Chen Minghui's angry shout rang in everyone's ears.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by Xu Tianfeng on the stage!

His body was radiating bright light, and a complete set of black armor, leggings, shoulder pads, weapons, and accessories wrapped Xu Tianfeng's body!

The powerful aura of Heavenly Venerate fills the entire arena!

"Exalted equipment suit? Thunder Dark Sun?"

"Xu Tianfeng! How dare you!" Wang Li also shouted angrily!

His complexion was flushed red, and the aura of the weather realm on his body was already aroused!

His own "potential" begins to blend with heaven and earth!

Seduce the power of heaven and earth and press against Xu Tianfeng on the battlefield.

Xu Tianfeng seemed to enjoy the roar of the two of them, not only did he not stop.

Instead, he showed a smug smile, "Mr. Wang, the battle has begun!"

"I did not violate the rules! Weapons and equipment are also part of strength!"

"Are you going to meddle in the fight between us?"

"According to the school rules of Tiansheng Academy, intervening in a voluntary battle, even if you are a teacher, you will have to pay a price!"

Xu Tianfeng said confidently.

All over the body, there is an aura of perfection in the Heavenly Venerate Realm.

It's just that this breath comes from the top-grade exalted equipment suit on the body!

But with its power, pinch to death a two-star Heavenly Spirit Realm?

Not like playing?

Although he couldn't kill this kid on the spot, he could break his bones.

Even something is missing.

It's not impossible!

What's more, he has a divine needle!

Thinking of this, the smile on Xu Tianfeng's face became more and more cheerful.

"You!" Wang Li seemed to have thought of something.

The momentum on his body trembled slightly, but after all, he did not directly intervene.

"Mr. Wang, it's okay."

"Just like his brother, he only uses some intrigues!"

"For me, fighting is a pleasure."

"It's just, the object in front of you!"

"Too dirty!"

Di Junlin's pupils gradually changed, and a golden pupil light lit up in the depths of the pupils.

He doesn't want to talk nonsense with Xu Tianfeng anymore, just blow it up!

Need for a premium set?

Can you compare to my Alyphis?

With my technology!

Fuck it!

"Blood Rage!"

Di Junlin's body suddenly lit up with orange-red light patterns.

The momentum of the whole body has almost doubled!

Get tougher!

The storage space flashed, and a strange purple-black giant sword appeared in his hand.

The strange magic eye on the sword body opened immediately, and the blood-red lines spread toward both sides of the sword body.

A magical thought instantly enveloped Xu Tianfeng!

"Huh? Do you think I'm not prepared for anything?"

"Thundering God's Ring!"

Xu Tianfeng looked at the magic sword in Di Junlin's hand and manipulated the black ring that suddenly poured into his hand!

A transparent mental barrier wrapped his body up and down.

The magical thoughts that Alyphis had just released were completely blocked out!

It couldn't affect Xu Tianfeng's sanity at all.


"This kid is only in the middle stage of the second star of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and has come into contact with the power of the spiritual level?"

"Or does this force come from the purple-black sword in his hand?"

"Impossible, he's just a civilian."

Xu Tianfeng calmly felt the magical thoughts from Alyphis.

Watching Di Junlin's movements with cat-and-mouse eyes.

It seems that there is no intention to take the initiative.

In the palm of his hand, three black needles as thin as hair are slowly condensing.


"You don't need to use magic."

"Can you smash the weapon on him?" Di Junlin asked in his heart.

Alyphis was wearing a pair of white stockings, a navel-baring vest, and hip-length shorts beside him.

He blew a breath of heat into Di Junlin's ear, "Master, can I eat all the sources of the equipment on him?"

"My first layer of seal can be unlocked just a little bit~"

Di Junlin only felt his earlobes go numb, and nodded subconsciously, "Yes."

"But next time, it's best not to blow into my ear."

"You are committing a crime!"

"Will be beaten to death!"

Di Junlin's thoughts moved, and he directly forced Alifis back to her body Sword Spirit Space.

A certain place on his body is filled with fervent blood, even more violent than the madness of blood.


The power of the blood prison's origin turned.

Controlling that piece of blood rolling towards where it should go.

Suddenly a certain crisis was eliminated, and at the same time, the power of the blood prison was shrouded in the place where Xu Tianfeng was.

Di Junlin's eyes were condensed, and the light golden-red eyes flickered.

Suddenly, the body of Alyphis was thrown out of his hand, and it turned into a purple-black streamer and shot out!

The blood energy and spiritual power in the body began to be consumed, and two blood-red double swords appeared in his hands.

"Blood Prison Three Stage Slash!"

Di Junlin stepped on the blood light, followed behind the magic sword and rushed towards Xu Tianfeng.

"Throwing a broken sword?"

"That's it?"

A trace of disdain flashed in Xu Tianfeng's eyes.

He's been looking into the details of Di Junlin before!

An orphan from the Barrens** Orphanage!

What level can the weapon in your hand be?

"It's time to end!"

At the bottom of the phantom of the skill tree behind Xu Tianfeng, several skill imprints light up.

The whole body is full of thunder arcs, and so is the top-grade exalted spear in his hand.

The gun body was completely shrouded in thunder.

He is different from Xu Tianhong's skill tree, it is not wind and thunder but a single thunder attribute!

Name: Thunder Blade!

All skill engravings carry the mighty power of thunder!

Currently sealed to the Heavenly Spirit Realm's four-star perfect fighting ability, Xu Tianhong, who has been sealed to the Heavenly Spirit Realm's three-star perfection, doesn't know how much stronger!

Xu Tianfeng threw the thunder spear in his hand with all his strength, and rushed towards the body magic sword of Alyphis!

But he himself began to use the special power of the supreme treasure to condense the creation of Yuan force!

Do not!

It is the creation of Thunder!

In half a second, there were rude Razers behind him.

These Razers lunged at Di Junlin, trying to engulf him!

at the same time!

A coercion from heaven and earth instantly blasted Di Junlin, who had escaped into a bloody state.

At this moment, Xu Tianfeng used almost all the fighting methods of the Heavenly Venerate Realm by virtue of the top-grade equipment on his body!

The only difference is that the power is less than half!

But that is only relative to the Heavenly Venerate Realm!

It is completely unbearable for ordinary Heavenly Spirit Realm!


Di Junlin snorted coldly as he felt the familiar pressure of the world.

The bloody light under his feet had dissipated, and this was the first time someone had interrupted the use of a skill imprint.

"This is the fight I want!"

Di Junlin was not surprised but delighted, his golden red eyes burst out with a feverish fighting spirit!

The blood and energy of the whole body began to boil, and the blood-colored double swords in his hands began to tremble instantly!

His arms swayed suddenly, and the two blood-colored double swords in his hands turned into phantoms in the air!

It collided with several Razers condensed by Xu Tianfeng!


the moment of collision.

Blood Prison · Extreme Swordsmanship starts naturally!

The double swords in Di Junlin's hands became flexible and delicate!

Under the influence of the power of blood prison, it is even more violent, bloody, and tyrannical!

In an instant...


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