5 days later.

Since the military headquarters has always been in charge of four warlords, there is no military headquarters building.

"Commander Lu, this is a summary of the situation on the battlefields of various beasts in the four major war zones, as well as all the major information of the military so far.

The work is over, and it's time to go back and wait for the contract to be returned.

This building is still under construction, so Lu Chen will use it as a temporary office for the time being.

Then, two middle-aged men in purple-gold military uniforms walked down slowly.

Since the news came a few days ago, almost everyone was so excited that they couldn't sleep.

During this period of time, the soul body of the Nine Infant Empress has grown a lot.

Among these battle stars are acquaintances like Liu Lan, as well as generals and generals on the battle star list.

Lu Chen said.

Outside the fighter plane, the city lord Luo Ba Dao and the two deputy city lords looked extremely respectful.

Overlooking the huge Eastern Theater, Lu Chen saw a dense number of plus signs.

"City Lord Luo is polite, let's go."

"Vivi, where did my military uniform go?"

A white-gold beam of light moved forward at an unbelievable speed.

However, whether they know him or not, the eyes looking at Lu Chen at this moment are all fiery.

Many battle stars outside the meritorious department were slightly stunned, and after seeing who was coming, they all looked enthusiastic and respectful.

1 hour later.

Hong Zhen handed over several documents.

After all, it's been a long time since we saw each other, and Lu Chen also wanted to accompany the two of them.

And after 5 days of hard work, although Lu Chen had 300 cells evolved into immortal cells, he still did not break through to Wuhou.

The others looked at Lu Qi with envy.

The two men in military uniform bowed their heads at the same time to show respect.

This process is actually not difficult. Similar to Wangquan, these Tianzongs have already completed it.

"Hello Commander Lu.

This is Lu Chen's residence, an ultra-luxury manor covering an area of ​​60 acres!

Things that are easy for others are difficult for Lu Chen.

Wang Quan had mentioned to Lu Chen before that two conditions must be met in order to be named a marquis.

Fortunately, today is the cooldown time of the contract.

Although the area is very wide and the amount of work is huge, Luo Ba Dao is very excited to be able to take on this task.

After Lu Chen landed at the place of merit (aiaj).

When Lu Chen stepped down from the hanging ladder with black and gold boots.

But for Lu Chen, the second point is the most troublesome.

Lu Chen stood up from the bed, revealing his stalwart and masculine body. The black and gold boots and military trousers gave Lu Chen an inexplicable aura of coercion and superiority.

"Commander Lu!"

Army Tianzong!

Since then, the status of the magic capital will be greatly improved.

Lu Chen did his part to sit in the first seat.

"come on."


This is also what Lu Chen himself meant. After all, the magic capital is as strong as a cloud, and there is no doubt about the security of the Eastern Theater Headquarters.


Hong Zhen knocked on the door outside the office, his body erect.

Lu Chen looked at the report information on the computer and nodded.

At that time, the previous accumulation will also appear, and Lu Chen's combat power will reach an incredible level.

"Commander Lu!

And Xiao Hongyu, the commander's secretary, volunteered and asked Ying for many times.

[Information]: The potential contract target will enter the state of unity between heaven and man at 8:00 am tomorrow.

The person who can speak to Commander Lu... is really lucky!

The second is the need to transform the artistic conception of martial arts into the field of martial arts!

Looking at the blue sky and the planetary barrier above the sky, Lu Chen murmured: "After the end of the national war, I'm about to leave.

【Name】: Lu Qi

Lu Chen nodded lightly to the crowd, then looked at a young woman in the crowd.

"Oh, Xiaorou washed you last night. 35

"It's a surname.

Lu Chen nodded, and then changed into a brand-new commander uniform. His tall and straight posture contained infinite energy, which was daunting.

Lu Chen was not particularly disappointed by this.

A black-and-gold fighter jet was firmly docked on the rooftop.

"Commander Lu.

The Tianzong Mansion is in charge of Modu, and Luo Ba Dao is watching the whole process.


Lu Chen let out a long breath.

And Lu Qi, the battle star general, trembled with excitement.

Because Lu Chen's improvement speed is too fast, and although the martial arts artistic conception is constantly improving, there is still a long way to go before the promotion of 463 Huawei's martial arts field.

This may be the only drawback of Lu Chen's rapid promotion.

War Zone Base Camp.

The field is the sublimation of artistic conception.

Luo Ba Dao walked over to Lu Chen and said respectfully.

"Come in."

Su Xuewei brushed her teeth and said, "Husband, the freshly washed clothes are all by your bedside."

Of course, Xiao Hongyu is only one of Lu Chen's secretaries.

Wang Quan's residence is in Dijing, while Lu Chen's is in Modu.

Lu Chen intends to walk around, as long as he can return the world to the unity of the contract again, his martial arts artistic conception can be smoothly transformed into the martial arts field.

After entering the City Lord's Office.

Seeing Lu Chen looking over, Lu Qi couldn't help feeling excited and nervous.

The burly Luo Ba Dao and the two deputy city lords, who were wearing Tang suits, also hurriedly greeted him.

After Luo Ba Dao finished his report, he left very wisely.

"Good. 55

"Lord Tianzong, this is the construction progress of Tianzong Mansion.

Magic City, the center of Magic City.

Lu Chen's voice was soft.

As the commander of the military, it is natural to have all the relevant personnel.

"Luo Ba Dao, the lord of Magic City, has seen Lord Tianzong."

"Okay, hard work.

Lu Chen thought about contracting Lu Qi like this.

In addition, this was Lu Jingzhe's teacher, so it was useless to keep Lu Chen on him.

There seems to be an electric current surging on his body, and the whole person falls into great ecstasy and excitement.

Lu Chen planned to take his parents over after the manor was built.

Everyone hurriedly looked around, and when they looked up, they only saw a white-gold Astral Qi tail.

Thinking of the secretary doing something, Lu Chen agreed.

The blood of the first whole body condenses into the blood of a true dragon, this Lu Chen does not need, he has a higher level of immortal martial body and immortal cells.

It's better to protect Lu Jingzhe specially, so that Lu Chen can feel more at ease.


Soon, Lu Chen stagnated in mid-air.

After looking around for a while, the hanging ladder was lowered.

Then Lu Chen's eyes lit up.

"It's finally over."

In the past five days, in addition to retreating and practicing, he was cooking and chatting with the twins.

"Tomorrow, advance to Fenghou Realm!"

Lu Qi is the third general on the Battle Star List, and a top group of people in the Eastern Theater.

Lu Chen suddenly thought of something: "Jing Zhe, let me return your teacher to you."

Since Lu Chen served as the commander of the army, the headquarters building has been set up outside the magic capital city and at the junction of the eastern theater.

Lu Chen handed the cape to Xiao Hongyu, who was wearing a purple-gold military uniform.

After saying this, he left the ground as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

After breakfast.

There is also a huge team serving Lu Chen.

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