous curvature flight, and the fastest speed is 2 times the speed of light.

In the small courtyard outside the villa, Lu Chen laughed.

Nalan Sheng gave a wry smile, thinking that it would be more or less the same for me to ask him.

At this time, those high-rise buildings were already as small as building blocks.

After Han Yue gradually got used to it.

He patronized to let his parents come to Modu to enjoy a more convenient and safer life, but he ignored that this was the place where his parents stayed for half their lives.


She makes dumplings whenever she has time in these three days, and even pulls Lu Tianhe buns at night.

Han Yue obviously relaxed, and even stomped her feet lightly, and found that it was like stepping on the ground.

And Han Yue also successfully challenged the "feat" of flying around the earth

"Xiaochen, look up Feifei."

"Go, go, don't, auntie is not used to it."

When Lu Chen looked back through the glass of the spacecraft, he found that the earth had become much smaller.

After Lu Chen finished speaking, an inexplicable force enveloped everyone.

"You're welcome, Auntie."

"Okay, let's go back."

Therefore, in general, an extra ship is prepared for interstellar travel.

"Yeah Mom, but you're definitely not used to it at first, take your time.

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