Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 219 Space bracelet, super beast tide, we join forces

Strictly speaking, the space bracelet is not a technological product of this world.

It is based on the space stone produced in the otherworld passage.

The most basic space bracelet, that is, the low-grade space bracelet, has a small storage space with a length of 100 meters, a width of 30 meters, and a height of 30 meters.

Can be used to store non-living things.

However, the production rate of the space bracelet is extremely low, and it must be exchanged with the treatment of lieutenant general and above.

Therefore, the space bracelet is difficult to see in the outside world.

And a low-quality space bracelet requires 80,000 merits.

However, although the price is expensive, the benefits are real.

With the space bracelet, these exotic animal materials can be stored well, including all kinds of medicinal herbs, physical potions, etc. can be put in.

In this way, you don't have to worry about damaging the pills you carry with you because of the battle, and you can earn an extra wave of merits by relying on the accumulated exotic beast materials.

Of course, Lu Chen didn't plan to exchange it himself.

When the system contract time is up, wouldn't it be perfect to contract a lieutenant general who gets a space bracelet?

When the time comes, it will be better to return a middle-grade or top-grade product at a high rate.

Since the six-eyed magic spider is dead, there is no need to stay in this dark crack.


As soon as his thoughts moved, Lu Chen shot out like a cannonball.

But right now.


The ground beneath his feet trembled violently.

Lu Chen's face changed slightly and he quickly accelerated, and then, the surrounding land seemed to be torn apart by a pair of 433 invisible big hands.

The earth collapsed, and an indescribable terror and crisis came to my mind instantly.

"Fuck! 95

Lu Chen's scalp suddenly became numb, this Nima should be the eighth-order alien beast from below, right?

Eighth-order alien beast, that is the top sect level!

It was Lin Kaixuan, Dongfang Qingtian, and Luo Badao at their level.

"Alien Beast Riot!"

The word popped up in Lu Chen's mind, usually only the top 10 fronts would have riots of alien beasts.

Alien beast riots will bring about a super alien beast tide of no less than one million.

And the leader is the eighth-order alien beast!

When encountering a beast riot, it is possible to suppress it unless the legion commander comes in person.

If the leader is an eighth-order peak alien beast, it even needs the overseer to take action.

"Mad is unlucky!"

Alien beast riots don't happen once in a few months, and Lu Chen didn't expect that he would encounter it as soon as he arrived.

At this moment, the ground beneath Lu Chen's feet had shattered and disappeared, and Lu Chen, who was suspended in the air, glanced down, with endless darkness, manic aura, and icy aura...

One word, run!

At the same time, like Lu Chen, there were also Xiao Hongyu and Nalan Qingqing who ran as fast as they could.

Before the two of them could find the fifth-order alien beast, they were shocked by the eighth-order alien beast on the next few floors.

"Aunt Hong, is there a riot of alien beasts?"

Nalan Qingqing's face turned pale.

Xiao Hongyu took Nalan Qingqing's hand with a dignified expression: "Our luck is too bad, Qingqing, your speed is too slow, I will carry you.

"Okay, Aunt Hong really can't do us..."

"You can't use it until you have to. It was used by your dad to save your life when he left the earth."

"Oh good. 35

Immediately, Xiao Hongyu ran towards the ninth floor with Nalan Qingqing on his back.

But it hasn't reached the ninth floor yet.


The stone wall above fell down quickly like a collapse.

The stone wall with no end in sight seemed to collapse, and a terrifying force poured down instantly.


Xiao Hongyu's face changed greatly.

There are so many stones that there is nowhere to hide.

And even if she can break the stone, it will take a little time.


A red astral stance appeared, and those boulders flew, but Xiao Hongyu's speed was also slowed down.

Although it is less than 1 second, this time difference is fatal when fleeing for life and death.


as predicted.

In the dark depths, a giant beast whose eyes flashed green light stretched out a big hand.

Immediately, the ground from the eighth floor to the fourth floor also collapsed, and in the blink of an eye, the way forward for Xiao Hongyu and Nalan Qingqing was completely blocked.


This sudden change made Nalan Qingqing cry out in surprise.

And then.

"Fuck! 39

A curse sounded from above.

Xiao Hongyu looked up and saw a figure shimmering with purple-gold light falling down.

"That lieutenant?

Xiao Hongyu was shocked.

If the two are together, then Nalan Qingqing has a high chance of leaving here.

With any luck, all three of them might leave.

"That lieutenant general!"

Xiao Hongyu hurriedly said, "The alien beasts are rioting, let's get out of here together!"

(aiaj) After Xiao Hongyu finished speaking, Lu Chen, who had just been driven down by the dense boulders, looked back at the two of them.

With a plump figure and a gentle temperament, she is definitely the best choice to play a young woman.

The one who is about the same age as himself, is as light as a fairy falling from the mortal world, and his appearance can only be described as stunning.

However, Lu Chen was not in the mood to appreciate the beauty that appeared in the dark.

In fact, when he was about to go to the 9th floor, he found these two people, but he didn't pay attention.

And Xiao Hongyu and Nalan Qingqing also saw Lu Chen's appearance.

There was a flash of brilliance in the latter's originally flustered eyes.

Four words popped out in my mind: Dragon and Phoenix among people!

That's right, the lieutenant general above had a handsome appearance, exuding an unparalleled aura that looked down on the world.

The blue-and-gold uniforms framed the immaculate muscular silhouette of the opponent.

This is very similar to his father Nalan Sheng when he was young.

However, looking at the appearance, he is not very old, and it seems that he is younger than himself.

"It should be Zhuyan's skill, he is a lieutenant general, and he must be in his 80s or 90s anyway."

Thinking of this, the little joy that ignited in Nalan Qingqing's heart was instantly extinguished.

If Xiao Hongyu knew that Qingqing was still thinking about something at this critical juncture, she would probably go into a rage.

"How to join forces?

Lu Chen said solemnly.

The passage to the upper floor has been completely blocked, and Lu Chen has a hunch that if he tries again now, the eighth-order alien beast will be attracted to him and will directly attack him.

Although the figure of the eighth-order alien beast was no longer visible in the darkness below, Lu Chen could faintly feel that the one seemed to be paying attention to his side.

"Join us to break the passage above, if there are alien beasts, I will kill them, and you will continue to break the passage!

Xiao Hongyu spoke quickly.

She estimated that the passages from the first to the ninth floors may have been blocked.

If that's the case, it's several kilometers thick.

Even if the two of them are large-scale combat power, it is not possible to break through in a short time.

"it is good!"

Lu Chen no nonsense, this is the best.


Immediately, a purple gold and a red aura rushed towards the thick boulder above.

In the face of this critical moment, neither of them held back.

Xiao Hongyu also used her strongest means, but her martial arts of the Great Impression had only reached the culmination of her cultivation.

Like a drill, the two auras instantly broke a big hole in the boulder above.

And the two of them continued their offensive.

Especially Lu Chen, the purple-golden giant fists blasted upwards one after another, and it didn't take long before a hole nearly a thousand meters high appeared.

Xiao Hongyu was overjoyed, this lieutenant general's combat power was stronger than she imagined.

But Xiao Hongyu didn't have time to be happy.

A terrifying aura suddenly appeared in the darkness below.

In an instant, dense light spots of different colors emerged.

These are the eyes of alien beasts!


Lu Chen's eyes narrowed, and the wave of alien beasts was about to begin!

Immediately, the two had to speed up.

But the speed of the two people is fast, and the speed of the alien beast below is also not slow!


One by one, the third- and fourth-order alien beasts rushed out like a tide.

Behind the third- and fourth-order alien beasts, a large number of fifth-order and sixth-order alien beasts followed.

Roughly estimated, the number has reached 40,000!

This is just the vanguard, it's hard to imagine how many other beasts there are!

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