Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 164 The excitement of Dongfang Qingtian, this is the martial arts of the ancestors!


When he took a step forward, golden afterimages came out of Lu Chen's body and took a step at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, a hundred golden afterimages appeared from different directions and angles!

Upstairs, the four people who were watching the battle suddenly got up!

Moruo looked shocked and full of horror and said: "The master martial arts of the Perfection Realm!

Lin Kaixuan was also shocked, his eyes reflected the golden outline of Lu Chen and the hundred golden afterimages on the square!

And the most shocking and exciting is Dongfang Qingtian!

Dongfang Qingtian's eyes as deep as black holes were filled with indescribable excitement.

Ecstasy, incredible, emotional and other expressions appeared on the resolute face at the same time!

"Unparalleled Star Stream Slash! This is the lost martial arts Wushuang Star Stream Slash!""

Because of the excitement, Dongfang Qingtian's voice trembled a lot.

The commander of the first army of the dignified eastern theater, at this moment, is like a child seeing a lollipop.

On the square, the oriental Tu waist rod suddenly straightened.

He is very familiar with the grand master martial arts that Lu Chen uses!

It is very similar to the breath of the Jinyang Star Slash he cultivated!

But, it is stronger!


Between the electric light and flint, Lu Chen, whose whole body was burning with a golden "flame", exerted a little force on his legs.

The next moment, it rose into the sky at the same time as the hundred afterimages!

These afterimages are like lightning in the dark night sky, and 417 penetrates the deep purple "basketball" in a flash!

The dark purple aura, which was originally imposing, was now fragile like a bubble.


One after another golden phantoms instantly penetrated Hannibal above the sky with different attacking postures!

Unparalleled Star Stream Slash!

This is the first time that Lu Chen has demonstrated this accomplished master martial arts in front of the world.

Now, it has exposed its fangs, showing its extreme edge!


In an instant, a hundred golden phantoms instantly penetrated the blood-red aura around Hannibal's body.

The Grandmaster force field disintegrated like a piece of paper immediately!

Hannibal's face changed drastically, and he was about to dodge.

But the golden phantom was so fast that it penetrated Hannibal as soon as Hannibal's thoughts of dodging arose!


Looking from behind Hannibal, the golden phantom penetrated Hannibal's body and shot towards the sky behind him.

After flying out a hundred meters, it gradually dissipated!

From the ground, it was like a huge golden light group covering Hannibal.

The monstrous blood-colored aura was dimmed under the golden light.


When Lu Chen landed, the concrete floor burst directly under the terrifying impact of (aiaj)!


With Lu Chen as the center, a big pit with a diameter of about 30 meters and a depth of 3 meters appeared in an instant!

Around the big pit, cracks spread one after another.

Even though Lu Chen's Peerless Star Stream Slash is facing Hannibal at a high altitude, the remaining power of the Peerless Star Stream Slash at this time still causes extremely terrifying lethality!

At this time, Hannibal looked horrified above the sky.

"Puff puff!

Its chest, shoulders, arms, legs, and even head.

One after another, blood spurted like crazy with no money.

The breath of Hannibal, who had turned into a blood man, quickly fell back, and his beast-like state was lifted in a blink of an eye.

Then, like a kite with a broken string, it plummeted from the sky!

Facing the Peerless Star Stream Slash of Perfection Realm, Hannibal is already dead and can't die anymore!

Until his death, his face is still full of horror and shock!

This Lu Chen...has already completed the master martial arts practice!?


Just as Hannibal was about to fall to the ground, a gray streamer flashed by.

Then, Moro caught Hannibal.

But when Moro looked at Hannibal, his face instantly became extremely ugly.

Hannibal is dead, terribly dead!

There are silk-like wounds all over its body.

There are 100 wounds.

Some wounds have been connected together, and if you look closely, it seems that Hannibal has been cut by a sharp light.

If it wasn't for Hannibal's genetic fusion, his body would have been torn apart at this time.


The whole place exploded in an instant.

"Grandmaster martial arts? This is... Grandmaster martial arts!"

"Yeah! But Lu Chen has not only cultivated, but has also reached Consummation!?"

"Damn it, damn it! 35

"The master of martial arts of the Perfection Realm is so domineering, this has already produced a vision of heaven and earth!

"The power just now, I felt a tingling on my skin from so far away, that Hannibal is going to be unlucky!

Including Yuwentai, all the students stared blankly at the big hole in the middle of the square.

Inside the big pit, Lu Chen's body was still filled with golden aura.

Like a sharp and incomparable sword, it exudes a palpitating light!

Not far away, Moro's face was terrifyingly gloomy!

Lu Chen's move is surprisingly fast!

By the time he could react, Hannibal was dead.

The top genius of Zeus International University was killed by Lu Chen!


Thinking of this, Moruo's body suddenly filled with light gray spiritual energy.

But it didn't wait for Moruo to use the pressure of the great master to teach Lu Chen a lesson.

A sturdy figure like a giant pillar suddenly landed between Lu Chen and Moruo.

It is Dongfang Qingtian who is standing tall and wearing a purple-gold military uniform!

When Dongfang Qingtian appeared, the light gray aura in front of him disappeared instantly.

Moruo's eyes flashed cold and violent: "Dongfang Qingtian, what are you doing!"

"I should ask you this!"

Dongfang Qingtian looked at Moruo coldly: "Moruo, it's just a discussion, the casualties are normal."

"Normal? My top talent from Zeus International University died, you tell me it's normal!?

Moro's body reappeared with gray aura.

The whole person, like the god of death who controls the power of death, is murderous and deadly!

As for Dongfang Qingtian, his expression remained unmoved and calm: "Moruo, if you dare to move today, I will dare to make your Giant Eagle Country lose one of the top sects!


At this moment, Lin Kaixuan's figure appeared behind Moruo like a ghost.

There was a hint of coldness in the calm eyes.

The vice president of Zeus International University, Hoy, is a little weaker, but he is also a top master.

The sudden entry of the four top grandmasters instantly left everyone at a loss.

Then, someone seemed to sense something and opened his mouth wide.

Could it be that there is going to be a war between the great masters?

"Impossible, they dare not fight!

On the side, an old man snorted coldly: "This is in the dynasty. Although it is due to the international communication rules, if those two old people really dare to do it, they will surely die miserably!""

The huge square was very quiet for a while.

Some people looked at Lu Chen frantically. Facing the four top sects, Lu Chen still looked indifferent and calm.

It seemed that the overwhelming sense of oppression was not directed at him.

There were also people who did not dare to breathe while watching the four top sects who were facing each other.

"Moruo, we are very clear about the purpose of your visit this time."

Lin Kaixuan said indifferently: "It's just a mere thing that is not human or ghost, and it will die if it dies.

"But if you dare to continue to make a fuss about this matter, then you can try to see if you have the guts!

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