Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 155: The Freshman Who Has No 1 Then Come to the Sophomore

"It's a coincidence, so are we!"

After Jiang Yunwei finished speaking, he looked at Luo Shao: "Luo Shao, I will fuck him. 35

Luo Hong nodded, this Tulum didn't feel very strong, and it was estimated that he only looked like a warrior.

Just let Jiang Yunwei try to see how strong the genetic technology of these foreigners is.

Although today is the era of martial arts, there are still very few exchanges between countries.

As for those illegal drugs, genetic technology, and even human body modification in foreign countries, everyone has only heard about them and rarely seen them on TV.

In reality, even less can be seen.

Moreover, Zeus International University is also closed, so fewer people can be contacted.

Behind Tulum, Murphy and others watched this scene with a half-smile.

Seems to be very interested in what's to come.

Jiang Yunwei stepped forward, and he didn't bother to say anything like clasping his fists and asking for advice to these foreigners.

"bring it on!

Opposite, Tulum stood still and waved provocatively.

"Crazy your sister!"

Jiang Yunwei stepped forward with great speed.

At the same time, his left hand clenched his fist and came towards Tulum's forehead.

The next moment.


Tulum kicked out violently.


A bone crack sounded.

Jiang Yunwei's face was instantly pale as snow, and the whole person spread out on the ground.

Not far away, Luo Hong's face changed dramatically, he lost too fast!

"The freshman year is different from the freshman year."

Tu Lun solved Jiang Yunwei and looked at Luo Hong mockingly: "You are better than him, come on. 99

"court death!

Luo Hong was furious when he saw Jiang Yunwei lying on the ground with an extremely painful expression.


Luo Hong punched Tulum's freckled face.

What shocked him was that Tulum didn't move at all!

"Dynasty men are really soft hahaha. 99

Tulum taunted and kicked out.

"What! 35

In an instant, Luo Hong only felt that there was an electric current surging in his abdomen, and the whole person flew out.

"Bang! 35

When he landed, Luo Hong's mouth was full of blood, and his expression was extremely shocking!

This guy... so strong!

"Luo... Luo Shao."

On the ground, Jiang Yunwei's eyes were red and he wanted to go, but because Tulum kicked off several of his ribs, he had no strength at all.

When the uncle of the guard saw this, his face changed slightly and he quickly called the infirmary.

Then he made another phone call: "Someone is here to kick the gym."

On the speeding high-speed train.

VIP room.

Lu Chen was topless, and his back was covered with the blood of a dark red alien beast.

The completion of the third layer of the immortal divine tome also requires the quenching of the vertebrae.

It's just that Lu Chen didn't have the third-layer tempering material, so he planned to use the unused fifth-order alien beast blood first.

At this time, Lu Chen's state was quite miraculous, except for the head and back, the rest of the place was turned into gold.

Pale golden skin seems to contain endless energy.

Since the fifth-order alien beast's blood essence is only the quenching material of the second layer, the effect of using it in the third layer is not significant.

Lu Chen has used up more than half of the small jar of alien beast blood essence.

However, there is almost no increase in the progress of quenching.

Fortunately, this is a free prostitute, otherwise Lu Chen would really feel bad.

After defeating He Chenjun of the Army Military Academy, Lu Chen's trip to the kick hall officially ended.

Although he didn't fight Tuoba Moxiong and Dongfang Rentu, Lu Chen didn't care anymore.

The immortal martial body is half completed, and now he should also win against these two people.

And this trip to the gym also gave Lu Chen a new understanding of his martial arts conception.

Lu Chen knows that after going back and digesting for a while, perhaps the artistic conception of martial arts will be truly perfect, evolving from "steel plate" to "alloy plate"


At that time, his grandmaster force field will show his fangs for the first time, shocking everyone!

While tempering his spine, Lu Chen looked at the scenery outside.

From Zhongdu to Dijing, it takes 7 hours.

But fortunately, it is very close to the imperial capital.

"I don't know if the vertebrae are too difficult to temper, or the blood essence of the fifth-order alien beasts is too ineffective."

Lu Chen murmured, and then he stopped thinking about it and continued to temper it.

Outside Teikyo University.

Whether new or old, more than 500 people gathered at the gate.

However, at this time, the expressions of the students of the Imperial University were extremely solemn.

"Is there no one in freshman year? 35'

The freckled Tulum kicked the fainted Yingyan out with one kick and said with a smile: "If there is no one left, then come to the sophomore year!

"Don't worry, you can bully the small."

Tu Lun's voice fell, and the emperor's eyes were full of anger.

Liu Xinran, Zhou Zhan and other veterans clenched their fists, wanting to go straight off the field and teach this guy a lesson.

Normally kicking the gym, it won't start so hard.

However, this Tu Lun, whether it was Luo Hong, Jiang Yunwei, or later Cui Jitian and Ying Yan, were all severely injured.

This is no longer a kick, but a provocation!

0...... Ask for flowers 0.

They just can't get out of the field.

Because behind Tulum, the other 4 people are staring at them.

Liu Xinran knew that once he made a move, those four people would definitely make a move.

And among those 4 people, the weakest ones all have the initial level of generals and warriors.

"No sophomores? If no one comes, then you can send juniors.

Tulum has won several games in a row with arrogance: "Anyway, no matter who comes, I will take it!

"Mad, how arrogant, here I come!

In the crowd, the sophomore Zhu Jian stepped forward with anger in his eyes.

"Zhu Jian, be careful.

The old student on the side said solemnly, it was Li Weijie.

Zhu Jian walked up to Tulum, and to be honest, Tulum felt very strange to him.

Obviously it is only the strength of the martial artist in the later stage, but it can exert punching power beyond his imagination.

Perhaps from genetic technology, or illegal drugs?

Zhu Jian didn't know.

But he knew that if he couldn't win this Tulum today, then Teikyo University would be trampled by these people.


Zhu Jian's imposing manner was much stronger than Ying Yan.

"A sophomore is so trashy?"

Tulum shook his head in disappointment: "Your dynasty, your bloodline is really inferior, even older than me and so weak."

While speaking, Tulum kicked out a kick.

Just like before, Zhu Jian, who had a good momentum, broke his ribs and flew out.

"White-skinned pig, you are less arrogant!"

Li Weijie was instantly furious, and as soon as he reached the center of the arena, he kicked Tulum with one leg.

"Your legs are as fragile as chopsticks.

Tulum shook his head, and immediately his left leg shot out like a cannonball.

Li Weijie's face changed dramatically, but it was too late to close his legs.


The next moment, Li Weijie's leg was broken.


The people of the emperor who looked at the shrill and painful screams looked extremely gloomy.

"The people of the dynasty really don't cry without seeing the coffin.

Behind Tu Lun, the dark-skinned and strong Yaheng smiled and said: "I thought the four famous schools were so powerful, but they were so weak after a long time."

Turtle Erlang said loudly: "Even the weakest among us, Tulum, can't beat him. This Teikyo University is really trash."

"It's not Teikyo University rubbish, it's Dynasty rubbish haha.

Park Taigui's voice was not small, and while talking, he looked at the many new and old students of the Imperial University.

"Mad, these guys are so arrogant, I'll fuck him!

Ma Yu's fists clenched loudly.

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