Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 251 Evolution of 35 cells, the war is coming

at the same time.

Lu Chen's body was filled with divine light, and the next moment he disappeared in place.

Since the number of star nuclei in his hand has increased, and the Empress Jiuying has woken up once, Lu Chen has opened a new door.

In fact, the star core does not need to be crushed or the like, but must be refined with the artistic conception of martial arts and a specific operation method!

Lin Kaixuan said solemnly: "The grandmaster battlefield is halfway through, and there are waves everywhere."

"Huh? Something's wrong, why is Matsuda Musashi also here?"

It's just that Lu Chen is like the world has evaporated, and the battlefield area is too large, and it has never been found.

"Minister Wang, he should have sensed it too."

"call out!"


"Lu Chen seems to be in a bow battle with a super-first-class sect of the dynasty."

"It seems that a major blow from Leland wounded Daenerys.

(Thanks to "The Prodigal Son of Beijing" for the 10,000 flowers, in addition, there will be a lot of scenes behind the twins, the title of the book is them, it is impossible to forget them, and a little spoiler, the meeting of the twins will be something you can't imagine Changes, you can guess, and you will be rewarded if you guess correctly. You can think of a supporting role name in the book review area, good people or bad people.

Even if all the remaining cells add up, they cannot compare to these 35 cells.

Therefore, the idea of ​​using the star core to improve the progress of the immortal tome was abandoned.

During the refining process, the energy in the star core will be absorbed.

Empress Jiuying yawned and said.

In fact, there are a lot of people who know the importance of star cores.

Speaking of this matter, Dongfang Qingtian's expression was also a little dignified: "Tianzong... It's far from being comparable to me...""

"That's natural. I don't know how many emperors and emperors have tried their best to get the immortal divine scriptures."


"After you and Jing Zhe leave this planet in the future, I will take you to the Amethyst Star Core.


Even without relying on the punching power returned by the contract, Lu Chen can still make obvious and rapid progress.

"call out!"

"35? Not bad after all, it's just the lowest silver star core, if it's a dark star core, it's at least 100.

She should not be too comfortable sleeping "four or five" in Lu Chen's body, just like a person who has been sleep deprived for a long time suddenly wakes up naturally.

Different from other cells, these 35 cells are just like the sun, shining golden.

Even looking at the vast and boundless starry universe, it can be called a heaven-defying thing.

A golden streamer instantly disappeared before his eyes.

Lu Chen got up, and a discoloring coercion suddenly swept across the sky like a tide.

Lu Chen moved his body, and the abundant and vast strength made Lu Chen feel a heart palpitations.

Lu Chen took out his prepared speech: "Gong Zhan found me, fortunately I ran fast, otherwise..."

"I heard that a super-first-class sect in the country of Leland was killed by Roland Dilos."

Dongfang Qingtian sensed it and murmured, "Could it be that the two of them are going to fight?"

In fact, what Lu Chen said is not an exaggeration. The evolution of cells and the transition of life levels cannot be explained by common sense of martial arts.

"Gray, you did a great job!

Dongfang Qingtian smiled and was about to speak.


And this dense forest is the territory that their Giant Eagle Nation seized in advance.

At this time, another streamer flashed across the plain on the west side.

"It's 35!

"Ha ha.

The Nine Infants Queen hurriedly asked, "How many cells have you evolved?

However, after the Empress Nine Infants woke up the day before yesterday, she told Lu Chen the real use of the star core!

Dongfang Qingtian opened his mouth with a smile and said, "I heard that it seems to be related to the daughter of Marquis Yingwu.

Above the glacier mountains.

Moro's pupils shrank, and he was instantly overjoyed: "Then what?

"You can find a super-first-class bulk to try it later."

With the passage of time, the star cores in the glacier mountain have been found almost, so at this time the large force has already crossed the glacier mountain and advanced to the depths.

"You're welcome, the faster your immortal divine tome progresses, the more beneficial it will be to me.

Lin Kaixuan said with a smile: "The courage is commendable, but I am afraid that the country of Lielan will not be able to get out of here. The masters of the giant eagle country have not stopped taking revenge in the past two days."9

Others dare not say, at least there are few people on earth who can match the speed of their own progress.

"So fast."

Moro put the star core into the space bracelet: "Go, take me to find him!"

Hearing this, Lu Chen looked at the 35 pale golden cells in his body.

"I estimate that when you complete one-third of your evolution, when the sixth floor is complete, you should be comparable to the top Marquis.

Lu Chen said with a smile.

Lin Kaixuan looked at the small ant-like person below and murmured.

During this time, although everyone's main energy was on Star Core and the people of Leland, Lu Chen didn't forget to look for it.

800 nemesis nuclei have evolved 35 cells. If you want to complete all of them, obviously the required nuclei are unknown.

Empress Jiuying froze for a while, and immediately said with emotion: "It is indeed a sacred tome, but it has only evolved 35 pieces, and the improvement is so obvious. 39

Lu Chen said sincerely.

And Lu Chen tried swallowing, crushing, etc., but it didn't work.

Lu Chen turned into the appearance of Gray, and said with a panicked expression: "My lord, I saw Lu Chen.

"Gray, what's wrong?"

Since the immortal martial body was successfully cast, his talent and comprehension have reached an unprecedented level.

Lu Chen nodded, cell evolution is not a simple matter.

"Yeah, but that's fine, let them bite the dog.

"Senior, I now feel that every cell is like an immortal martial body.

This is a sign that the level of life has leaped beyond human beings.

90 kilometers away from the Glacier Mountain, in a dense forest that cannot be seen at a glance.

Lu Chen opened his eyes, and the strange thing was that Lu Chen's eyes turned silver white at this time.

When it reappeared, it was already a hundred kilometers away.

After he got the star core before, he thought something similar to the fusion of psychic cards would occur.

"Well, almost from 20,000 to 25,000."

Lin Kaixuan looked at the streamer that had disappeared into the sky and murmured, "It's Galoye!?

Lin Kaixuan thought for a while and said, "I suspect..."

Empress Jiuying smiled and said, "You are so lucky, boy, I don't know how you got it."

"Strange, these two days, the giant eagle country, the Lilan country, and the Japanese country have rarely fought with us."

Dongfang Qingtian and Lin Kaixuan tensed up, with shock and shock in their eyes.

"It shouldn't be. Although the Nanga Kingdom and the Japanese Kingdom have little overlap, they are all allies of the Giant Eagle Kingdom. 35

Lu Chen didn't speak, didn't it depend on you?

The Nine Infants Queen doesn't seem to be very satisfied with this number.

But the star core did not merge.

"Senior, thank you!

In addition, when Lu Jingzhe's bloodline awakened, he gave him part of the power of the dragon and the phoenix.

At the same time, it will also feed back the artistic conception of martial arts, and then let the artistic conception of martial arts evolve into the field of martial arts necessary for feudal lords.

A quick glance reveals that the power emanating from these cells is far greater than the rest of the cells.

But the method of absorbing the star nucleus is not known to everyone.

Empress Jiuying finished speaking and asked, "How about the battle strength, how much has it increased?"


So far, the sixth layer of Lu Chen's Immortal Divine Tome is still stuck in the progress of the first cell being refined.

Therefore, although Lu Chen has only completed the evolution of 35 cells, the benefits it brings are unimaginable.

Lin Kaixuan nodded: "It's just right, while their dog bites the dog, we sit and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Dongfang Qingtian's face changed slightly: "Could it be related to Minister Wang?

The Giant Eagle Country's first-class sect Moruo asked curiously.

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