Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 174 Your self confidence is quite strong, the 2 psionic card is in hand (please complete ord

With the blessing of the immortal martial body and the gust of wind, Lu Chen's speed reached an unprecedented new height.

In less than half an hour, Lu Chen had already crossed most of the battlefield of alien beasts.

At this time, Lu Chen saw the sword-wielding youth in the distance.

"Jiro Turtle's brother?

Lu Chen appeared in front of the sword-wielding youth like a teleportation.

The sword-wielding youth was named Ichiro Tome, and as Lu Chen had guessed, he was indeed the brother of Ichiro Tome.

However, compared to his younger brother, Ichiro Tome is obviously much stronger.


Turtle Ichiro had been preparing for a long time, but Lu Chen took a step back as soon as he approached.

At the same time, the long sword made of top-grade alloy was instantly drawn out.

"Lu Chen!"

Turtle Ichiro's eyes flashed with strange excitement.

Their mission this time was mainly about psychic cards, but Lu Chen had killed many geniuses from various countries in a row. If he could kill them, it was also necessary.

Moreover, when the time comes, his status in the country will be greatly improved.

Even, comparable to Lord Tennin!

Lu Chen looked up and down Ichiro Turtle, and immediately smiled: "You guys don't have any other skills, but your self-confidence is quite strong. 35

"Murphy is, Hannibal is, and so are you.

"Last time during the national war, I remember that a Marquis of Wu died. What's it called... Marquis of Guiwu.""


Turtle Ichiro was instantly furious.

The national war at the beginning of the Xinwu era was a disgrace to their great Japanese nation.

In the face of the absolute advantage of the number of people and the 417 forces far exceeding the dynasty, I thought it was a big victory.

As a result, Marquis Guiwu died in battle and Marquis Ren was seriously injured.

The death of the great master and the master still makes me feel distressed when I think about it.

For this reason, although the Great Japanese country has been enduring humiliation and burdens, it also tried not to mention the national war that year.


After Turtle Ichiro finished speaking, a light blue electric knife light hit Lu Chen's neck instantly.

"You're just like Hannibal, where's the arrogant capital."

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes and opened his hands.

The next moment, the light blue electric current was directly caught by Lu Chen!


Turtle Ichiro's face changed dramatically.

He only knew that Lu Chen killed the beast Hannibal, but he was not clear about Hannibal's strength.

Moreover, since he is the number one of the younger generation of the Great Japanese Country, he is still a little arrogant in his heart.

However, Tome Ichiro never dreamed that his high-voltage electric slash would be caught by Lu Chen!?

Are his hands alright?

In fact, Lu Chen's hand still felt a little bit.

Sore a bit.

Although Tome Ichiro's move is enough to instantly kill warriors below the grandmaster, even the grandmaster force field can be broken.

But don't forget, Lu Chen (aiaj) is not mortal anymore.

Even if the immortal martial body is only half completed, it is not something that Turtle Ichiro can break.

"It's my turn!"

Lu Chen casually squeezed the electric current.

Sparks flew everywhere, and the manic scene saw Ichiro Turtle's scalp tingling.

"call out!"

In an instant, Lu Chen's figure instantly disappeared in front of Turtle Ichiro.

Turtle Ichiro's pupils shrank, and the hair on his body exploded.


With an instinctive reaction, the alloy long sword in Tome Ichiro's hand stabbed to the left instantly.

"Pfft! 35

A golden phantom was penetrated by the long sword.

But before Ichiro Tsutomu showed a happy expression on his face, the golden figure had disappeared.

Right now.


Behind him, the golden shadows hit Ichiro Turtle in an instant like a saturated missile.

Just like Hannibal at that time, the golden phantom penetrated through the body of Ichiro Turtle in different postures, or punching, kicking, or using a knife.

Turtle Ichiro's body trembled slightly, looking at the golden phantoms that flashed from his chest one by one.

"Bang! 35

Immediately afterwards, Ichiro Tometoe fell straight down with his face on the ground in his previous sword-pulling posture.

Those golden phantoms flew into the distant woods.

Suddenly, a deafening explosion sounded.

The dust filled the sky and the trees splashed.

In situ, a large pit tens of meters wide was blown up by this manic spiritual power.

"Fix one, and seven more.

Lin Kaixuan told Lu Chen before that he should kill as many as he can.

Lu Chen estimated that these 8 people might need 8 people to start a combination attack similar to the formation method.

Or, the purpose and mission of the 8 people will cause great losses to the dynasty.

Lu Chen fumbled for a moment from Turtle Ichiro.

Soon Lu Chen's eyes lit up.

"Psionic card!"

A spar almost the same size as Lu Chen's hand came into view.

Lu Chen subconsciously took it to his ear and listened.


Immediately, Lu Chen's eyes narrowed, this time he heard the wind from inside!

The whistling sound of the wind, like the strong wind whistling on the top of a mountain, makes people feel like they are hurriedly wrapping their clothes.

"Does it sound different in each psionic card?"

Lu Chen took out his psionic card again, still with a thumping heartbeat.

"It's not the same.""


Lu Chen collected 2 psionic cards.

Immediately, his mind moved, and he stepped on the ground.

Under the terrifying explosive power of the immortal martial body, Lu Chen's foot seemed to contain infinite power.

Immediately, Tome Ichiro's shattered body exploded.

And Lu Chen's soaring speed appeared tens of meters away in the blink of an eye.

"It seems that I have to contract another martial art skill. It's really easy to use."

Immortal martial body, driven by aura, coupled with gust of wind, Lu Chen's speed is like teleportation.

At this time, battles were taking place almost everywhere in the huge alien beast battlefield.

For many aura warriors, the battlefield of alien beasts is extremely dangerous.

Therefore, many people do not dare to go deep, and can only hunt those ordinary fourth-order exotic beasts on the periphery.

And there are also many people who choose to hunt alien beasts in groups.

The further in the battlefield, the fewer people there are.

Seen from a high altitude, those generals, warriors and grandmasters are all rushing towards the center.

In all directions, there are warriors gathering.

In the most central area of ​​the battlefield, there is a huge canyon with a diameter of about 50 kilometers.

The canyon is dark and sunless, like a hell on earth, exuding heart-pounding fluctuations.

outside the canyon.


Dongfang Ren Tu held a knife in his left hand, and two sharp sword beams shot out, and instantly two fifth-order alien beasts fell to the ground and died.

"Second piece!"

Dongfang Rentu found a psionic card from one of the corpses.

Just about to move on.

"Creak. 39

In the distance, there was a sudden sound of strange footsteps.

Dongfang Rentu stopped and looked back, it turned out to be a dark-skinned youth.

At this time, the young man's height reached 2 meters, and his muscles rolled all over his body.

"Hehe, the one who sent the psychic card is here.

Dongfang Rentu changed the sword in his hand to his right hand.

On the opposite side, the black youth split his mouth and said, "Oriental Tu, I know you.

"Unfortunately, your opponent is not me.

The moment the black youth's voice fell, a cold arrow shot at an unbelievable speed behind him!

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