Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 169 Do you plan to take the 1 place in the 100meters high mountain?

Northern Front.

This is the pre-war command center.

At this moment, outside the lounge of the command center, He Chenjun of the Second Army Military Academy glanced at the time.

Immediately, he pushed open the heavy iron door of the lounge.

There was nothing in the huge lounge, only a young man with a sturdy body.

The young man covered his head with a towel, and his strong muscles contained an indescribable sense of oppression.

"Tuoba, it's almost time.

He Chenjun said softly.

Tuoba Moxiong threw away the towel on his head when he heard the words.

A resolute, cold face came into view.

On its left cheek, there is also a clearly visible wound, which seems to be scratched by a foreign beast.

"Let's go!

Tuoba Moxiong got up slowly, and his height of 2.3 meters made him look like a breathtaking giant bear.

A pair of iron fists clenched slightly as if they could shatter everything in the world.

"Tuoba, I heard that there is an amazing monk from Xuanyin Temple."

He Chenjun was half a position behind Tuoba Moxiong: "Have you heard of it?"

He Chenjun is already very tall, 1.82 meters tall, with a strong stature.

But in front of Tuoba Moxiong, he was like a child.

Tuoba Mo's sturdy body blocked the light in front of him and heard the words: "It's called Puxuan."

"Pu Xuan?"

He Chen's 417th Army shook his head, unclear: "Are you sure about this championship?

Tuoba Moxiong stopped and looked back at He Chenjun like a superstar Titan Demon Ape: "What do you think?

He Chenjun's expression froze, and then he smiled bitterly.

Soon, the two came out of the passage.

What caught my eye were 2,000 youths in military uniforms.

The military, as a team with the title of invincible combat at the same level, its subordinates have experienced blood and fire experience.

The 2,000 people gathered together with a murderous aura, and everyone stood upright with a cold and stern expression.

"Tuoba Moxiong, the 100th championship champion of the military will be born from you!"

In the northern theater, the legion Jiang Dingguo said solemnly: "Do you have any confidence!

Tuoba Moxiong's body, which was still loose, instantly tightened.

The burly and sturdy body stood upright, with unimaginable perseverance in his eyes: "Swear to complete the task!

"very good!"

The gray-haired Jiang Dingguo nodded: "Let's go! 99


At the foot of Zuwu Mountain.

An alloy chariot came galloping.

In the sky, the densely packed fighter planes are like dark clouds, and the momentum is monstrous.

At the foot of the mountain, one tent after another has been set up.

This is where the 10,000 players of this championship live.

Shabby, crude, simple.

"Do you know the origin of Zuwu Mountain?"

On an alloy chariot as huge as a mobile fortress, Yuwentai asked.

"It seems that it was renamed Zuwu Mountain because the first Lord Wuhou of the dynasty preached Taoism on this mountain.

Zhou Zhan on the side said in awe: "And the name of the first Lord Wuhou is Zuwuhou, the ancestor of martial arts, the beginning of martial arts."

Yuwentai nodded: "Yes, and I heard that in the first year of martial arts, Zuwu Mountain was only more than 3,000 meters long."

"But with Zuwuhou's preaching and the abundance of spiritual energy, the height of Zuwu Mountain surged to 9,200 meters.

After Yuwentai finished speaking, everyone looked out the window.

Although it is very far away, I have seen Zuwu Mountain at the junction of heaven and earth.

Zuwu Mountain is covered with snow all year round, and there is the Zuwu Temple on it.

The championship game is held outside the Zuwu Temple.

After half an hour.


Two alloy chariots parked firmly at the foot of the mountain.

When Lu Chen and others got off the chariot, they found that there were no less than 10 chariots parked in the huge parking lot.

"More than a thousand people have already arrived early.

Lu Chen glanced around, then looked at Zuwu Mountain in the distance.

At this time, everyone is already at the foot of the mountain, but Zuwu Mountain still has a feeling of being out of reach.

Halfway up the mountainside, it was covered by layers of clouds and could not see its appearance.

"Lu Chen, the championship game starts tomorrow, we can go to the mountains to play later.

Liu Xinran smiled and said: "By the way, I will show you the Ancestral Martial Hall. 35

"Sister, have you been here before?

Lu Chen asked curiously.

"I didn't participate in the competition, but I came to watch the game. 55

Liu Xinran looked at the sea of ​​​​clouds in the sky and said: "(aiaj) At that time, it was relatively difficult to climb the mountain with my strength, but this year I have qualified to hit the top 50. 99

"Yeah, let's go then.

Anyway, there is nothing to do now, and the championship game will start at noon tomorrow.

The others were either wandering around or were already heading up the hill.

However, it is still difficult for most of them to climb to the top of the mountain with a normal look.

"Sister, who should we go up the mountain first?"

Lu Chen suddenly became interested.

Liu Xinran hurriedly shook his head: "I don't want to compare with you, you should come at my speed, otherwise I will die of exhaustion. 35

9200 meters high, its difficulty is not just height.

There is also the more and more powerful Wuhou coercion.

Although it has been thousands of years since Marquis Zuwu preached the Dao.

But the coercion of the Fenghou Realm powerhouse has almost been integrated with the environment.

From 6000 meters, Wuhou pressure will appear.

The higher the pressure, the stronger the pressure.

And at the top of the mountain, many aura warriors couldn't even stay for half an hour.

It's just that if you can't hold on and go straight down the mountain, Wuhou's pressure will disappear.

"Senpai, this pressure is so strong, what will happen to the people watching the game tomorrow?"

After listening to Liu Xinran's words, Lu Chen was a little puzzled.

They can go to the top with the might of Wuhou, but not others.

Especially some viewers are in the early stages of martial arts.

As Liu Xinran walked up the mountain, he said, "It's very simple, because before the start of the game, Lord Tianzong and the four Lord Overseers will descend on the top of Zuwu Mountain, and they will resist the pressure at that time."

Lu Chen suddenly showed an expression of sudden realization, and it made sense to say so.

"And you see there is no ropeway up the mountain. 35

Liu Xinran pointed to the left: "The distance is very far, but I can vaguely see a little.

Lu Chen's eyesight was better than Liu Xinran's. I don't know how many times he saw the cables that were thicker than a human waist at a glance.

The cables are made of high-strength alloys.

Countless alloy wires are entwined together, and even a 10,000-ton giant can be easily lifted.

On one side of the cable, there is also a very large cable car.

Lu Chen estimated that a single cable car might be able to handle several thousand people.

"Big deal!""

Lu Chen exclaimed.

Since Zuwu Mountain is located outside the Imperial Capital, it is in a forest.

So there are still beasts here.

However, before and after the championship game, the military headquarters and the nearby City Lord's Mansion Guards will send people to carry out the cleanup.

In general, even warriors can set foot in this area.

Of course, non-martialists will not do.

Lu Chen and Liu Xinran are neither fast nor slow, but even so, it is already unimaginable for ordinary people.

From a distance, the two of them walked fast like a dragon.

In the blink of an eye, he rose more than ten meters.

Soon, before you know it, you have reached the halfway of Zuwu Mountain.

From here, you can overlook the vast sea of ​​clouds and the glorious sun that stands above the sea of ​​clouds.

"The scenery here is so beautiful.

Liu Xinran stood beside Lu Chen: "It's a pity not to take pictures, otherwise it must be kept as a souvenir.

After Liu Xinran finished speaking, he hesitated and asked, "Lu Chen, are you going to take the first place in this championship?"

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