Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 158 The Great Master Takes Action, Killing Murphy

"Run fast enough!"

Lu Chen appeared on the bus like a teleportation, and immediately threw the half-dead Yaheng to the ground.

Murphy's face changed and changed.

He also thought that Aheng could stop Yi or Two anyway.

Can result?

"Since you're here to play, you'll be rolling when you're done."

Lu Chen said and grabbed Murphy's neck with a big hand.

"Wait, we're done kicking the gym!

At this moment, Ansidi, the female teacher leading the team who had not spoken, suddenly said.

As if he hadn't heard, Lu Chen threw Murphy out.


Under Lu Chen's full blow, Murphy was like a hard slate, and it shattered directly!

It wasn't that his body was torn apart, but the mechanical bones in his body were broken by Lu Chen's inhuman physique!


The blond, blue-eyed and handsome Murphy's face distorted instantly.

The mechanical bones in its limbs have been broken inch by inch, making Murphy unable to feel the existence of the body.

Under this scream, the surroundings were silent.

Liu Xinran and the others had a cheerful look in their eyes.

And Yaheng, who had not yet mixed in, looked extremely frightened.


This Imperial University student is simply a monster.

Obviously without using spiritual energy and martial arts, how can such a terrifying power burst out just from the physical body?

Has he been transformed too?

However, even after the transformation, it is impossible to have such power!

Genetic technology and human modification are still immature and have limits.


Lu Chen strode over and stepped on Murphy's chest.


The mechanical bones in its body were instantly deformed and collapsed.


The female teacher Ansi Di roared.

An incomparably powerful white breath instantly rushed towards Lu Chen.

And the surrounding gravity is like a hundredfold increase.

Many students close to Lu Chen, including Liu Xinran, have their legs bent.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Xinran's eyes were filled with monstrous anger and fear.

"Great master pressure!

This female teacher is a great master!

And Lu Chen was overjoyed after feeling the opponent's strength.

Immediately, Lu Chen's face showed a look of "fear `|| fear", and his whole body seemed to be pressed by Shan Yue and his body slightly bent.

Here comes the unlucky one.


Murphy was already stepped on by Lu Chen, and Lu Chen pretended to be under a lot of pressure, and his strength was even stronger and more ruthless!

Even, Murphy could vaguely see the corners of Lu Chen's mouth trying harder!

"He did it on purpose!

Murphy was in pain and fear, this guy was not under pressure, he stepped on me on purpose!

Just when Murphy was about to cry out for help.

Lu Chen used his strength to the extreme.


Combined with Ansdi's massive coercion, Murphy's chest was stepped on!

Lu Chen's feet slammed down, crushing Murphy's chest, ribs, and heart!

There was also a dent in the cement floor under the left foot.

And Lu Chen's face was still dazed and "horrified".


Not far away, Ansidi saw that Murphy seemed to have been trampled to death, and his heart trembled and quickly restrained the pressure of the great master.

She didn't see Lu Chen's acting skills, she just thought it was caused by her own coercion.

After all, can the Grandmaster resist the pressure of the great sect? That is simply impossible.

Liu Xinran and the others were relieved, and they were all sweating profusely.

The spiritual energy of the great master has been condensed into astral energy, and the artistic conception of martial arts is not as wide as that of the master.

The Grandmaster's martial arts artistic conception can be freely retracted, just like the aura of a general and a warrior, it can be pointed at a target at will.

Although Ansi Di's great coercion was not aimed at them, it still gave people a feeling of heart palpitations like falling into an ice cave.

Lu Chen also showed a trace of panic, and looked at Ansidi with a little "scared".

In fact, Lu Chen was overjoyed.

Sure enough, this immortal martial body can even resist the coercion of the great master as I thought!

Of course, it may also be related to Ansdi's lack of strength.

After all, Ansidi couldn't directly point to himself accurately.

But no matter what, the grandmaster resisted the pressure of the great grandmaster, which is scary enough!


Ansi didn't care about Lu Chen and the others, but ran to Murphy like a teleport.

Seeing that Murphy's ribs were broken into several pieces, and even his heart was turned into flesh, Ansdi's face turned pale.

Murphy... but the second strongest in their school after Hannibal the Beast!

Although the gap between Hannibal and Hannibal is not small, his talent is very strong and won the school's attention.

However, what Ansdi didn't expect was that Murphy died the first time he kicked the gym!

Or died unexpectedly under his own great pressure?

Andy's body trembled slightly, it's over!

Murphy's death is inseparable from her, and she will be severely punished when she returns to school.

"It's gone, it's gone, the Great Grandmaster is too strong, he is really like a god in the world, not something I can compare to!

Lu Chen carried the suitcase with "awe" and "fear" on his face.

And Liu Xinran and the others were eager to leave quickly in the face of the great master.

In an instant, only Ansi Di, who looked sluggish and regretful, and the foreigners lying on the ground were left in the huge school gate.

This time, I thought I would create a ten-game winning streak and make the so-called geniuses of the dynasty tremble.

But in the first battle, he was severely injured, maimed, and killed.

Such a huge loss was something Ansdi never dreamed of.

Inside Teikyo University.

"`" Brother Lu!"

Hundreds of new and old students followed behind Lu Chen, looking excited and frenzied.

Everyone looked at Lu Chen with burning eyes, including Zhou Zhan, Mei Liwen and other old students.

If there was still a little unhappiness in their hearts before, then now the unhappiness has completely disappeared, and their hearts are replaced by worship and awe!

One person, Lu Chen, solved the geniuses of Zeus International University!

This is not only a symbol of strength, but also a collection of various grievances between countries!

Over the years, the surrounding countries of the dynasty have not been peaceful, and some countries have even continued to provoke and hope to plunder some of the dynasty's resources.

Although the dynasty is powerful, it does not mean invincible.

For this reason, everyone has long been unhappy with these people.

It's nothing to lose to one's own people in the gym, but to lose to an outsider is really unbearable.

But Lu Chen's strong debut made the tone go down.

Not only went down, but also very relieved.

How people do not admire.

"From now on, Brother Lu will be my only idol! (Wu De Zhao)"

Melvin shivered with excitement.

Lu Chen, is no longer a freshman!

Rather, the face of Teikyo University!

He is the idol of all the students of Imperial University!

"Lu Chen, that big sect just now...

On the side, Liu Xinran said with some concern.

She was afraid that Lu Chen would be injured under the great pressure.

Lu Chen's expression was as calm as water, and his face did not show any awe or panic because of the appearance of the Great Master.

"Just a great master!

Lu Chen said calmly.

Not looking down, but not the slightest timid!

The Grand Master is indeed strong, but Lu Chen has grown to such a degree in just over 2 months.

What is the price of the great master?

"When the third floor of the Immortal Divine Tome is complete, maybe I will have the ability to fight an ordinary grandmaster. I may not win, but I will definitely not lose! 99

Lu Chen's eyes are bright and his heart is full of pride.

"Lu Chen."

At this time, a somewhat complicated voice sounded from a distance: "Come to me."

It was the voice of the principal, Lin Kaixuan.

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