Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 253 Natural disasters come, who is the 6 Tianzong?

"Damn, you are the Heavenly Sect of Lielan Kingdom! 99

"This is... Tianzong!"

There is boundless awe in my heart.

Lieberron Road.

And just less than half an hour after the two left.

Although they do not have immortal martial bodies, as a realm that is very close to Marquis Wu, the physical strength of the super-first-class sect is also unspeakable.

A battle, hit a big lake!

In an instant, Moruo's surroundings were filled with purple-gold fists.

who is it?

He only knew that the 2,000-meter mountain they had planned to go to was gone.

Moro's chest collapsed, and every rib in his chest was broken.

Whether it was Lian Qiong or Jin Longyuan, their faces were all pale.

There was a hint of shock in Wang Quan's expression: "Old friend, there is a sixth Tianzong who has sneaked in without us knowing!


Wang Quan and Lie Bolong looked at each other, and both saw vigilance in each other's eyes!

The heavy punch instantly knocked Moro upside down for dozens of kilometers.

The light around Wang Quan faded, and his expression was slightly solemn.

One of them was burning with flames, and a long fiery red tail was dragged from behind.


There was a trace of shock on Galois face.

As a result, Moro and Lu Chen were seen fighting in mid-air.

And when Lu Chen appeared in front of Moruo, there was still an afterimage of Lu Chen in the sky!

And these two people are none other than Lian Cangqiong and Jin Longyuan who have just been promoted to the sect!

Although the distance was extremely far, Lu Chen could still clearly see the shock and fear on the faces of the two.

A stream of light went from far to near, and then suddenly stopped.

"The wife is terrible!"

Originally, everyone thought that five Tianzongs led the team into the Grandmaster battlefield.

From the hasty response at the beginning, to the explosion of clothes all over, to the charred hair.

The unstoppable offensive and the extreme fist made Moruo unable to parry.

Moruo's head was hit by Shen Xiang Wushuang's fists and pressed directly into his neck.

In the distant horizon, two figures flew quickly.

"It's possible.""

"Hey! 35

"The super-first-class sect is still amazing.

at last.


Lu Chen hovered in midair and looked around.

In midair, Lu Chen dragged out a long white gold tail and dived down faster than a hypersonic missile.

After the two finished speaking, they left the land again.

There is only one thought in my head, run!


"This deep pit is 10 kilometers in diameter.

"Come on!

The endless fists fell like raindrops.

"Boom boom boom!

The other, like the elusive lightning, can travel a hundred kilometers every time it disappears and reappears.

And at this depth, a large amount of groundwater has infiltrated out, and it will be a big lake in the near future.

For the vast majority of people, the immortal avatar is really unreasonable, which is equivalent to 2 Lu Chen hitting 1 Moro.

On the side, there was a hint of doubt on the resolute face of Lie Bolong, Tianzong of the North Bear Kingdom: "It's not Roland Dilos and Galoye."

Moro's breath became weaker and weaker.

After all, not even a nuclear bomb could have injured them.

It was Galois who came.

As soon as the voice fell, a dark shadow emerged from Galoye's feet.

Lu Chen looked down and couldn't help but sigh.

This Lu Chen is the best.

Even the sky can't find an adjective for a while.

at the same time.




It is not clear what the mysterious sixth Tianzong was thinking.

"Miyamoto, did you see anything?"

Originally, because of his immortal martial body, Lu Chen's astral qi was almost infinite, and his fist speed was extremely fast, which was already dense enough.

"It seems that I have to contract a primary attack-type supernatural power as soon as possible. 99

In the deep pit, clear groundwater continued to pour in, and Moro's body had completely disappeared.

When Galoye saw the deep pit below which was mostly filled with water, he couldn't help but be moved slightly.

I saw that tens of kilometers away, two black dots seemed to be watching Lu Chen.

The terrifying aura instantly drowned Moro.

Immediately afterwards, the continuous purple-golden fists fell like a gust of wind and rain.

They just came here to look for star cores at first.

Lu Chen murmured.

Lu Chen knew that Moro would not die so easily as a super-class sect.

Wang Quan's expression became colder: "If this is the case, then it will be interesting, the four Heavenly Sects joined forces... Do you want to take advantage of the fact that the Marquis of Wu are not around?

"call out!

"Forcibly created a big lake!

At this time, he didn't care to think about why the Lielan Kingdom Tianzong could hide his identity.

A war wiped out a mountain.

Seeing the two turned their heads and ran away, Lu Chen smiled.

I only know that the earth in the extreme distance has collapsed, and even because the depression is too deep, the groundwater has seeped out.

President Kim, President Kim, if you know later that the guy you are afraid of is Lu Chen, how would you feel?

However, even so, he was still beaten to death by Lu Chen.

The ground in the distance was smashed into pieces like tofu blocks.

He had been visiting Kill Mora just now, but he didn't notice that the ground they were on had collapsed for nearly a thousand meters!

"Boom boom boom!"


However, Lu Chen didn't give Moro a chance at all.

Lieberon said solemnly.

Lu Chen took Moro's space bracelet away and whispered: "In this case, returning an attack-type intermediate supernatural power will make it easier for me to kill them."

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the horror in Moruo's eyes became extremely intense.

Wang Quan nodded: "Each one of us gathers our staff, you and I will investigate separately, and let the others wait and see first."

Just as Moruo wanted to say that Lord Tianzong would spare his life, the purple-golden fist exploded like a nuclear bomb.

Just when Lu Chen was about to continue plundering the evolutionary cells of the star nucleus, Lu Chen's expression suddenly moved slightly.


He just sensed that he seemed to be watched by a big terror.

"It's also the first time I've seen Tianzong take action, really..."

And what he has to do next is a saturation strike!


Now add the immortal avatar.

Lieberong's face was extremely solemn: "Yes.

One by one, a horrifying thought came to his mind.

Suddenly, Cang Qiong's body trembled, pulling Jin Longyuan and turning his head away.

"Pharaoh, we can't sit still."

Jin Longyuan exerted his strength to suckle and wished he had two more legs: "Is this the Tianzong, it's terrible! 99

Lu Chen clicked his tongue secretly.


very far.

And at this moment, Lu Chen's iron fist enlarged in Moro's gray pupils.

It's not that he hasn't discovered this phenomenon yet that his combat power has caused such an astonishing sight.

"You said, (Will it be Lee's) that they were going to join forces against us? 99

"It's not Miyamoto Sozo either. 35

Tianzong... This Western martial arts powerhouse turned out to be Tianzong!

But now there is a sixth person?

After a while, two stalwart figures with strong aura landed above the big pit.

"It's not that the Tianzong of Lielan did not come!

The immortal clone appeared like a ghost, and then together with Lu Chen, they attacked Mora.

As for Moruo himself, his eyes rolled over and he lost his breath.

At this moment, the sound of gurgling water suddenly came from under my feet.

At this moment, the two felt that their bodies were completely out of control as if they were electrocuted.

The Kingdom of Leland? Or the Kingdom of Germany? Or... the Kingdom of Maya?


In the end, he watched Lu Chen punch Moro to death like a god.



Galoye stared intently at the big pit below.

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