Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 240 Elementary Supernatural Powers! Daenerys' Despair

Soon Lu Chen came to the seventh floor from the eighth floor.

"Hey where are you going.

Lu Chen appeared behind the two of them and hugged Lu Jingzhe with a smile.

Obviously, the Nine Infants Divine Tome has not improved much.

"Boom! 99

To be honest, Daenerys was amazed by Lu Chen's temperament.

The boulder fell, smashing several seventh-order exotic beasts into patties.

Before coming, Wang Quan had already sent information about important figures from various countries.

Which of them are the most hostile to the dynasty, who has a background of sky-high and so on.

But wouldn't it be better to kill it this way?

The last flower word fell, and Daenerys held her hands empty.

Compared with the twins, Lu Chen likes the feeling of hugging with Lu Jingzhe.

Daenerys said indifferently in Chinese, which is not very proficient: "You can't go out either."

"Jing Zhe, you two continue, I'll go somewhere else."

She was the daughter of Marquis Yingwu, of course Marquis Yingwu would not let her come unprepared.

Although Daenerys was shocked and palpitated by the strength of Lu Chen's top bulk.

Under Lu Chen's hand, the blade that filled the sky was as fragile as tofu and cracked instantly.

Don't die for at least 20 minutes.

Just when Daenerys was about to use the martial arts of the Great Impression, a big white and powerful hand clasped Daenerys's snow-white neck.

But Lu Chen estimated that maiming Daenerys should not affect his contract.

Immediately afterwards, a wall of turquoise gas turned into a sharp blade and blocked Lu Chen's way.

The delicate body trembled slightly with fear.


But... the peak of the big!

And Lu Chen was also stunned.

Because, the light on Daenerys' head turned out to be yellow!

The ground in front of Lu Chen exploded instantly.

Before the eighth floor had a seventh-order alien herd, Lu Chen and the Giant Eagle Kingdom joined forces to eliminate the alien herd.

And some of those who weren't completely dead were also instantly killed by the bursts of Astral Qi shot by Xiao Hongyu.

Lu Chen's eyes brightened.

"Is this the crisis of death?!

However, Daenerys never dreamed that Lu Chen was not in the middle of the sect.

Lu Jingzhe took Lu Chen's hand: "The battle has just ended, rest and rest.

But suddenly, the excitement on Daenerys' face disappeared.

Lu Chen released Daenerys, and before Daenerys could react, his index and middle fingers dashed forward quickly.

"There is still a primary supernatural power here?! 99

A Western woman with long white-blond hair and a perfect, concave and convex body like a noble princess came out of the darkness at the end.

When Lu Chen contracted Daenerys, he turned and left.

Lu Jingzhe's gentle voice made Lu Chen feel even more calm.


At first, he also wanted to contract an epiphany or something to make his Dongwu Nine Heavens complete.

Just when Lu Chen said goodbye to the two of them, he just entered a small intestine full of barbs.

Daenerys' eyes gleamed with excitement.

The green qi blade in front of Lu Chen stabbed Lu Chen instantly.

But Daenerys was thrilled by this never-before-seen sense of life and death.

Thinking of this, Daenerys will urge the gang to urge the eagle rune to kill Lu Chen.

Lu Chen kissed Lu Jingzhe: "Be careful, come back soon."

English came out of his mouth suddenly, and Lu Chen couldn't understand it.

She just needs to activate the qi to kill Lu Chen.

Also famous for her Daenerys and the Tamronleys!

She just told Sen Long to go around here, and she went up in a circle, but she didn't expect to be lucky.

She really likes Lu Chen, a handsome oriental man.

"You like to blow, I like to destroy. 99

So, the system knows that Lu Chen won't kill Daenerys?

This future should not change easily.

"You can't go. 35

0.....・・・For flowers......

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he waved a knife.

As for the top bulk, Daenerys didn't think about it.

[Information]: The potential contract target will obtain the primary supernatural power "Triple Battle" in 20 minutes

This time she was really scared!

Therefore, Daenerys also has the life-saving means left by Yingwuhou.

In the end, Lu Chen threw it casually, and the Eagle Rune Talisman that Yingwuhou gave to Daenerys was thrown thousands of meters away.

【Name】: Daenerys

Lu Chen, who has an immortal body, can use all parts of his body as a weapon.

"Although I can't kill you for the time being, it should be okay to maim you."

Later, Daenerys said again in Chinese: "But I like to blow flowers with hot hands!"

As for supernatural powers, Lu Chen didn't dare to think that the main reason was that primary supernatural powers were extremely rare, and only top sects had the opportunity to practice them.

Lu Chen is also not sure if this is true.

"Clang clang!

The heart beat faster involuntarily.

"Could it be that she found it somewhere on the seventh floor?"

"By... trouble."

She wanted to ask for mercy, but found that Lu Chen's hand around her neck was so hard that Daenerys couldn't say a word.

The woman was Daenerys, and she was slightly taken aback after seeing Lu Chen.

Lu Chen murmured.

Right now, he could easily crush the daughter of Marquis Yingwu with just a little force.

Lu Chen turned around and was about to start, but suddenly pressed down.

Lu Chen shook his head, there was only a white plus sign on Lu Jingzhe's head.

Because, the eagle symbol is gone!

Daenerys had fear in her eyes.

She originally wanted to kill Lu Chen and make a name for Marquis Yingwu.

"Lu Chen, I didn't expect to meet him here, and he is only one person!"

Lu Chen wanted to say that your speed is not fast enough, but he couldn't remember how to say speed and fast in English.

Daenerys' eyes changed slightly, so strong!

As for this Daenerys, he knew that it was the daughter of Marquis Yingwu.

After all, when the prompt information comes out, the system may have predicted all kinds of things that may happen in the future.

Xiao Hongyu looked a little envious, but it was hard to say.

Then next, it is time for Lu Chen to face death!

"Let me teach you a lesson, so the next time I meet someone, I'll want to blow it up."

And although Xiao Hongyu's head was dark green, his fist strength was only improved.

After seeing this message, Lu Chen's eyes skyrocketed.

In the blink of an eye, Daenerys' shoulders, chest, and abdomen had blood holes.

That's simply not possible.

"Are you tired?"

The information prompted by the system is to show that it will happen in the future.

Lu Chen didn't know whether it would affect his return of the contract if he beat Daenerys with only one breath left.

"Sure enough, it is the beauty of the true dragon in the world."

Daenerys' expression changed completely.


This woman can't die yet.

Sensing the coldness and killing intent that gradually emerged in Lu Chen's eyes, the fear in Daenerys' eyes was replaced by excitement and curiosity.

Seven floors.

Death, it turns out that everyone I killed felt this way before dying.

But Lu Chen wanted to leave, but Daenerys disagreed.

The boulder not far away was chopped off by Lu Jingzhe's sword full of extreme cold and heat.

There is no doubt that the one who can easily defeat himself must be the peak of the big sect.

"Oh, it's a little thing.


Daenerys raised her head sharply, with great terror and horror in her eyes.

Immediately, Lu Chen lifted Daenerys up indifferently.

"Boom! 35

"Puff puff!

"With you!"

Like pinching an ant to death.


Daenerys cried out in pain, lying on the ground, her face paled in fright, looking at Lu Chen's expression as if looking at Devil Nine.

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