Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 232 The Strong Mouth King Xiao Hongyu, let Qingqing live for a few days

After half an hour.

"Lu Chen, the food in your war zone is really delicious. 35

Nalan Qingqing sullenly devoured her head.

Xiao Hongyu was sipping it in small mouths, paying close attention to her image.

Lu Chen took a piece of roasted and fragrant exotic animal meat and stuffed it into his mouth and said, "Didn't the imperial palace want something?

As the daughter of Emperor Wuhou Nalan Sheng, there should be no shortage of imperial palaces.

Moreover, because it is a war zone, the food is generally rough.

It's not as delicate as the outside world and all kinds of platters.

"But the imperial palace doesn't have you."

Xiao Hongyu opened her mouth and stuffed a whole ham sausage made of animal meat into her mouth.



The ham stabbed in his throat, and Xiao Hongyu spit it out again.

At the same time, he lowered his head and pretended to wipe his mouth to hide his embarrassment.

"Ha ha."

Lu Chen smiled contemptuously: "Won't you chew it up and eat it?"

"Your ham tastes really good, what kind of meat is it made from? Can I bring some? 99

Xiao Hongyu asked.

"It seems to be the meat of Longyang python, I don't know."

Lu Chen nodded: "Shanshan, let the kitchen make 20 and pack them."

"Good lord.

"By the way, what did you mean when you said that the imperial palace doesn't have 08?

Lu Chen took a sip of the drink that Xiaoyue handed over and asked.

Nalan Qingqing shook her head frantically, but Xiao Hongyu didn't seem to see it: "Qingqing, you're an adult, so there's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Men love women love.

Xiao Hongyu looked at Lu Chen: "Qingqing she likes you.

Lu Chen put down his drink and nodded thoughtfully.

He is not a fool, he saw it early in the morning.

However, Lu Chen already had twins and Lu Jingzhe.

For Nalan Qingqing, she may think that this girl is a good person, but it is still too early to like her.

Even the eight poles can't hit.

"Thank you for liking me.

Lu Chen wiped his mouth and said seriously: "However, I already have 3 girlfriends."

"So I'm sorry it's impossible for the two of us.""

Nalan Qingqing's bright eyes dimmed for a moment, and the hope in his eyes disappeared.

Xiao Hongyu was stunned.

"Hong, Aunt Hong said nonsense, I didn't like it."

Nalan Qingqing put down her chopsticks, her fair little hands stirred under the table, and there seemed to be a hazy mist in her beautiful eyes.

Xiao Hongyu looked at Lu Chen in disbelief.

If Lu Chen didn't know Nalan Qingqing's identity, then she wouldn't feel anything.

However, Nalan Qingqing's father is Saint Nalan, the Marquis of Emperor Wu who dignifiedly ruled the dynasty!

If the world knew Nalan Qingqing's identity, then I don't know how many people would post it.

Even, even if Nalan Qingqing was a servant, countless people would flock there.

And Lu Chen, actually rejected Nalan Qingqing's confession?

Rejected the chance to be the son-in-law of Emperor Wuhou?

If this is known to others, I am afraid that you, Lu Chen, are a fool.

Lu Chen looked at Nalan Qingqing who was about to cry, and sighed inwardly.

He didn't feel it anymore, but at this time he also had a feeling of distressing this girl.

Just feeling bad doesn't mean liking it.

Nalan Qingqing is the daughter of Emperor Wuhou, even if she really likes Nalan Qingqing.

Then only one of 4 women.

Will Emperor Wuhou allow his daughter to share a man with other women?

Definitely disagree.

Therefore, Lu Chen had no choice but to cut through the mess.

Xiao Hongyu glared at Lu Chen, as if she wanted to force Lu Chen to submit by her personal aura.

"Lu Chen, you have 3 girlfriends we know.

Xiao Hongyu said angrily: "It's not that you have to have only one Qingqing, you are really."

After speaking, Xiao Hongyu added: "I don't want that ham sausage!

Xiao Hongyu is a typical Hate House and Wu.

The ham sausage that I thought was delicious before, I don't want to eat it now.

After Xiao Hongyu finished speaking, Nalan Qingqing raised her bowed head slightly, as if she wanted to see Lu Chen's reaction.

In fact, after returning home last time, Xiao Hongyu used the power of the imperial palace to investigate Lu Chen inside and out.

Including twins and Lu Jingzhe and so on.

As for the fact that Lu Chen had 3 women, Xiao Hongyu and Nalan Qingqing didn't feel anything.

After all, Emperor Wuhou Nalan Shengguang has publicly married 9 people.

Of course, if Lu Chen's talent potential is average, then Xiao Hongyu may still feel that it is not worth it.

At the age of 18, he has a large mid-term combat power.

This is a monster who is more amazing than Emperor Wuhou.

Such a character, even if he is only one of his women, would be the dream of countless women.

"you sure?"

Lu Chen frowned.

Nalan's green eyes suddenly lit up.

Xiao Hongyu cut a piece of ham and just wanted to swallow it in one bite, then changed it to bite half, and then said vaguely: "I still don't know what you men think.

"Looks like you know men very well.

Lu Chen glanced at Xiao Hongyu.

Then he looked at Nalan Qingqing.

Nalan Qingqing hurriedly lowered her head.

"Qingqing, I like love over time.

Lu Chen coughed lightly.

Nalan Qingqing raised her head sharply, her eyes were bright, and she nodded again and again: "Mmm, it's a good relationship after a long time.

Xiao Hongyu smiled and said: "This is the young man, if you want to love, you can love, and if you want to do it, you can do it, why should a martial artist be better.

After speaking, he sighed to himself: "It's better for you young people."

"Aunt Hong, you are not old. 35

Nalan Qingqing felt that the whole world was much brighter, and said happily: "After I marry Lu Chen, Aunt Hong, hurry up and find one."5

In order to take care of Nalan Qingqing for so many years, Aunt Hong has not had the opportunity to contact the opposite sex.

Although the martial arts expert is already very young at 35 years old, Nalan Qingqing still hopes that Aunt Hong can have a good home.

Xiao Hongyu suddenly became impatient, and whispered, "You child, you are thinking of getting married before you even write your eight characters.

"Also, Aunt Hong doesn't need a man, just having you is enough.

"Sir, do you still need ham?"

At this time, Ning Shanshan said timidly.

She saw Xiao Hongyu before and said no, but now the three of them are chatting very well.

For a while, Ning Shanshan didn't know if she should tell the back chef to cancel.

"If you want it, don't say that the meat of the Longyang python is really delicious."

Xiao Hongyu seemed to have forgotten what he just said.

Lu Chen looked at Xiao Hongyu with a strange expression and said, "Longyang python also has a nickname, it's called the strong kidney and waist python, which nourishes the kidneys.

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Xiao Hongyu's face instantly solidified.

"You only nourish your kidneys, you only nourish your kidneys, no more. 35

Xiao Hongyu blushed and turned a little embarrassed into anger. The old lady is a big girl, and she needs to make up her hair.

"Really, Shanshan, go and talk to the back chef.

Lu Chen said.

"Hey, hey, stop, stop, yes!"

Xiao Hongyu tilted her head a bit in a fit of anger.

After dinner.

Xiao Hongyu was content with carrying 20 sausages. 450

Nalan Qingqing put her hands behind her back, and her light eyes seemed to have something to say.

"Qingqing, let's go back. 99

Xiao Hongyu said.

Nalan Qingqing was still hesitant to speak.

Lu Chen said: "Aunt Hong, don't you want to go to the Grandmaster Battlefield too, why don't you just let Qingqing stay here for a few days.


Nalan Qingqing almost jumped up with joy, Lu Chen understands me so well.

I didn't expect to send blood essence once, but I can live for a few days.

Immediately Nalan Qingqing was overjoyed.

Xiao Hongyu slapped her forehead, this silly boy, can they let you live in vain?

Not sure how to take advantage of you.

When you are sold by others, it is estimated that you will have to help them count the money.

"Then... let me stay.

Xiao Hongyu put down the red sausage, thinking that I am here and don't want to bully my family Qingqing.

"You live for 1 million a day.

Lu Chen said lightly: "Or you can pay for your work, just work here to exempt you from rent. 35

Xiao Hongyu was stunned for a while.

Immediately, he put down his sausage and raised his right hand to shoot Lu Chen: "You are only 1 million, you are only 1 million.

"2 million a day." Lu Chen said lightly.

The hand stretched out in the air suddenly stopped.

"Oh, Aunt Hong, 1 million is very cheap."

Nalan Qingqing whispered.

Xiao Hongyu was a little reluctant, but she also didn't want Nalan Qingqing to be enlarged by someone after staying here for a few days.

"Okay, okay.

"take money."

Lu Chen reached out.

Xiao Hongyu was instantly angry, but she had no choice but to take out a pile of cash that had been kept for an unknown time from the space bracelet.

Just as he was about to give it out, he suddenly pulled it back at the speed of light: "I'll count first, but I can't be cheap for you."

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