Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 149 The blood of the real dragon disappears, and the 2 layer of the immortal tome is complet

(Lu Jingzhe will receive it soon, and he needs to tell some plots in the background. Everyone wait patiently, by the way, ask for flowers for Sister Jingzhe, and evaluate the monthly ticket.)

"At the age of 18, it is comparable to the combat power of the middle stage of the Grandmaster, plus... the top martial arts of the Perfection Realm!"

At this moment, everyone in the wasteland martial arts hall was like a dream.

What a young person with a high realm can still understand a little bit, the key is that the combat power is still strong.

The most terrifying thing is that everyone's top martial arts are all consummated?

Can you believe this?


Lu Chen got up and left.

Outside the wasteland martial arts hall.


The crowd of onlookers who had not sat down for a long time burst into the sky at the same time.

"He's out! It's so fast, it's only 2 minutes in! It's over so soon?

"He doesn't seem to be hurt."

"Not only is he not injured, his clothes are not even dirty, damn it, can't even Tuoba Ao stop his winning streak? 99

"Hong Bin of the Barbarian Elephant Martial Arts Hall was defeated by him with one move. I don't know how many moves Tuoba Ao used to lose?

These are all people who came to watch the game after hearing about Lu Chen's previous record in Bei Liangcheng.

Afterwards, I saw with my own eyes the violent scene of Lu Chen kicking Hong Bin unconscious.

Now that Lu Chen walked out of the wasteland martial arts hall intact, everyone's scalp was numb.

417 Lu Chen stopped abruptly and looked at one of the crowd: "I entered the wasteland martial arts gym, and then defeated Tuoba Ao with one move, adding up to a total of 2 minutes.

Lu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a dangerous light in his eyes: "Speak clearly, or won't it ruin my reputation?"

A middle-aged man who was stared at by Lu Chen nodded repeatedly, his face turning pale with nervousness.

"Lu, Master Lu, where are you going?"

In the crowd, someone summoned the courage to ask.

Although Lu Chen is not yet a master, but he has defeated many masters in a row, and is already a well-deserved martial arts master.

Lu Chen smiled and didn't speak.

He used to be in Modu University, and the scene of one person crushing more than 100 people was photographed by surveillance.

Then I don't know who sent it to the Internet.

Immediately, Lu Chen became popular. It was the peak season of playing in the gym, and naturally there were more people who paid attention to Lu Chen.

And when Lu Chen defeated Manxiang Wuguan Hong Bin, his prestige was even higher.

So much so that when he came to the Wasteland Martial Arts Hall, he had so-called followers.

In fact, Manxiang Martial Arts Hall and Wasteland Martial Arts Hall, Lu Chen told some people after he came to Beiliang.

This is also what Lu Chen did intentionally, to increase his fame to avoid some inexperienced opponents coming over to waste time.

Lu Chen knew that after this battle, his fame should rise again.

"Next stop, go to Zhongdu!

Lu Chen turned and left.

There are sacred martial arts halls ranked first in the dynasty.

And if he wins the Sacred Martial Arts Hall, then Lu Chen also thinks about the eleventh game, the military department.

"Zhongdu! It really is Zhongdu!"

"Master Lu should be going to the Sacred Martial Arts Academy, but I heard that the 1200 tons of Lin Dasheng's boxing power is 100 tons higher than that of Tuoba Ao!"9

"Fuck, isn't that Master Lu going to lose?"

"Hurry up and book your tickets, it's too late to save.

"Yes, let's do the high-speed rail together. 99

Beiliangcheng High-speed Railway Station.

A silver-white high-speed train slowly left the station.

Just like when he came to Beiliang from the magic capital, this time Lu Chen also chose the VIP seat.

A VIP seat ticket costs 5,000, but with Lu Chen's current financial resources, there is no problem at all.

This is so because the VIP seat has a separate small room.

The small room has a fluffy bed, TV and a small freezer.

Lu Chen is not for enjoyment, but for practicing immortal tome!

When he came to Modu from the Imperial Capital, Lu Chen brought all the materials needed for the first floor of the Immortal Divine Tome with him.

Since Zhongdu is very far away from Beiliang, it takes 5 hours by car, so Lu Chen got in the car and hung up the Do Not Disturb, and began to temper the source of life.

"It can be tempered when it's almost time for Zhongdu.

After applying the mixed liquid medicine, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling a little excited.

This is the last time and all the materials have been used up.

Not surprisingly, the first layer of the Immortal Divine Tome can be completed in 4 or 5 hours.

At that time, his legs will become immortal warriors, blooming even more dazzling brilliance!


The high-speed rail galloped, crossing bridges and mountains.

As one of the four major cities in the imperial (aiaj) dynasty, Zhongdu has a long history and strong martial arts heritage.

It's just that Zhongdu is located in the mountains, and the terrain is steep and the peaks are endless. It is the most dangerous terrain among the four major cities.

Over time, the mountains grew more and more.

on the high-speed rail.

A beautiful flight attendant walked to the VIP room where Lu Chen was, and saw that the Do Not Disturb sign above was still there, then turned and left.

But right now.


An incomparably hot breath burst out from the VIP room in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, this breath entered the body of the flight attendant.

"Ah so hot!

The beautiful flight attendant let out a coquettish cry, as if magma was flowing.

Because of this scorching hot breath, the flight attendant's skin turned reddish.

But fortunately, in just an instant, the scorching breath disappeared.

The beautiful flight attendant came back to her senses and went to the door of the VIP room to listen.

But unfortunately, there is no sound inside, not even breathing!

"Should something happen?"

The flight attendant's pretty face changed slightly, and the heat just now came from here.

After hesitating for a while, the flight attendant knocked on the door cautiously.

Still no response.

Just when the flight attendant was hesitating whether to notify the flight attendant or continue to wait.


The door of the VIP room opened slowly.


The scene that made the flight attendant change color appeared.

The dazzling golden light flows along the crack of the door like mist.

At the same time, a dazzling golden figure slowly stood up.


The flight attendant subconsciously covered his eyes with his hands.

When she came back to her senses, she found that the golden mist had completely disappeared.

In the eye, there is a handsome young man with a tall and slender figure.

The youth's eyes are as bright as the stars in the sky, and they seem to contain some kind of soul-stirring power, and they can't help sinking into it just by looking at it.

"Sorry, I didn't surprise you just now, did I?"

A strong and magnetic voice came from the young man's mouth.

The beautiful flight attendant came back to her senses, her face was slightly red: "No no."

"I just thought you were inside..."

"Oh no.

Lu Chen looked surprised, with a sad or happy expression on his face.

"Okay then I won't bother you.""

The flight attendant quickly backed away.

"Hey, what about this?"

After closing the door, Lu Chen sat down and said with a headache.

The quenching of the first layer was much faster than Lu Chen imagined, and Lu Chen completed it in only 3 and a half hours.

In other words, the first level of Lu Chen's immortal divine scripture is complete, and the second level of cultivation can be started.

In fact, Lu Chen did exactly that.

Before doing a mission in Baocheng to kill Pu Hao, he accidentally obtained a lot of blood essence of fifth-order exotic beasts, and the amount was completely sufficient.

But when Lu Chen opened the immortal tome, something happened that he never dreamed of.

The blood of the real dragon in his body was swallowed up!

In other words, it was absorbed by the immortal divine tome as a refining liquid.

Although it was absorbed and returned to Lu Chen, and it only took Lu Chen more than an hour to complete the second layer of the immortal divine tome.

However, the blood of the real dragon is gone!

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