Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 162 Watching the battle, is Lu Chen Hannibal's opp1nt?

"What's the situation, why is someone challenging Brother Lu?"

"I heard that because of the last time I played in the gym, that Hannibal wanted to find a place for their school.""

"Hannibal, is that the guy nicknamed The Beast, how strong is he?

"I don't know, but I heard they're all in the square, go and see."

"I'll call someone to cheer Brother Lu.

On Teikyo University Square.

Hannibal sat quietly in the center of the field, surrounded by hundreds of students.

Not many people really know the name Hannibal the Beast.

But everyone was shocked when they heard that Hannibal had already introduced the two grand master martial arts, and he still possessed the mid-term strength of the grand master.

Most of the Grandmasters of this level are still at the top level martial arts.

At best, it is very rare to complete an entry into a grand master martial arts, which is very remarkable.

And Hannibal actually entered 2 Grandmaster martial arts!?

Coupled with his unique gene fusion technology and mechanical skeleton, how terrifying his combat power should be?

Inside the building next to the square.

Lin Kaixuan, Dongfang Qingtian, Moruo and the vice president of Zeus International University, Hoy, were sitting at the table.

The expressions of the four of them were peaceful and there was no atmosphere of tension.

"Your Lu Chen, shouldn't be afraid, right?

Moruo raised his head, his gray eyes looked at Lin Kaixuan.

Lin Kaixuan smiled: "Don't forget, it was Hannibal who came to challenge Lu Chen."

The implication is that Lu Chen is the superior, and whether he accepts it or not is his own business.

Since you have come to challenge, then wait obediently.

Anyway, Lu Chen is still in retreat, not avoiding war.

"Hehe, I hope Hannibal won't be disappointed in this trip."

Moruo said lightly: "After all, we came here with a learning attitude.

Lin Kaixuan glanced at Moruo: "In our dynasty, students have to wait for teachers.

As soon as these words came out, Moruo's expression froze.

In terms of verbal skills, he couldn't say anything about Lin Kaixuan.

Since he couldn't say it, he simply shut up and didn't speak.

on the square.

"Oriental slaughter?

After hearing the news, Yu Wentai came with Zhou Zhan and others, and saw Dongfang Ren Tu wearing white gloves at a glance.

The Oriental Tu turned around and said, "It's you.

Yuwentai's expression moved slightly: "Are you here to watch the battle?"

"On the way."

Dongfang Ren Tu thought for a while and said, "It's also watching the battle.

Before Lu Chen's 12-game winning streak, it really caused quite a stir.

Although Dongfang Rentu has absolute confidence in his own strength, Lu Chen is too young!

At the age of 18, he can have the combat power comparable to the middle stage of the grandmaster, which he cannot do by himself.

Not only can he not do it himself, but no one in the entire dynasty can do it.

However, precisely because of his youth, he also has disadvantages.

The training time is too short!

This is nothing in normal times, but if it is in the championship game, it is a fatal disadvantage.

However, although Dongfang Tu does not think that Lu Chen has the strength to hit the top three, he is still amazing enough.

Enough for him to watch the battle.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Tu touched his gloved right hand.

This glove is not just a glove.

He hasn't shot in a year, he has raised his knife for a year and his mind for a year.

It's the day of the championship game.

"Is Lu Chen here yet?"

In the middle of the field, Hannibal raised his head and frowned slightly.

He has been waiting here for an hour.

It's not that he is impatient, it's just that being surrounded by so many people, he has a feeling of being deliberately left by Lu Chen.

However, since he is here, naturally he will not leave.

Unless Lu Chen doesn't plan to fight himself.

"What do you think of Hannibal?

In the crowd, Yuwentai asked.

Oriental Tu smiled slightly: "It's okay, I'm eligible to compete for the top 4."

"Good luck, the top three are fine."9

"Just the top three?

Yuwentai glanced at Dongfangrentu: "It seems that you have a certainty of victory.

"It is natural to win, but it may take some effort to win him.

Dongfang Rentu said with a calm expression: "These guys can't be estimated with common sense, but at most 3 moves, he will lose."5

"However, Lu Chen may not be able to beat him.

Yuwentai did not speak.

Win or not, you won't know until you fight.

Just then, there were footsteps in the distance.

Everyone looked up at the same time.

Hannibal's eyes narrowed slightly, finally coming.

But then, Hannibal was stunned.

"Brother Lu will take a while, and then wait.""

But seeing Luo Hong and Jiang Yunwei trotting all the way, said to the crowd.

"Ha ha."

Hannibal chuckled lightly, with no sign of anger on his face.

Then, he looked at Dongfang Tu Tu in the crowd: "How about we play first?

Dongfang Tu shook his head: "Don't fight.

"Are you afraid?"

"Let's talk when you win Lu Chen."

"Hehe, that's fine, I hope you won't avoid the war then."

Hannibal narrowed his eyes.

Dongfang Tu is very strong, but that's all!

After all, he has gathered all the scientific and technological power of the Giant Eagle Nation, plus the martial arts of the dynasty, the two sides have been perfectly integrated.

"Brother Lu is here!"

Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted.

Hannibal turned back quickly.

But saw nothing in the distance.

Ma Yu laughed loudly and said, "I'm kidding you, I believe it, it's really stupid. 35

Hannibal's expression turned cold, and his eyes instantly turned blood red.

A terrifying and ferocious breath burst out, and Ma Yu's expression stagnated and he stopped talking.

"Who is Hannibal?"

At this moment, a strong and magnetic voice came from behind.

When Hannibal turned around, he saw that Lu Chen, who looked calm, had appeared behind him at some point.

Hannibal slowly got up and stared at Lu Chen intently.

And Lu 417 Chen was also watching Hannibal.

Compared to that Murphy, this Hannibal is really strong!

It's like a big lake, with endless power and energy surging.

It's just that Hannibal is a lake, and himself, an ocean!

"Principal Lin, don't interfere later."

Upstairs, Moruo said with a gloomy expression.

Lin Kaixuan smiled and nodded: "Whoever intervenes is a puppy.

Moro was stunned and nodded.

Dongfang Qingtian on the side looked at Lu Chen, the more he looked at it, the more he admired it, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

"I hope Lord Overseer can win over Lu Chen. 35

Dongfang Qingtian said: "In that case, in five years at most, Lu Chen may break through to the great master. 35

"At that time, the military will add another unparalleled general!

on the square.

"You are Lu Chen? 35

Hannibal asked.

"I'm not Lu Chen, do you believe it?"

Lu Chen looked around and waved his hand: "Everyone, step back, the province will affect you later.

The new and old students all around heard the words and retreated at the same time, leaving enough space for Lu Chen and Hannibal.


Lu Chen nodded and continued: "Hannibal, let's start!"5

"very good!

Hannibal twisted his neck: "I like your crispness! 99

The next moment Hannibal suddenly let out a loud roar.

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