Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 214 The siege of the 7 order alien beasts

"Ow! 35

Lu Chen didn't even look at it, but his backhand was just a palm.

Immediately, the hound, which was comparable to the peak of a warrior, was divided into two by Lu Chen.

"Fortunately, the line of sight is not affected.

Lu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

After the Immortal Martial Body entered the fifth floor, Lu Chen's eyesight, hearing, and spiritual power were greatly improved.

Even if the surrounding area was surrounded by hot, crimson magma, Lu Chen could easily perceive everything within a two-hundred-meter radius.

And if you change it to a general sect, you will never be able to do this.

According to the mission instructions, Lu Chen continued downstream like diving.

As the depth increases, the temperature inside the dead volcano is also rising at an unbelievable rate.

But Lu Chen's master force field is rock solid.

Even after ten minutes passed, there was still no sign of rupture.

In addition, the immortal martial body seems to be a nuclear reactor. As long as Lu Chen is willing, he can even open the master force field indefinitely.


It didn't take long for two sixth-order alien beasts to pounce on Lu Chen, one left and one right.

The sixth-order alien beasts are comparable to the top masters, and their strength is much higher than the fifth-order top-level alien beasts.


Lu Chen's expression was indifferent, and the wind and thunder slash instantly slashed out.

The surrounding magma 433 rolled and boiled directly into boiling water under the terrifying power of Wind and Thunder Slash.

The magma shot out, and the two sixth-order alien beasts were split in half in the blink of an eye.

"Gollum. 35

As the battle subsided, the hot and hot magma around it calmed down again, flowing slowly like sea water.

After half an hour.

After killing all the way, Lu Chen finally reached the level of an extinct volcano.


Before the two feet landed, a two-headed fire bear and claws slapped Lu Chen fiercely.

"Early stage seven!

Lu Chen suddenly became interested.

"Keng! 35

After resisting the two-headed fire bear with a claw, Lu Chen's Grandmaster force field shook violently, but there was no sign of damage.

"It's me!

Lu Chen pointed at him like a knife, and his aura surged to the extreme in an instant.


One after another golden phantoms shot at the two-headed fire bears like sharp swords.

"Ow! 35

Facing Lu Chen's Peerless Star Stream Slash, the two-headed fire bear let out a shocking roar, and the hot magma around was blown away by this sound wave to form a vacuum area.


Immediately, a fiery red mask was formed around the double-headed fire bear, which was the master force (aiaj) field of the double-headed fire bear.

After doing all of this, a group of fireballs shot out from the big mouth of the two-headed fire bear like a barrage of cannons.

"Clang clang!

In the blink of an eye, one person and one beast collided.

"Boom!" 9

The soft magma layer below exploded directly.

A terrifying air wave swept out at an unbelievable speed, the wind whistled, and the flames shot in all directions. This scene was like a natural disaster!


After one blow, the two-headed fire bear flew towards the rear ruthlessly like a shooting star.

And Lu Chen's expression was as usual, and his hair was not messed up.


Before the double-headed fire bear could land, Lu Chen rushed out.

The scalding magma around was split to both sides by Lu Chen's terrifying speed.

"Boom! 35

In the blink of an eye, Lu Chen threw dozens of punches.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen's eyes burst into flames.


Unparalleled Star Stream Slash is on again.

Facing Lu Chen's physical fitness far beyond his own, the two-headed fire bear had no time to resist.

The terrifying fists brought up the afterimages, and just after the end, dense golden phantoms appeared.

These phantoms attack the two-headed fire bear from different angles with different movements.

"Ow! 39

The double-headed fire bear's alien beast force field collapsed instantly, sending out shrill screams and calls for help.

Just when Lu Chen was about to completely end the double-headed fire bear.


Deep in the bottom of the volcano, there was a sudden roar that made the eardrums tremble.

Lu Chen looked up, the stone wall in the distance began to turn red, and then quickly melted.

Immediately, he saw two pale white eyes the size of a basketball.

"Dead Flame Tiger King!

Lu Chen's expression condensed, and he finally attracted this guy.

Just when Lu Chen was planning to capture the thief first and the king.

"Whoosh whoosh!

Five alien beasts whose strength was no weaker than the two-headed fire bears rushed out from behind the dead flame tiger king.

A 20-meter-high terrifying face with densely packed no less than 100 eyes.

A snake-like head but with 6 fiery red tails.

There are also two identical giant mice.

The simultaneous appearance of 4 strange beasts in the early stage of the seventh order made the surrounding magma involuntarily retreat.

"Hehe, how much is more bullying?"

Lu Chen looked as usual: "Then let's start with you little ones!

This wave of killing Lu Chen can earn more than 20,000 merits.


As soon as the voice fell, golden shadows floated out of Lu Chen's body like snowflakes.

The four alien beasts let out a roar at the same time.

The two giant mice charged first, and the speed was extremely fast.

"Kang Keng!"

The sharp teeth collided with the Grandmaster force field, making a dull golden and iron symphony.

And when the golden phantom rushed towards the giant mouse.

The giant beast with eyes full of eyes screamed, and dark green rays of light shot out from each eye.

At the same time, the big snake swung its 6 tails.

The fire was blazing.

Facing the initial battle strength of the 4 big sects, Lu Chen was not afraid.

After the grandmaster force field resisted a wave of attacks.

Lu Chen's fists were as fast as lightning, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of punches were thrown.

One of the fire mice screamed and was cut off by Lu Chen.

Then, the pale golden aura around Lu Chen disappeared.

When the purple-gold aura covered the whole body, the four early stage seventh-order alien beasts simultaneously felt an aura that changed their color!

"Godless Fist!"

Lu Chen clenched his fist with his right hand, and even the surrounding air seemed to be compressed under the terrifying power.

In an instant, a purple-golden fist with a diameter of thirty meters suddenly appeared.

This purple-golden giant fist seemed to be a galloping mountain and slammed into the four alien beasts.

The first to be hit were the two fire demon rats.

The Fire Demon Rat's hard bones shattered with a click.

Under the domineering and unparalleled Shenxiang Wushuang fists, he didn't even make a scream, and he died instantly!

Then, there was the behemoth with eyes full of eyes.

The fist has not yet arrived, and the eyes on his face burst open like grapes.

The dark green liquid in the eyeballs mixed with the surrounding magma, and a disgusting smell came out.

Then, the giant beast's body exploded.

And the last 6-tailed serpent wanted to escape under this extremely strong life-and-death crisis.

However, the speed of Shenxiang Wushuangquan is too fast.

Before it could respond, the purple-golden fist slammed down.


The serpent let out a toothless screech.

The 6 tails turned into powder, and the snake's head suffocated under the terrifying impact.

With one punch, kill four first-order seventh-order alien beasts in seconds!

However, before Lu Chen could close his fists, a blazing heat suddenly struck behind him.

The next moment, I saw the dead flame tiger king who appeared behind him at no time, stretched out his flaming tiger claws and patted Lu Chen's back!

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