Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 242 The ever changing, star core battle begins

At this time, Lu Chen was definitely not recognized by close relatives.

During this period of time, the countries cooperated to eliminate waves of strange beasts, and the next star core battle was the highlight.

But the cold temperament makes people can't help but think of vampires.

After all, alien beasts and humans are two completely different life forms.

Murel of Nanga Kingdom said lightly.

It turns out that it can't be done, and it needs to wait for Xiaocheng to do it.

Daenerys said with some regret: "I will trouble you later.

And next to Daenerys, is the super-first-class giant Caesar of the Giant Eagle Country!

At this time, another figure flew up.

"The road is wide.

"Sorry, you are blocking my way."

After all, that's the only way to achieve flawless transformation!

Drewen said casually: "There are a lot of opportunities in the competition for the star core.

The upper body is naked, unlike before, it is now thin.

"Whoosh whoosh!

Not far away, several members of the Lielan and Giant Eagle camps looked up.

As for the name Sykes, Lu Chen thought of it casually.


The former's eyes are cold, like a hyena that chooses to devour a person, exuding a suffocating coldness all over his body.


At the same time, it is accompanied by strange syllables.

But Drewen is one of the top masters of the Giant Eagle Nation, and it is easy to kill a large peak.

Lu Chen looked at the logo on the shirt: "Forget it, just find a foreign brand later.

"Druwen, he should still be in the seventh or eighth floor and won't go deep.

Even Cang Qiong glanced at it and stopped looking at it, because the people of the dynasty did not know it.

There are many people around who are healing or resting.

"Everyone, the crisis in the land of no wind has almost been ruled out, and you can inform your own people to return.

Lu Chen glanced at him and saw a chill after seeing 2 huge skull pendants on his ears.

After the entry of Wanxiang Sentient Beings, I can speak multiple languages!

Seeing Da Zong bending over to himself, Lu Chen nodded with a smile.


At that time, Lu Chen will definitely place an order when collecting the star core.

2 light red auras penetrated the heart of the Japanese people.

"Druwen, it seems that there is no chance in the windless land."

And Lu Chen estimated that the transformation ability of Wanxiang Zhongshengjue may be some kind of martial law.

Lu Chen murmured.

After being solved by Lu Chen, Lu Chen looked around.

As for Wu Jingyun, his right hand was twisted at a strange angle.

"rest assured.""

Lin Kaixuan and other super-first-class sects found a place to sit down.


During this time, everyone fought very frequently. Although there were super-first-class large groups in the town, the casualty rate still existed.

Although there are still some late-stage eighth-order alien beasts in the windless land, the threat is not great.

And Lu Chen heard it clearly.

Under the control of Lu Chen, the original white-gold Astral Qi turned into pale red.

Most importantly, Lu Chen's voice has changed!

What shocked Lu Chen the most was his language!

On Lu Chen's side, Sen Long and Caesar stood side by side.

A bit... the meaning of Western vampires.

As soon as he landed, two alien beasts rushed towards Lu Chen.

"This time, you just need to be honest, otherwise, hum hum hum. 99

And there is no fixed time for the closing time of the Grandmaster Battlefield, so since the crisis has basically been eliminated, it is time to do business.

After the bamboo-like object was thrown down, a dazzling golden light burst out instantly.

It is the super-first-class bulk of Dongfang Qingtian and other countries.

The former's breath was steady but his face was slightly pale, obviously tired after the high-intensity battle.

Lu Chen easily put the step-brand shirt into the space bracelet.

This was broken by a sixth-order top-level alien beast.

As for the alien beast, Lu Chen tried it from the beginning.

Seeing that there was no abnormal reaction from everyone, Lu Chen was completely relieved.

A cruel smile appeared on Druwen's face.

It was the first time that Lu Chen had killed someone in this way, so it was not too cool.

At this time, not far from Lin Kaixuan, Lian Qiong and Wu Jingyun were sitting together.

The major super-first-class sects have returned to their teams one after another.

Daenerys raised her head, thinking she was from Leland, and nodded as a greeting.

"It's going to be a little more secretive."

On the platform here, there are martial arts experts from several countries.

The star core is at the rear of the Grandmaster battlefield, spanning a huge area of ​​more than 2,000 kilometers, where everyone will spread out.

Suddenly, Lu Chen's expression became a little weird, and the two people from the Japanese country in the distance looked at Lu Chen in a friendly manner.

Coupled with the thin and evil appearance at this time, not to mention very attractive.

At that time, the current surface friendliness will be gone.

"My lord, Lu Chen still hasn't been found."

Lu Chen smiled evilly.

The other party was blond, blue-eyed, fair-skinned, fair-skinned, and charming, and his gestures exuded a Western aristocratic atmosphere.

Then, he sat down not far from Daenerys.

Even if they are on various fronts, countries can rely on their own strength to annihilate.

Caesar did not turn his head, but still said softly: "If Lu Chen is killed, the dynasty will be furious.


Dongfang Qingtian threw a bamboo-like object into the abyss below.

Immediately, Lu Chen flew towards the eighth floor like a red meteor.

The law is higher than the artistic conception, it is a kind of elusive but real thing.

Because of the entry, plus the appearance of the earthlings that I chose, so the language is automatically proficient.

As the bamboo aircraft slowly descended, the martial arts masters and sects on all floors in the windless land flew towards the upper floors.

The two middle-stage Japanese powerhouses obviously couldn't understand this.

Caesar still closed his eyes slightly, but said softly: "Then keep looking."5

"Cool! 55

"Oh no, there is still a little flaw.

"Supernatural powers are really mysterious and unpredictable. No wonder they say that supernatural powers already possess a bit of martial law."

After all beings are determined, they will use names such as Saiwen and Aite. Anyway, there are too many numbers.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere on the first floor was obviously chilled a lot.

Not far from Lu Chen, a black female tycoon gave Lu Chen a second look.

Lu Chen doesn't mind killing this group of people.

Looking back, he looked at Lu Chen in anger and fear.

Windless Land, first floor.

Daenerys glanced at Druven lightly.

All that's left is killing and looting! 450

There is no trace of change in appearance, and temperament and body are also completely different.

At this moment, a bald black man behind Caesar suddenly whispered.

One of the Japanese rulers managed to squeeze the words out of his mouth.

The latter's expression is much calmer, but there is light in his eyes, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.


Lu Well, isn't it 6, 6 is Sykes. 08

Drewen nodded, Lu Chen's strength at the peak of the big sect really exceeded everyone's expectations.


At this moment, several figures with powerful breaths emerged from the abyss.

Then fell to the ground with a thud.


"Don't worry, Lord Caesar, Lu Chen will only be eaten by alien beasts.


He glanced at Druwen casually, and his expression was a little weird.

Old Tie, Lu Chen is right next to you.

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