Gao Wu: Contract Twins School Girls Get Ten Thousand Times Return

Chapter 130 The task of a large number of people is trouble, Lu Chen strikes

Everyone looked at Lu Chen at the same time.

Zhou Yan frowned slightly, although you are the emperor, but you are too confident?

Generally, this task requires everyone to fully understand the situation.

Then, the local city lord's mansion will cooperate, and it is possible to start the action after full preparation.

You're here just now, and you're going to the mission point without understanding the situation?

Zhou Rui said softly, "Student Lu, this is an SS-level mission, we should be careful."

Through the previous introduction, she also knew the identity of Lu Chen.

"Hehe, then let's get in the car first and talk while walking.""

Lin Yuedong said: "It's just right, it saves a lot of night dreams."

Hearing Lin Yuedong say this, Zhou Yan didn't say anything, although he was a little upset.

Soon, the group got on a bus.

On the bus, Lin Yuedong continued to introduce the situation.

The three of Tong Yaoyao listened very carefully, and they would ask about the situation from time to time.

On the contrary, Lu Chen was unusually quiet, and even kept looking out the window and seemed to care little about it.

This time even Tong Yaoyao and Zhou Rui were a little worried.

Don't hold us back, this guy?

It's one thing to be handsome, but it's another matter if you're not strong enough.

This kind of task might be fatal.

"I don't know how the Emperor would allow him to take this mission."

Tong Yaoyao glanced at Lu Chen and muttered.

According to Lin Yuedong's introduction, Lu Chen was in the early stage of a general and warrior, and his strength was okay, but he felt a little too arrogant.

As for the students of the Imperial University, they naturally know that they are extremely talented and amazing.

At the same age, it is impossible for them to reach the level of Lu Chen.

Therefore, I also know that geniuses have their own pride.

However, pride also needs to be divided into time, life is at stake, you don't care about it.

"Cough, Mr. Lu, did you hear me?"

Lin Yuedong asked with a light cough.


Lu Chen came back to his senses and said: "It's okay, you guys talk about you.

"Lu Chen, we talked about combat cooperation just now, if you don't want to complete the mission, you can give up now.

Zhou Yan was a little displeased and said: "Don't disrupt our deployment at that time. If the task is not completed, let's be careful and lose your life in it."5

"This mission is not difficult and requires no cooperation.

Lu Chen looked at Zhou Yan and said seriously.

As soon as this statement came out, several people were so angry that they wanted to laugh, and even Lin Yuedong glanced at Lu Chen speechlessly.

This young man... is too arrogant!

No difficulty? No cooperation required?

I thought I was a master!

"That student Lu, why don't you support us later?"

Zhou Rui said kindly: "You are outside with Officer Lin and the others, um, we will give you a normal evaluation after the task is completed.

After the team task is completed, teammates and local people are required to give evaluations at the same time.

According to the evaluation of the two parties and the inspection of the task site, etc., the final determination of the amount of effort in the task process and the degree of completion.

Zhou Rui obviously also felt that Lu Chen was a little unreliable, so Lu Chen was allowed to support outside.

Lu Chen smiled and said nothing.

Inside the bus, the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

Fortunately, it quickly reached the destination.

"Our temporary headquarters is in the house in front of us, less than 1 km from the food factory.

Lin Yuedong said.

This distance can not only take into account the entire battle situation, but also will not be discovered because it is too close.

It is worth mentioning that Lin Yuedong and the others have already taken off their police uniforms and put on casual clothes.

This also prevents attracting attention.

"Then, let's go to the headquarters first?""

Lin Yuedong looked at the four and asked.

"Okay, please lead the way."

Zhou Yan said.

There is also a 20-person defense team in the temporary headquarters, all of which are the strengths of the middle and late warriors.

According to the plan, go to the headquarters to learn about the latest developments, and then start to assign specific tasks and determine contingency plans.

Started after that.

" go to the headquarters first, and I'll go to the factory to understand the situation first, and I'll come to you later."

Lu Chen said.

He had already seen the factory in the distance, and also saw police officers disguised as farmers in the farmland by the roadside.

Lin Yuedong was stunned for a moment, while Zhou Yan snorted coldly.

Zhou Rui and Tong Yaoyao didn't speak, but they seemed a little upset.

"Alright, but Mr. Lu must be careful, and don't get too close, so as not to startle the snake."

After thinking about it, Lin Yuedong still felt uneasy, and said, "They should all be underground, but there are landmines buried in the factory area on the ground, don't go in."

One of the tasks of the defense team is to clear mines and clear obstacles.

Lu Chen nodded.

"Officer Lin, you will find a reason for him to stay at the headquarters later. The three of us will act together with the defense team. 99

After Lu Chen left, Zhou Yan said lightly.

0.....For flowers....

"But, in this case..."

"It's nothing, even if this mission fails, it's better than dying with the pig teammates."

Zhou Yan said.

With one less warrior warrior, the difficulty of the task is greatly increased.

But compared to his unreliable teammates, Zhou Yan felt that his plan was better.

At that time, if the situation in the factory building is worse than expected, it would be good for everyone to leave the mission directly.

It's better than being pitted by teammates.

This kind of thing has never happened before.

Lin Yuedong looked at Zhou Rui and Tong Yaoyao, and the two apparently acquiesced.

"Okay, then it's settled. 99

Lin Yuedong sighed secretly, so it seemed that the possibility of completing this mission was greatly reduced.

It seems that only after 5 days, the City Lord's Mansion troops will take action.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuedong suddenly lost his interest.


But there was no way, who brought an unreliable person, Lin Yuedong could only admit that he was unlucky.

in the wheat field.

Lu Chen was as strong as a dragon, and soon came to the woods only 200 meters away from the factory.

With his extraordinary perception, Lu Chen immediately found a sniper on the roof not far away.

But it's just an ordinary sniper rifle, not a soul arrester.

"It's 3:30. If you finish it early, you can catch up with the high-speed train at night.

Lu Chen glanced at the time, and then a pale golden aura emerged from his body.

The next moment, I saw Lu Chen slowly floating to a position 100 meters above the ground.

This is the best position for a warrior warrior to remain comfortable.

In this position, the warrior warrior can exert the same combat power as on the ground.

"This kind of task with many people is really a waste of time, try to avoid it next time.

After Lu Chen finished speaking, his speed skyrocketed.


Compared with aura warriors, war generals warriors have a longer and more stable flight in the sky.

The reason why Lu Chen took this approach was that he did not want to be alerted by touching a landmine.

Although those landmines couldn't possibly hurt him, and when he started killing people, they would still attract the attention of the thugs, but it was much better than being noticed at the beginning.

On the roof of the factory building.

"Huh? 35

A middle-aged sniper was slightly taken aback.

I saw a golden light spot in the distance moving very fast.

By the time he reacted, the spot of light had already entered the factory building.

"Enemy attack!"

The sniper changed color instantly, and then quickly pulled the trigger nine.

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