Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 263: The 3 Great Heavenly Sects Conspiracy

At this time, Lu Chen was like a very powerful range hood, and the blue nebula looked like oil smoke.

The huge nebula with countless thousands of light years entered Lu Chen's mind at an unbelievable speed at this moment.

During this process, Lu Chen subconsciously recalled the cultivation method of the Divine Prison Star Broken Palm.

This time, Lu Chen was shocked.

The originally mysterious and obscure Divine Prison Star Broken Palm seemed to be self-taught at this time.

It seems that there is a pair of invisible big hands pushing silently.

At this time, Lu Chen found that he had already started this advanced supernatural power!?

"Heaven and earth are united... do you mean that I am one with the universe?

"Or, at this time, my spiritual power is the entire universe? It is integrated with the martial arts laws in the universe?"

Lu Chen shook his head not knowing.

And when Lu Chen entered the Divine Prison Broken Star Palm, his heart moved slightly.


The moment he raised his hand, there was a bright multicolored star spray in the palm of his hand.

The multicolored starlight quickly condensed and turned into a crystal clear palm emitting multicolored light.

The palm is almost the same size as Lu Chen's.

And when Lu Chen pushed it out.

"Boom! 35

The crystal palm suddenly enlarged as if some kind of switch had been turned on.

As the distance increases, the palm has also changed from the original normal size to 300 meters high!

The 300-meter-high crystal palm pushed all the way, and then.


A planet very far in the line of sight was hit by the crystal palm.

A corner of the planet was directly sunken.


Lu Chen was amazed in his heart.

That planet is much smaller than Earth, but that's just getting started.

When Consummation is reached, what kind of divine power will it be?

at the same time.

Wang Quan, who had just recovered from the realm of harmony between heaven and man, let out a sigh of relief, with joy and satisfaction in his eyes.

But the next moment, Wang Quan suddenly froze.

In the sky far away, a dazzling nebula flashed.

The azure nebula is like the aurora in the distant sky.

"This is?"

Wang Quan was a little confused.

Could it be that some star martial arts expert passed by from here?

Wang Quan shook his head secretly, the starry sky powerhouse... is too far away from him.

"It seems that Rolandiros and the others haven't come out yet `||."

Wang Quan hovered high in the sky and scanned the audience.

At this time, the height of the king's power has reached about 20,000 meters, and from this height, you can basically overlook the panorama of the Grandmaster battlefield.

"It is estimated that it has not been condensed yet, so let's take advantage of the last 24 hours to clean up.

After Wang Quan finished speaking, he instantly disappeared into the sky.

When it appeared again, it was already the deepest part of the Grandmaster battlefield.

There are the most alien beasts, but there are also relatively many star cores.

noon the next day.


In the fissure in the center of the earth, there is a strong Astral Qi emerging from Galoye's body.

These Astral Qi turned pale golden at the moment of appearance.

The dazzling golden light was fleeting, and Galoye slowly opened his eyes.


Rolandillos and Miyamoto Sozo looked at Galoi at the same time.

Galoye smiled slightly: "2 kilograms, fortunately not humiliated.

He used part of Wuhou's share, and finally condensed the blood of the first true dragon.

"Good! Great!"

Roland Dilos had a hint of excitement and chill in his eyes: "It just so happens that the Grandmaster Battlefield will close in less than 2 hours."9

"Everyone, it's time to work!

Miyamoto Jianzang stood up, and the confidence on his face and his scrutiny of the world were restored again.

The big bow in his hand also shone brightly, and his gestures exuded a palpitating aura.

"Kill Lu Chen first, or deal with the ants below Tianzong first?

Galois asked.

The three of them are now much stronger than before.

If the three of them acted separately, the emperors of the Dynasty and the North Bear Kingdom would be able to kill seven, seven, eight, eight in at most one hour.

This is because the battlefield is too big. If the place is a little smaller, the three of them can even kill in a flash.

Miyamoto Sozo looked at Roland Dilos.

Roland Delos pondered for a moment and said, "Kill Lu Chen first! 39

"As long as Lu Chen is surrounded and killed, we can meet our respective Wuhou on this trip. 35

"At that time, there will be Wang Quan and Lie Bolong left, and whether or not to kill will depend on our mood.

Miyamoto Asakusa and Galoye nodded.


A Lu Chen, almost worth all of them.

After all, if such a super evildoer continues to be let loose, it will be a disaster for their Three Kingdoms.

At that time, the dynasty may even dominate the world and become the only one!

Thinking of this, the murderous intent in the eyes of Miyamoto Jianzang and Galoye was even heavier.

"The question is, what if Lu Chen can't hide?"

Miyamoto Jianzang suddenly thought of this problem that gave him a headache.

He hated Lu Chen so much that his teeth itch.

If Lu Chen doesn't die, the prestige of his Japanese Empire's Tianzong will never be restored.

As soon as these words came out, Galois and Rolandillos froze for a while.


They patronize and want to kill Lu Chen, but this is based on the situation that Lu Chen confronts or is found by them.

They have been condensing the blood of the real dragon these days, so wouldn't Wang Quan and Lu Chen guess?

After guessing, will he keep hiding and wait for the battlefield to close before coming out?

"Find separately?"

Roland Dilos frowned slightly, and suddenly felt a headache.

Galoye shook his head: "`" If you look for it separately, once you find Lu Chen, you may not be able to kill him right away. ""

"At that time, it will be more troublesome to scare the snakes."

"I have already condensed the blood of the real dragon, and it should be very easy to kill Lu Chen with my current strength. 39

Roland Delos said.

"Roland, I also don't feel right."

Miyamoto Jianzang said solemnly: "That Lu Chen...the body is very strange, although we have condensed the blood of the real dragon, but there is no qualitative change, at best it is 1 to 2.

Galoye nodded in agreement, their current basic combat power is still 40,000.

Above 40,000 is Marquis. Before that, unless all the blood in the whole body is turned into the blood of a true dragon, the combat power will not increase.

However, although the basic combat power has not improved, because of the blood of the real dragon, the actual combat strength will still be very different.

Just like the previous kingship, it was clearly comparable in strength to Roland Dilos.

But with the blood of the true dragon, there is also the possibility of killing Roland Dilos.

"Well, I have a great idea!"

Miyamoto Jianzang suddenly said: "(Do Li's) use the star nucleus as a bait!

Rolandillos and Galoye looked at Miyamoto Sozo.

The latter continued: "Take out all the star cores of the three of us, Lu Chen... or Wang Quan Lie Bolong will definitely come and take it after he perceives it.

"What if they don't come?"

Galoye said, "A fool knows that we must be in ambush here."

The corner of Miyamoto Jianzang's mouth rose slightly, revealing a stern expression: "We will not ambush, stay away from the place where the star core is stored! 35

"As long as they come to get it, they will be able to know their position. Even if Lu Chen doesn't come, Wang Quan or Lie Bolong will come, it will be a lot more cost-effective!

"Good plan!"

Rolandillos' eyes brightened.

If Wang Quan and Lie Bolong came, they would definitely die. Will Lu Chen save him or not?

And if the three of them didn't come, then it's a big deal to get it back before it closes.

It's not a loss anyway, but if you are lucky, it will work wonders!

"Okay, let's search first, if we don't find Lu Chen, then do that.""

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