Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 227 The Immortal Martial Body is Complete! Lu Chen Becomes a Big Sect!


Lu Chen's body trembled, and was immediately replaced by a huge ecstasy!

"The fifth floor is finally complete!

Lu Chen shook his fist excitedly, his heart beating wildly with excitement.

Originally, the immortal divine tome is much stronger than the Nine Infants divine tome, and it may not be able to activate the highest multiple return, so Lu Chen did not think about consummation at all.

But looking at it now, luck is too important!


At this time, a mysterious and mysterious energy emerged, and in an instant, Lu Chen's internal organs turned into bright golden colors!

At this time, the internal organs are like pouring gold!

And Lu Chen, no longer has any shortcomings!

When the fifth floor of the Immortal Divine Tome was completed, it was as if the last piece of a huge puzzle had been put together.


An indescribable aura like a cosmic galaxy swept across the entire training room in an instant!

This terrifying aura seems to be able to make mountains and rivers collapse and shatter the rivers, as if it can make the sun and moon sink into the void and shatter.

As soon as it appeared, it was like a violent storm.


The alloy wall of the training room, which can resist the full blow of the peak of the big sect, is dented neatly!

At this time, Lu Chen's skin, bones, blood, and internal organs that had just turned into brilliant golden colors all turned white gold!

Not only that, Lu Chen's hair also turned from jet black to platinum blonde!

An unprecedented sense of invisible oppression rose up from Lu Chen, as if shedding golden light, with a majestic and divine presence.

"Cast an immortal martial body, the flesh is immortal! 35

Lu Chen's eyes filled with white-gold divine light, and his right fist was clenched tightly.


The air exploded, and this grip seemed to crush even the air.

"I'm big! 39

Feeling the almost infinite surging power, Lu Chen's mood was surprisingly calm.

The moment the immortal martial body was cast, Lu Chen's boxing power soared to 4,000 tons and was promoted to the early stage of the bulk!

And this is just a small improvement that comes with the completion of the Immortal Martial Body.

The real qualitative change is that the initial punching power of ordinary bulk is 4,000 tons.

But Lu Chen, who has an immortal martial body, is at the early stage of Dazong, but his boxing power is at least comparable to the peak of Dazong!



In addition, Lu Chen's body has truly reached the level of immortality.

Even the top sect, even the Tianzong, couldn't kill Lu Chen!

When the fifth layer was completed and the immortal martial body was cast, Lu Chen knew that even if he only had a drop of blood left, he could still be reborn!

Although this increase in combat power is not large, it can be resurrected from the dead!

This is something that even the Marquis cannot do.

Even the kings above the feudal lords can't do it!

With immortality in the flesh, coupled with a boxing power that is at least comparable to the peak of Da Zong, Lu Chen even has the confidence to fight Dongfang Qingtian!

Although he can't win a top sect like Dongfang Qingtian, Dongfang Qingtian can't kill himself!

"I should be able to hop on and off in the future.

In addition to the above changes, there is another ability that Lu Chen was looking forward to.

That is, after the immortal martial body is cast, he can condense an immortal clone!

The immortal clone has the same immortal power as Lu Chen's body.

The clone has no mind, but can use different martial arts like Lu Chen!

In other words, when Lu Chen summons the immortal clone, it is equivalent to releasing two martial arts at the same time!

what does that mean?

This means that if he uses the martial arts of the Great Impression at the same time, then the increase of Lu Chen's combat power will increase from 6 times to 12 times!

A 12-fold increase, coupled with the boxing power of the top sect, is the combat power of the top sect!

After all, even if the top sects use supernatural powers above the grandmaster martial arts, they cannot achieve a 12-fold increase in combat power.

"If I were to test my combat power now, I might rank in the top five on the Battle Star List!

"No, at least the top five!"

Lu Chen clenched his fists excitedly and murmured.

This kind of power even made Lu Chen feel a shudder.

Now, he truly possesses the power to destroy the world.

It's just that the immortal clone also has a limitation, that is, it cannot perform the same martial arts at the same time.

But this is actually nothing to Lu Chen, he still has a big artistic conception martial arts Dongwu Jiutian has not practiced.

And there is a system, there are as many martial arts as you want.

Even, even if it is supernatural power, he can get it!

"Ding, the system has been upgraded to level 5, and the maximum return multiplier has been increased to 400 times from now on. At the same time, the new permission: contract association has been unlocked!

At this time, the system prompt sounds.

As Lu Chen was promoted to the sect, the system level also increased.

"Good guy, from 300 times to 400 times, cool!"

Lu Chen is in a good mood.

400 times, then the speed of his improvement is even faster.

As for the contractual relationship.


When Lu Chen saw the introduction clearly, his pupils shrank and he took a breath.

The so-called contractual association means that Lu Chen can arbitrarily designate two living entities for contractual association with it.

After establishing a contractual association, the contractual relationship between Lu Chen and the associated object can exist permanently.

During this period, Lu Chen's boxing power can be improved in the same proportion according to the strength of the associated object.

For example, Lu Chen now has 4,000 tons of punching power. If his punching power is doubled, the associated object can also double his punching power.

Of course, there is a limitation, that is, even if the associated object improves the punching power, it cannot surpass Lu Chen.

And this candidate Lu Chen already has.

Those are twins!

Just imagine that if you double your boxing power, your twins will also double their boxing power.

Maybe he broke through from the peak of the martial artist to the aura martial artist all at once.

In other words, take off directly in place.

"This permission is so useful!"

Lu Chen said excitedly.

He owns the system and has the immortal tome.

The speed of progress is faster than that of any martial arts genius.

As for Lu Chen's 3 women, the talents are all top-notch, but compared to Lu Chen, they are still very slow.

Lu Jingzhe was fine, but if the twins were to improve step by step, they would only get further and further apart from Lu Chen.

Although Lu Chen doesn't need the twins to have much achievement in martial arts.

But at the very least, you have to have the power to protect yourself.

Especially in the future, the strength of their own enemies will be even stronger.

If the twins can protect themselves, this is not only good for them, but also saves Lu Chen a lot of worries.

"It's more useful than returning 100 times more.

Lu Chen sighed.

Immediately, Lu Chen's body was white and 450 golden rays of light advanced and retreated.

Hair and skin are all back to normal.

But the invisible bones, blood and internal organs, etc., are still white gold.

Inside, it's pretty amazing.

"Try the Immortal Clone.""

After the fifth floor was completed, Lu Chen easily condensed his immortal avatar.

With a thought, an immortal avatar with a whole body of white gold made of astral energy walked out from behind Lu Chen.

It was as if the shadow behind Lu Chen had been made alive.

"Is this the Immortal Clone?

Seeing the immortal clone standing motionless, Lu Chen felt quite surprised.

He can control the immortal clone, which is nothing to the scary Lu Chen with strong mental power.

The immortal avatar does indeed have the same strength as Lu Chen as stated in the immortal tome.

In Lu Chen's perception, the boxing power of this clone is probably comparable to the peak of the sect.

"Try. 99

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he immediately gave the immortal clone an order.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen's footsteps were illusory, and the wind-swimming steps started.

Immortal clone and slashed towards the alloy wall on the left side like a knife.

"Boom! 95

The alloy wall was instantly split in two, and the loud sound was like a bomb exploded.

"Sure enough!"

Just now Lu Chen used 2 different martial arts at the same time.

The immortal clone casts Wind and Thunder Slash, while Lu Chen is a martial arts skill.

"If I use the martial arts with my clone at the same time, the combat power... hess, I have to try it! 35

(Ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, congratulations for Lu Chen Chengzong!!).

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